Go: beginner Go 1.5

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  • 7 Courses | 8h 1m 59s
  • 7 Books | 23h 1m
  • 2 Courses | 1h 46m 35s
  • 7 Books | 27h 28m
  • 1 Audiobook | 5h 39m 56s
  • 8 Courses | 5h 8m
  • 9 Books | 31h 27m
  • Includes Lab
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Explore the Go (Golang) programming language, a compiled, statically-typed language developed by Google.


Advanced Programming in Go: Deep Dive into Packages

  • 1m 34s
  • 4m 22s


Go Language Basics

  • 2m 55s
  • 5m 33s


Getting Started with Go: Introducing Go Programming Language

  • 1m 10s
  • 6m 8s


Advanced Programming in Go: Deep Dive into Packages
All Go programs are composed of one or more packages. Packages organize Go source code in a way that makes the code easily reusable and readable. Packages essentially allow you to take one or more source code files and compartmentalize them into a single unit. In this course, you'll explore what Go packages are and why they are used. You'll examine best practice for working with Go packages and learn about working with modules and packages. Next, you'll learn about package names and how to declare and import packages. Finally, you'll explore how to create and use custom packages and nested packages, as well as how to use the init() function in Go to initialize an application.
13 videos | 1h 18m has Assessment available Badge
Advanced Programming in Go: Concurrency
Concurrency is a critical component of modern software, as it is capable of leveraging modern hardware advances. Concurrent applications can execute various parts of a program out of sequence while not affecting the final outcome of the program. This is often confused with parallelism, which involves running multiple programs simultaneously. In this course, you'll explore the concept of concurrency by first considering sequential programming. With that foundation, you'll dive into multi-threaded programming and learn about the differences between concurrency and parallelism. Next, you'll examine Go's concurrency model and the concurrency primitives used in Go to build concurrent applications. Finally, you'll learn about concurrency patterns used in Go programming and how performance can be improved with concurrency.
11 videos | 52m has Assessment available Badge
Advanced Programming in Go: Goroutines
Goroutines are foundational components of Go's concurrency model. Goroutines may be considered units of execution in a Go program. Goroutines are very lightweight with small stack sizes. Consequently, millions of Goroutines may be spawned at about the same time on modest hardware. In this course, you'll explore Goroutines and how they implement the packages sync and sync/atomic. You'll investigate race conditions in Goroutines and explore race conditions versus data races. Next, you'll create and work with WaitGroups, implement atomic operations and see how mutexes are used with Goroutines. Lastly, you'll create and explore how to detect and avoid race conditions in Goroutines.
15 videos | 1h 20m has Assessment available Badge
Advanced Programming in Go: Go Channels
Go channels are constructs used by Goroutines to communicate with each other. Go channels, which can be buffered or unbuffered, are similar to pipes in that one Goroutine can send data from one side of the pipe to other Goroutines that receive the data on the other side. In this course, you'll explore how channels fit in Go's overall concurrency model. You'll learn how to implement non-blocking channel operations in Go programs and about the use of pipelines in Go. Next, you'll examine how to work with Goroutines, as well as buffered and unbuffered channels. You'll explore the range() and close() functions in the context of channels and learn how to combine channels and WaitGroups. Lastly, you'll learn how to implement a pipeline in a Go program.
12 videos | 1h 1m has Assessment available Badge
Advanced Programming in Go: Accessing Databases
The ecosystems of mainstream programming languages include various types of client mechanisms for interacting with common databases, including both SQL and NoSQL databases. The Go programming language is no exception. The Go ecosystem contains multiple libraries for building and using SQL and several drivers for connecting with and operating on different databases. In this course, explore how databases are accessed from Go programs. Work with databases by implementing a database driver for Go. Experiment by performing various operations and transactions on the database. Work with prepared statements. Finish up by practicing how to handle errors, null values, and unknown columns. Upon completion, you'll be able to perform several routine database operations from your Go program.
11 videos | 1h 10m has Assessment available Badge
Advanced Programming in Go: Testing & Deploying Go Programs
Testing and debugging a program is fundamental to creating quality software. Likewise, deployment is an indispensable software development step, which must be navigated appropriately. The Go ecosystem includes several options and approaches for both testing/debugging and deploying Go programs. Use this course to learn the various testing and debugging approaches common to Go programs. Experiment by executing unit tests against Go software. Perform tests based on test coverage metrics. Learn common approaches for debugging Go programs. Lastly, examine tools and techniques for deploying Go applications both on-premises and to the Cloud and practice deploying a Go program to a cloud provider. Upon completion, you'll be able to use Go to test, debug, build, and deploy Go programs.
10 videos | 1h has Assessment available Badge
Advanced Programming in Go: Best Practices for Go Programming
Adopting and employing best practices in software development not only mitigates virtually all levels of risk but also naturally results in high-quality, secure, and maintainable software. Consequently, professional software development organizations typically take care to observe best practices. Use this course to learn some of the most significant best practices when programming in Go. Study approaches to organizing Go code and documenting Go programs. Examine best practices related to error handling, data handling, concurrency, and testing. Then, finish off by implementing some of these best practices in a Go program. When you're done, you'll be able to leverage the benefits of a best practice approach when programming in Go.
14 videos | 1h 16m has Assessment available Badge


