Continuous Integration: Jenkins 1.62 beginner
  • 2 Courses | 2h 12m 24s
  • 1 Book | 2h 27m
  • 10 Courses | 8h 5m 39s
  • 4 Books | 39h 25m
  • 4 Courses | 4h 28m 3s
  • 1 Book | 2h 27m
  • 2 Courses | 2h 8m 16s
  • 2 Books | 5h 51m
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Explore some of the Continuous Integration tools used in a DevOps environment.


Jenkins: Getting Started

  • 4m 33s
  • 6m 30s


Getting Started, Integrated ALM, & Fast Feedback

  • 5m 56s
  • 6m 39s


Jenkins: Introduction

  • 5m 48s
  • 7m 15s


Jenkins for DevOps: Jenkins Configuration for DevOps

  • 1m 35s
  • 13m 4s


Jenkins: Getting Started
Jenkins is a continuous integration tool that is used to streamline application builds and deploys. Learn how to use Jenkins to build and continuously deploy applications and examine how Jenkins integrates with other DevOps tools.
14 videos | 1h 21m has Assessment available Badge
Jobs, Security, & Run Options
Learn the essentials of working with the Jenkins continuous integration tool, including job types, triggers, SCM polling, authentication and authorization, and execution and installation options.
12 videos | 50m has Assessment available Badge


Getting Started, Integrated ALM, & Fast Feedback
In the software application environment, emphasis is placed on fast turnaround, frequent upgrade, and improvement. Discover the value of taking an end-to-end view of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) in the ALM process.
10 videos | 49m available Badge
Management, Software Quality, & Planning
Development teams must adopt practices, skills, and methodologies that support efficiencies at all levels of the ALM process. Discover how to minimize wasteful practices and develop a continuous improvement posture.
11 videos | 47m has Assessment available Badge
Process Roles & Microsoft Solution Framework
Application Lifecycle Management is a central component of the Visual Studio IDE. Explore Application Lifecycle Management with respect to established methodologies process roles and CMMI (Waterfall).
7 videos | 30m has Assessment available Badge
Scrum/Agile Processes
Application Lifecycle Management is a central component of the Visual Studio IDE. Explore Application Lifecycle Management with respect to established methodologies including Agile and Scrum (Agile).
19 videos | 1h 9m available Badge
Release Planning & Project Management
The central component of the APL development phase is the software iteration. Explore release planning tools and methodologies associated with the management of project requirements.
15 videos | 54m has Assessment available Badge
Managing Project Requirements
The central component of the APL development phase is the software iteration. Explore project requirements including effort management, documentation, UI storyboards, and requirements analysis.
11 videos | 43m has Assessment available Badge
Code Quality, Testing, & Development
The Visual Studio IDE promotes and supports the principle of quality within the development cycle. Explore the application of coding disciplines and testing practices to promote, build, and sustain application quality.
12 videos | 59m has Assessment available Badge
Quality Validation & Project Management
The Visual Studio IDE promotes and supports the principle of quality within the development cycle. Explore coding disciplines and testing practices to provide quality validation and implement project management.
14 videos | 46m has Assessment available Badge
Automated Testing & Deployment
DevOps is a methodology for practices and technologies that integrate tightly between the application development and production environments. Explore Visual Studio and DevOps as well as testing deployment practices.
9 videos | 44m has Assessment available Badge
Feedback Management & Troubleshooting
DevOps is a methodology for practices and technologies that integrate tightly between the application development and production environments. Explore Visual Studio communication, and troubleshooting tools and techniques.
9 videos | 39m has Assessment available Badge


Jenkins: Introduction
Explore the concepts of Jenkins 2 and plugins that are enabled by default, and learn how to set up a Jenkins environment, build jobs, and choose and use the right plugins.
13 videos | 1h 11m has Assessment available Badge
Jenkins: Creating Application Builds
Discover how to build jobs, manage source code, and incorporate advanced features of job and security implementations.
13 videos | 1h 13m has Assessment available Badge
Jenkins: Testing & Continuous Integration
Discover how to setup Jenkins to implement automated testing, publish reports and use the different tools to improve the quality of the codes
13 videos | 1h 13m has Assessment available Badge
Jenkins: Administration
Discover how to setup and manage multiple nodes for optimal performance, and explore the master and slave node setup, Jenkins best practices, deploying applications to the web server and automated release.
13 videos | 49m has Assessment available Badge


