Surprise! The Secret to Customer Loyalty in the Service Sector
- 1h 50m
- Vincent P. Magnini (ed)
- Business Expert Press
- 2015
Modern consumers are being bombarded with information from every angle. They can't absorb it all and, consequently, tune-out large portions of the information. Therefore, in order to gain their full attention, firms must find ways to surprise them during transactions. They must spawn mental script deviations for them. Research indicates that these script deviations can cement their loyalty. Therefore, Surprise! The Secret to Customer Loyalty in the Service Sector details how to create a surprise culture in a service firm. Any owner or manager competing in one of the many service sectors would benefit from implementing the information contained within these pages.
About the Editor
Vincent P. Magnini, PhD is an internationally sought-after speaker, business consultant, and educator. He is a tenured faculty member in Virginia Tech’s Pamplin College of Business and currently ranked as one of the top 12 most prolific hospitality researchers worldwide. Vince holds editorial board appointments on 10 of the leading research journals in his field and is a U.S. Fulbright Scholar.
In this Book
Surprise! The Secret to Customer Loyalty in the Service Sector
Information Overload
Script Deviation
Stories from the Hotel Sector
Surprises in Many Forms
Novel Surprise Ideas
Employees’ Motivation to Surprise
Employees’ Ability to Surprise
Expertise Awareness in Organizational Relationships
Expertise Access in Organizational Relationships
Rapport Building with Your Customers
Feedback from Your Customers
Scanning the Business Environment for Surprise Ideas
Final Thought