Go Language Basics
Learning the fundamentals of a new programming language is key to your success in using the language to its fullest. Learn the Go language syntax, including working with variables and types, as well as for, if, switch, and defer statements.
12 videos | 56m available Badge
Functions in Go
Learn the skills required to use the Go programming language to write your own programs. Explore using arrays, slices, structs, and maps in Go, as well as working with methods, interfaces, concurrency, and channels.
13 videos | 50m has Assessment available Badge


Getting Started with Go: Introducing Go Programming Language
Go is a language that attempts to combine the ease of programming of an interpreted, dynamically typed language with the efficiency, maintainability and safety of a statically typed, compiled language. In this course, you'll explore the history of Go, why it was developed and how it is used across specific domains in the real world. Next, you'll discover the differentiating features of Go, and how Go differs from other programming languages. You'll also explore the real world uses of Go, and the pros and cons. You'll then explore the Go Playground web service to vet, compile, link, and run programs inside a sandbox Finally, you'll learn to configure a Go development environment, installing a code editor and the Go tools on a local development machine.
11 videos | 1h 13m has Assessment available Badge
Getting Started with Go: Basic Programming
Go leverages some of the best features from other languages focusing on a simple, concise program structure and syntax. Go's relatively short learning curve means developers can start developing right away. In this course, you'll explore Go program structure and syntax and the various data types supported by Go. Next, you'll examine various approaches utilized in Go for developing program logic. You'll learn how to declare and initialize variables and constants and explore the specific operators used with different data types. You'll move on to learn how to work with complex data types and how to write code to control the flow of programs by leveraging looping and branching. Lastly, you'll learn how to manipulate and manage strings with various string functions available in Go.
17 videos | 2h 12m has Assessment available Badge
Getting Started with Go: Functions & Object Orientation
Go is a statically-typed, multi-paradigm programming language supporting functional and procedural programming, and while Go is not an object oriented programming language out of the box, it does provide types and methods that can conveniently be used to emulate object oriented programming. In this course, you'll explore how to define and write functions and you'll learn how functions can be declared with receivers to create methods in Go. You'll explore how pointers and pointer variables are used in Go and you'll learn how to experiment with structs as objects and interfaces that explicitly define the relationship between objects. You'll explore how data types in Go can have state and behavior associated with them, and lastly, you'll explore how a lightweight form of object orientation is achieved in Go.
12 videos | 1h 7m has Assessment available Badge
Getting Started with Go: Error & File Handling
Go has a unique approach to error handling, treating errors as values that can be passed around and manipulated just like any other values. The language also provides several packages and built-ins in the standard library for working with file systems and performing I/O operations. In this course, you'll explore how errors are handled in Go using error values. You'll learn how to handle errors by importing and using package errors and work with custom error types. You'll examine how to implement Go's defer statement along with the built-in panic and recover functions to handle and recover from real-time errors. Finally, you'll learn about file input and output and how to perform basic I/O operations on files and directories.
12 videos | 1h 30m has Assessment available Badge
Web Programming in Go: Web Development Basics