Jenkins for DevOps: Jenkins Configuration for DevOps
Explore the important concept of DevOps automated testing, the benefits associated with automated testing in Jenkins, and the prominent use cases for which Jenkins-a popular continuous integration software tool-cannot be used. In this 10-video course, learners are shown how to build Java projects to implement build and test automation, and how to automate unit testing Java projects. Other key topics covered here include performance test by using JMeter; implementing test and NGtest; job types and freestyle jobs in Jenkins; Jenkins build triggers and build steps; and generating testNG reports. Learners will also see demonstrations of how to build parameterized jobs and multiconfiguration build jobs, and how to run batches by using Jenkins. In the concluding exercise, learners are asked to list different job types that can be created in Jenkins; to list different types of build triggers that can be configured in Jenkins; and to implement pipelines in Jenkins by using WebUI and Jenkinsfile.
10 videos | 1h has Assessment available Badge
Jenkins for DevOps: Automated Testing & Advanced Jobs Using Jenkins
The open-source continuous integration software tool Jenkins can be invaluable for DevOps engineers. In this 12-video course, learners will continue exploring the role of Jenkins in DevOps, learning the different type of jobs, build triggers and build steps that can be built and configured in Jenkins. You will see practical demonstrations of how to install and configure Jenkins. Specific topics covered include Jenkins and DevOps; Jenkins and CI/CD; Jenkins configuration, job types in Jenkins; build trigger and steps; configuring freestyle job; and pipeline implementation with web UI and Jenkins file. Discover how to build Java projects to implement build and test automation; to automate unit testing for Java projects; to run batch jobs with Jenkins; to test performance with JMeter; to implement TestNG testing; and to generate TestNG reports. Review when not to use Jenkins. In the concluding exercise, learners will describe benefits of using Jenkins for test automation, then build parameterized build jobs in Jenkins, and configure multiconfiguration build jobs in Jenkins.
12 videos | 1h 7m has Assessment available Badge


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Pro Continuous Delivery: With Jenkins 2.0
Showing you three crucial elements for achieving a faster software delivery pipeline, this book provides a step-by-step guide for creating a continuous delivery pipeline using all of the new features in Jenkins 2.0 such as Pipeline as a Code, multi-branch pipeline, and more.
book Duration 2h 27m book Authors By Nikhil Pathania



Practical Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
For beginning and intermediate software developers and architects, this book helps readers navigate the complexity of development options and decide which techniques and Visual Studio 2015 features to use based on the needs of their particular project.
book Duration 3h 52m book Authors By Peter Ritchie


Professional Visual Studio 2015
With a unique IDE-centric approach and deep dive into the software's many nooks and crannies, this book will bring you up to speed quickly on everything Visual Studio 2015 has to offer.
book Duration 17h 52m book Authors By Bruce Johnson


Pro HTML5 with Visual Studio 2015
Geared toward individuals who want practical, real-world demonstrations, this practical hands-on book will help you to quickly master the new HTML elements, the improved CSS features, and advanced content including audio, video, canvas, SVG, and drag and drop capabilities.
book Duration 5h 12m book Authors By Mark J. Collins


Beginning ASP.NET for Visual Studio 2015
Your complete guide to the productivity and performance enhancements in ASP.NET, this in-depth resource walks you through the details, and shows you what you need to know so you can get up and running quickly.
book Duration 12h 29m book Authors By William Penberthy



Pro Continuous Delivery: With Jenkins 2.0
Showing you three crucial elements for achieving a faster software delivery pipeline, this book provides a step-by-step guide for creating a continuous delivery pipeline using all of the new features in Jenkins 2.0 such as Pipeline as a Code, multi-branch pipeline, and more.
book Duration 2h 27m book Authors By Nikhil Pathania



Pro DevOps with Google Cloud Platform: With Docker, Jenkins, and Kubernetes
Showing you how to use DevOps principles with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to develop applications and services, this book builds chapter by chapter to a complete real-life scenario, explaining how to build, monitor, and maintain a complete application using DevOps in practice.
book Duration 3h 24m book Authors By Pierluigi Riti


Pro Continuous Delivery: With Jenkins 2.0
Showing you three crucial elements for achieving a faster software delivery pipeline, this book provides a step-by-step guide for creating a continuous delivery pipeline using all of the new features in Jenkins 2.0 such as Pipeline as a Code, multi-branch pipeline, and more.
book Duration 2h 27m book Authors By Nikhil Pathania


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Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Channel GitHub
Rating 4.0 of 1 users Rating 4.0 of 1 users (1)