Successful Global Training

  • 26m
  • Michael Marquardt
  • Association for Talent Development
  • 2014

A country's culture consciously and subconsciously shapes values, assumptions, perceptions, and behaviors. Understanding how talent is developed in different cultures is essential for global talent development (TD) professionals. To be successful, these professionals must cultivate the appropriate workplace and learning activities that build on the work styles of participants.

In this issue of TD at Work you will:

  • Discover the challenges of training globally, including how they relate to leadership and communication.
  • Learn about the core competencies of global TD professionals
  • Gain tips and information about training design, development, implementation, and evaluation
  • Receive guidelines for global scheduling and resource challenges.

About the Author

During the past 40 years, Michael Marquardt has worked in nearly 80 countries and has trained more than 100,000 leaders and HRD professionals. He is a professor of human and organizational learning, as well as director of the Global Teams and Organizations Certificate Program at George Washington University. Michael has written 25 books and more than 100 articles on topics such as, globalization, global teams, cross-cultural learning, and global leadership. He is the author of Action Learning in Action and Optimizing the Power of Action Learning two books that have established him as a world leader in the field of action learning. More than one million copies of his publications have been sold in a dozen languages worldwide. Mike's achievements and leadership have been recognized through numerous awards including the International Practitioner of the Year Award from ATD. He also serves as the president of the World Institute for Action Learning.

In this Book

  • Global TD Challenges
  • The Successful Global Trainer
  • Training Challenges
  • Administration, Formalities, Hierarchy
  • Closing the Distance Gap
  • Conclusion
  • References & Resources
  • Job AID