The Go Programming Language, also known as Golang, offers a powerful development environment for building web applications. Statically typed and similar to C in its syntax, Go offers structural type, memory safety, and garbage collection, and has become a popular choice for web development. In this course, you'll learn the basics of web development with Go, including the way web applications work, how HTTP factors into web development, web architectures, and the structure of web applications. You'll explore web development with Go and how web applications work. Next, you'll learn about the role of HTTP in web development, including how to create HTTP requests and generate HTTP responses. Then, you'll examine web architectures and how web applications are structured, including the purpose of multiplexing and http.Handler wrappers. Finally, you'll learn about the Go template package and how to create a basic structured web application using Go.
15 videos | 1h 40m has Assessment available Badge
Web Programming in Go: Creating a Go Web Server
In the Go programming language (also known as Golang), the net/http library is used for creating web servers that receive requests and send responses. In this course, you'll learn how to create a Go web server. First, you'll explore the Go net/http package and how to create a basic Go web server, including how to serve files using HTTP. You'll also examine how to work with Go handlers, including working with multiple handlers and chaining handlers. Finally, you'll learn about ServeMux and DefaultServeMux and how to implement routing using the httprouter library.
12 videos | 59m has Assessment available Badge
Web Programming in Go: HTML Forms & ResponseWriter in Go
POST requests are typically served up as HTML forms. In the Go programming language, you can handle forms using a number of functions. In this course, you will learn how to work with HTML forms and how to use ResponseWriter. First, you'll explore the concept of HTML forms and how HTTP POST requests are handled. Then you'll examine the Go ResponseWriter package and how to work with it. Finally, you'll learn about response headers in Go and how to with JSON output.
10 videos | 55m has Assessment available Badge
Web Programming in Go: Working with Templates in Go
In web application development, HTML is frequently combined with data from template engines using handlers. In the Go programming language, templates are utilized along with other actions and commands to display content. In this course, you'll learn about Go templates and functions and how to use them in the creation of web applications. First, you'll explore templates in Go and template engines, as well as how to parse and execute templates. Next, you'll examine actions in Go and how to implement them. You'll also learn about Go arguments, flags, variables, and pipelines. Finally, you'll learn about Go functions and how to use them.
14 videos | 1h 20m has Assessment available Badge
Web Programming in Go: Data Storage in Go
In web application development, data storage is utilized in a number of ways, including in memory, in files, and in relational databases. In the Go Programming Language (also known as Golang), data storage can be used persistently to improve performance. In this course, you will learn about data storage in Go and how to utilize it in the creation of web applications. First, you will learn about data storage in Go and template engines, including the purpose of persistent storage and how implement in-memory storage using structs. Then you will learn about the concept of working with gobs and SQL and how to store and retrieve data from a SQL database. Finally, you will learn about SQL mappers and how to utilize them in Go.
8 videos | 43m has Assessment available Badge
Web Programming in Go: Web Services in Go
In web application development, web services are used to provide functionality to applications. In the Go programming language, you can use existing web services or create your own. In this course, you'll learn about web services in Go and how to implement them. First, you'll explore web services, including SOAP and RESTful web services and how they compare to each other. Then you'll learn how to implement web services and how to work with XML and JSON files. Finally, you'll examine how to create a RESTful web service using Go.
8 videos | 49m has Assessment available Badge


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Go in Practice
Following a cookbook-style Problem/Solution/Discussion format, this practical book builds on the foundational concepts of the Go language and introduces specific strategies you can use in your day-to-day applications.
book Duration 4h 12m book Authors By Matt Butcher, Matt Farina


