Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies

  • 12h 2m
  • Deborah Ng, Jan Zimmerman
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2015

A new edition of the bestselling social media marketing book

Updated to include the latest information on engaging with your community, measuring your efforts, blending your social media with other online and offline marketing efforts, and leveraging data you collect into learning more about your community, this new edition of Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies will help you apply your marketing efforts to the latest social media marketing sites and tools. Inside, you'll discover how to devise and maintain a successful social media strategy, use the latest tactics for reaching your customers, and utilize data to make adjustments to future campaigns and activities.

Marketing your business through social media isn't an option these days—it's absolutely imperative. Inside this bestselling guide, you'll find out how to apply the marketing savvy you already have to the social media your prospects are using, helping you to reach and keep more customers, make more sales, and boost your bottom line.

  • Includes updates on the latest changes to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, blogging, and more
  • Offers tips for showcasing your company with a customized Facebook business page
  • Presents step-by-step guidance for setting up a social media marketing campaign
  • Shows you how to use analytics to assess the success of your social media campaign

If you're a social media strategist, website manager, marketer, publicist, or other employee who is in charge of implementing and managing an organization's social media strategy, this comprehensive resource is your one-stop guide to all things social media marketing.

About the Authors

Jan Zimmerman is the owner of Watermelon Mountain Web Marketing and has helped businesses of all sizes use online marketing and social media tools for more than 15 years.

Deborah Ng is a professional blogger, freelance writer, community manager, and social media enthusiast.

In this Book

  • Making the Business Case for Social Media
  • Tallying the Bottom Line
  • Plotting Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
  • Managing Your Cybersocial Campaign
  • Discovering Helpful Tech Tools
  • Leveraging Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Social Media
  • Using Social Bookmarks, News, and Share Buttons
  • Growing Your Brand with Content
  • Exploring Content Marketing Platforms
  • Developing a Content Marketing Strategy
  • Getting Your Content to the Masses
  • Using Twitter as a Marketing Tool
  • Using Twitter as a Networking Tool
  • Finding the Right Twitter Tools
  • Supplementing Online Marketing Tools with Twitter
  • Hosting Twitter Chats
  • Using Facebook as a Marketing tool
  • Creating and Sharing Content on Facebook
  • Gaining Insights about Your Facebook Community
  • Advertising on Facebook
  • Getting Started with Instagram
  • Promoting Yourself With LinkedIn
  • Promoting Your Business with LinkedIn
  • Starting a LinkedIn Group
  • Using LinkedIn as a Content Platform
  • Pinning Down Pinterest
  • Marketing with Pinterest
  • Driving Sales with Pinterest
  • Weighing the Business Benefits of Minor Social Sites
  • Leaping into Google+
  • Maximizing Stratified Social Communities
  • Profiting from Mid-Size Social Media Channels
  • Making Social Media Mobile
  • Multiplying Your Impact
  • Delving into Data
  • Analyzing Content-Sharing Metrics
  • Analyzing Twitter Metrics
  • Analyzing Facebook Metrics
  • Measuring Other Social Media Networks
  • Comparing Metrics from Different Marketing Techniques
  • Making Decisions by the Numbers