The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice, Third Edition

  • 26h
  • Eric C. Marcus, Morton Deutsch, Peter T. Coleman
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2014

In this introduction, I give some examples of conflicts and indicate the kinds of questions one might pose to understand what is going on in the conflicts—questions that are addressed in many of the following chapters. It also includes a brief discussion of the orientations of both practitioners and researcher-theorists to provide some insight into the misunderstandings that often occur between these two groups. It concludes with an abbreviated history of the study of conflict from a social psychological perspective.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Cooperation, Competition, and Conflict
  • Justice and Conflict
  • A Delicate and Deliberate Journey toward Justice—Challenging Privilege—Building Structures of Solidarity
  • Constructive Controversy—The Value of Intellectual Opposition
  • Trust, Trust Development, and Trust Repair
  • Power and Conflict
  • Communication and Conflict
  • Language, Peace, and Conflict Resolution
  • The PSDM Model—Integrating Problem Solving and Decision Making in Conflict Resolution
  • Intergroup Conflict
  • Judgmental Biases in Conflict Resolution and How to Overcome Them
  • Emotion and Conflict—Why it is Important to Understand How Emotions Affect Conflict and How Conflict Affects Emotions
  • Self-Regulation in the Service of Conflict Resolution
  • Group Decision Making in Conflict—From Groupthink to Polythink in the War in Iraq
  • Natural-Born Peacemakers?—Gender and the Resolution of Conflict
  • Resolving Intractable Intergroup Conflicts—The Role of Implicit Theories about Groups
  • Personality and Conflict
  • The Development of Conflict Resolution Skills—Preschool to Adulthood
  • Creativity and Conflict Resolution—The Role of Point of View
  • Some Guidelines for Developing a Creative Approach to Conflict
  • Creativity in the Outcomes of Conflict
  • Change and Conflict—Motivation, Resistance, and Commitment
  • Changing Minds—Persuasion in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
  • Learning Through Reflection on Experience—An Adult Learning Framework for How to Handle Conflict
  • The Alchemy of Change—Cultural Fluency in Conflict Resolution
  • Indigenous Lessons for Conflict Resolution
  • Multiculturalism and Conflict
  • Cooperative and Competitive Conflict in China
  • Aggression and Violence—Causes and Correctives
  • Intractable Conflict
  • The Pragmatics of Peace with Justice—The Challenge of Integrating Mediation and Human Rights
  • Terrorism—Negotiating at the Edge of the Abyss
  • Negotiation
  • The Mediation of Conflict—Context, Cognition, and Practice
  • Teaching Conflict Resolution Skills in a Workshop
  • Creating Constructive Communication Through Dialogue
  • An Empirically Based Approach to Couples' Conflict
  • Managing Conflict Through Large Group Methods
  • Group Relations and Conflict Resolution
  • Reconciliation between Groups—Preventing (New) Violence and Improving Lives
  • Social Networks, Social Media, and Conflict Resolution
  • Using Research Findings in Practice—From Knowledge Acquisition to Application
  • Nonviolent Struggle—An Overview
  • A Framework for Thinking about Research on Conflict Resolution Initiatives
  • Some Research Frontiers in the Study of Conflict and its Resolution
  • Concluding Overview


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