Go Web Programming
Teaching you how to build scalable, high-performance web applications in Go using modern design principles, this book assumes you're familiar with Go language basics and the general concepts of web development.
book Duration 4h 12m book Authors By Sau Sheong Chang


Go in Action
Providing an intensive, comprehensive, and idiomatic view of Go, this book is for any intermediate-level developer who has experience with other programming languages and wants a jump-start in learning Go or a more thorough understanding of the language and its internals.
book Duration 4h 16m book Authors By Brian Ketelsen, Erik St. Martin, William Kennedy


Tanmay Teaches Go: The Ideal Language for Backend Developers
Featuring detailed examples, code samples, and time-saving tips, this engaging resource shows, step-by-step, how to develop custom applications that fully utilize Go's lightweight runtime and concurrency features.
book Duration 2h 44m book Authors By Baheer Kamal, Tanmay Bakshi


GO Programming in easy steps
This book instructs you how to write code to create your own computer programs.
book Duration 2h 23m book Authors By Mike McGrath


Hands-on Go Programming: Learn Google's Golang Programming, Data Structures, Error Handling and Concurrency ( English Edition)
This book is designed to get you up and running as fast as possible with Go. You will not just learn the basics but get introduced to how to use advanced features of Golang.
book Duration 2h 11m book Authors By Prithvipal Singh, Sachchidanand Singh


Learning Go Programming: Build ScalableNext-Gen Web Application using Golang
This book is a unique read for both beginners and developers as it extensively covers topics ranging from fundamentals to advanced topics in Go programming.
book Duration 3h 3m book Authors By Shubhangi Agarwal



Get Programming with Go
For anyone familiar with computer programming, as well as anyone with the desire to learn, this book provides a hands-on introduction to Go language fundamentals, serving as a solid foundation for your future programming projects.
book Duration 3h 41m book Authors By Nathan Youngman, Roger Peppé


Go in Practice
Following a cookbook-style Problem/Solution/Discussion format, this practical book builds on the foundational concepts of the Go language and introduces specific strategies you can use in your day-to-day applications.
book Duration 4h 12m book Authors By Matt Butcher, Matt Farina


Go Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
For experienced programmers who have some or no prior experience with Go, this in-depth guide contains recipes that deal with the fundamentals of Go, allowing you to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
book Duration 3h 25m book Authors By Shiju Varghese


Network Programming with Go: Essential Skills for Using and Securing Networks
A unique book on programming with Go for networking, this book covers network architecture and gives an overview of the Go language as a primer, covering the latest Go release.
book Duration 3h 28m book Authors By Jan Newmarch


Web Development with Go: Building Scalable Web Apps and RESTful Services
For intermediate and advanced web developers looking to gain a deep insight of Go, this thorough guide equips you with the necessary skills and knowledge required for effectively building robust and efficient web apps by leveraging the features of Go.
book Duration 4h 14m book Authors By Shiju Varghese


Go Web Programming
Teaching you how to build scalable, high-performance web applications in Go using modern design principles, this book assumes you're familiar with Go language basics and the general concepts of web development.
book Duration 4h 12m book Authors By Sau Sheong Chang


Go in Action
Providing an intensive, comprehensive, and idiomatic view of Go, this book is for any intermediate-level developer who has experience with other programming languages and wants a jump-start in learning Go or a more thorough understanding of the language and its internals.
book Duration 4h 16m book Authors By Brian Ketelsen, Erik St. Martin, William Kennedy



Go Programming Language For Dummies
This book is a strong choice for developers creating applications for the cloud-based world we live in. This book will put you on the path to using the language that's created some of today's leading web applications, so you can steer your career where you want to Go!
book Duration 3h 1m book Authors By Wei-Meng Lee


Go in Practice
Following a cookbook-style Problem/Solution/Discussion format, this practical book builds on the foundational concepts of the Go language and introduces specific strategies you can use in your day-to-day applications.
book Duration 4h 12m book Authors By Matt Butcher, Matt Farina


Go Web Programming
Teaching you how to build scalable, high-performance web applications in Go using modern design principles, this book assumes you're familiar with Go language basics and the general concepts of web development.
book Duration 4h 12m book Authors By Sau Sheong Chang


Learn Concurrent Programming with Go
Learn Concurrent Programming with Go provides a practical, hands-on introduction to creating software for modern multiprocessor systems. In it, you'll learn how to divide larger programming tasks into independent parts that can run simultaneously. You'll use the Go language to implement common concurrency patterns by utilizing readers-writer locks, semaphores, message passing, and memory sharing. The skills you learn will easily transfer to other languages.
book Duration 5h 25m book Authors By James Cutajar


Go in Action
Providing an intensive, comprehensive, and idiomatic view of Go, this book is for any intermediate-level developer who has experience with other programming languages and wants a jump-start in learning Go or a more thorough understanding of the language and its internals.
book Duration 4h 16m book Authors By Brian Ketelsen, Erik St. Martin, William Kennedy


Tanmay Teaches Go: The Ideal Language for Backend Developers
Featuring detailed examples, code samples, and time-saving tips, this engaging resource shows, step-by-step, how to develop custom applications that fully utilize Go's lightweight runtime and concurrency features.
book Duration 2h 44m book Authors By Baheer Kamal, Tanmay Bakshi


GO Programming in easy steps
This book instructs you how to write code to create your own computer programs.
book Duration 2h 23m book Authors By Mike McGrath


Learning Go Programming: Build ScalableNext-Gen Web Application using Golang
This book is a unique read for both beginners and developers as it extensively covers topics ranging from fundamentals to advanced topics in Go programming.
book Duration 3h 3m book Authors By Shubhangi Agarwal


Hands-on Go Programming: Learn Google's Golang Programming, Data Structures, Error Handling and Concurrency ( English Edition)
This book is designed to get you up and running as fast as possible with Go. You will not just learn the basics but get introduced to how to use advanced features of Golang.
book Duration 2h 11m book Authors By Prithvipal Singh, Sachchidanand Singh



Go in Action
This audio edition introduces the Go language, guiding you from inquisitive developer to Go guru.
audiobook Duration 5h 39m 56s audiobook Authors By Brian Ketelsen, Erik St. Martin, William Kennedy


Go Programming Competency (Intermediate Level)
The Go Programming Competency benchmark measures your ability to work with Go's advanced programming features such as libraries or packages, data handling, efficient solutions for concurrency issues, and testing techniques. You will be assessed on your skills to work with modules and packages and Goroutine; improve performance with Go concurrency models; implement channels, pipelines, and WaitGroup; perform unit testing; connect to databases; and apply the most significant best practices of Go. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the ability to build robust Go applications with the knowledge of advanced features and techniques that the Go language possesses.
15m    |   15 questions
Go Programming Literacy (Beginner Level)
The Go Programming Literacy benchmark measures your understanding of the core principles of Go programming such as basic programming, functions & object orientation, and error & file handling. You will be assessed on your skills to recognize the real-world uses of Go, the pros and cons of Go, work with variables and operators, control the flow of programs with control flow statements, achieve object-orientation, and handle errors in Go. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the ability to write Go programs that leverage some of the best features from other languages focusing on a simple, concise program structure and syntax.
15m    |   15 questions
Go Web Programming Literacy (Beginner Level)
The Go Web Programming Literacy benchmark measures your ability to create web applications and web services using Go standard libraries.​ You will be evaluated on your skills in creating structured web apps in Go using template packages, creating a Go web server, querying databases, and building web services in Go. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the ability to develop simple web applications and build RESTful web services in Go with the support of an extensive and powerful set of built-in standard libraries.
15m    |   15 questions


Channel Languages
Channel Perl
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)