MySQL: MySQL 8.0 intermediate
  • 1 Course | 38m
  • 8 Books | 47h 55m
  • Includes Lab
  • 5 Courses | 3h
  • 8 Books | 55h 15m
  • Includes Lab
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Discover everything you need to know about MySQL, the open-source relational database management system (RDBMS).


MySQL: Getting Started

  • 1m 50s
  • 7m 31s


MySQL Database Development: Stored Routines, Triggers, & the InnoDB memcached Plugin

  • 7m 55s
  • 8m 26s


MySQL: Getting Started
Explore how database systems allow data to be stored and updated in a robust manner, and queried conveniently by using SQL language, and learn how MySQL can be installed and used from different operating environments. Key concepts covered in this 11-video course include requirements that a database management system needs to satisfy and the importance that consistency of the data in a system always be maintained; how to install MySQL on different platforms; and how to connect to a MySQL server by using a command-line interface. You will learn how to create a database and view a list of databases on a MySQL server; learn how to install MySQL workbench and connect to a MySQL server; and learn model entities in a real-world scenario for use in a database system. Next, explore how to execute commands from the MySQL Workbench environment; learn perform basic database operations such as inserting and querying data; and learn how to view table metadata and delete data from tables.
11 videos | 1h 8m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL: Creating & Updating Tables
In this 10-video course, learners can explore how tables in MySQL can be created to match entities and relationships as modeled in an E-R diagram and how MySQL allows the specification of different types of columns and column constraints. Key concepts covered in this course include attributes of keys, super keys, and candidate keys; learning how to model relationships in a real-world scenario for use in a database system; and learning how to specify non-null constraints while creating tables. You will learn how to run simple queries by using wildcards and where clauses; learn about the need for SQL and its important characteristics, SQL-based technologies also known as relational databases; and learn how to designate columns as unique while creating tables. Continue by learning how to perform update operations on data updating the structure of tables as well as the data contained within them in a MySQL relation; and learning how to perform DDL operations, including altering tables to add primary key constraints and dropping tables and databases.
10 videos | 1h 10m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL: Querying Data
Explore how MySQL continue to play an important role in complementing both data warehouses and programming language based frameworks, in this 10-video course. Learners will observe how MySQL tables can be queried by using classic SQL syntax and how common types of queries tie closely to common patterns in table design. Key concepts covered here include how to write queries to explore entity and relationship data, including foreign keys; how to translate entity-relationship models into actual database table schemas; and learning about correct data types and constraints for specific columns in a table schema. You will learn how to use relational and logical operators in WHERE clause of MySQL queries; how to use LIKE and IN operators, as well as pattern matching with wildcards in queries; and how to use subqueries to perform complex logical operations. Next, learn to implement referential integrity checks by using foreign key constraints. Finally, you will learn how to perform filtering operations on date columns; and how to use LIMIT and ORDER BY clauses in MySQL queries.
10 videos | 1h 1m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL: Understanding & Implementing Joins
This 10-video course explores how to use joins to combine data from different relations in meaningful ways. Learners will examine why joins are such a powerful and ubiquitous concept in data analysis. Begin by observing how SQL features several types of joins, and how these can be understood, and will examine each type of join in depth. You will examine the cross join, which is the simplest kind of join, and is also known as a Cartesian join. Then examine inner joins, which can be expressed as a combination of the cross join operator along with a filter. This course continues by examining the three types of outer joins, the left, the full, and the right outer join. You will explore natural joins, which could be an inner or an outer join where two additional conditions are satisfied. You will examine several features of the join keyword. Finally, this course demonstrates how to use MySQL platform to support several varieties of different joins types.
10 videos | 59m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL: Grouping & Aggregation Operations
Learners can explore how to use grouping and aggregation operators to analyze groups of rows rather than just individual rows, in this 8-video course. In it you will learn how to perform filtering operations on groups of rows. Then examine the GROUP BY clause, one of the most important syntactic constructs in SQL. You will learn how to use the GROUP BY clause to analyze groups of rows aggregated by common attribute values. Next, learn about aggregate functions such as SUM, COUNT, MIN, and MAX, and how they are used with GROUP BY clauses. You will learn how subqueries can be leveraged by using the ANY, SOME, and ALL keywords. You will learn how to implement multi-way joins in MySQL, and how the HAVING clause adds to the effectiveness of the GROUP BY construct by allowing groups of rows to be filtered based on specific conditions. Finally, this course explains the differences between the WHERE clause and the HAVING clause, which applies conditional filters to groups of rows rather than to individual rows.
8 videos | 57m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL: Views, Indices, & Normal Forms
This 13-video course explores how indexes work to speed up query execution, and how views can be used to abstract complex queries in a convenient fashion. Learners will explore advanced abstractions in MySQL, including a view, which is a virtual table, and indices. Then you will learn how to use views to build abstractions for complex and common query operations in your use case. You will examine indices, which are auxiliary data structures which are maintained by a DBMS (database management system). Next, learn how to use an index on a database to make queries fast and easy. You will examine normal forms in database design, a standard set of rules to test the design of a table. This course demonstrates how to apply the analysis of normal forms to optimize the structure of your relations, and then to use appropriate indices to speed up query execution on them. Finally, this course demonstrates first, second, and third normal forms, and how to fix violations.
13 videos | 1h 19m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL: Triggers & Stored Procedures
Learners can explore how triggers can be used to react to specific conditions in your database, and how stored procedures can be used to achieve code reuse and code composition of SQL commands, in this 12-video course. You will examine how triggers, which are described as actions or groups of logic, and special stored procedures, that are executed by the MySQL database when certain specific events occur. This course demonstrates how to use several types of triggers, and the use of foreign keys. You will learn how to use the ON DELETE and ON UPDATE cascade functionality. Then learn how to create stored procedures, which are bits of SQL code, queries, or other operations, which can be saved, given a name, and then invoked at will. Observe how to invoke stored procedures, to redefine stored procedures, and then examine advance and intricate stored procedures. Finally, this course demonstrates how to construct an elaborate stored procedure.
12 videos | 1h 23m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL: Transactions, Savepoints, & Locks
This 14-video course explores how to execute groups of commands in an all-or-nothing fashion. Learners will examine how locks are used to regulate table access when multiple clients are accessing the database simultaneously. First, you will explore the ACID properties (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) of database management systems. Next, you will learn how transactions, a unit of work which needs to be executed in an all or nothing fashion, work in MySQL. Next, learners you will examine the start transaction keyword, how transactions are defined as committed or rolled back. You will examine implicit commits, operations which create, alter, or drop database entities, such as databases or tables, and how these operations are affected by transaction commits and rollbacks. Learners will observe DDL (data definition language) operations in MySQL. Continue by exploring savepoints, specific checkpoints where the copy of a system state is created, and release savepoints when they are no longer needed. Finally, the course examines the precise semantics of read and write locks in MySQL.
14 videos | 1h 27m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL Database Development: Introduction
MySQL is fast, reliable, easy to use, free to download, and supports standard SQL. Discover how to download and configure MySQL, how to use the MySQL Workbench, and learn abow MySQL connection navigator, status and system vatiables, new user creations, and users and privileges management.
12 videos | 57m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL Database Development: Database Design Fundamentals
A database is only as good as its initial design. Explores RDBMS design fundamentals, such as table design, normalization, and relationships. Full Stack Development and how MySQL fits into the FDS landscape is also covered.
12 videos | 1h 5m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL Database Development: DDL Statements
Data Definition Language (DDL) statements are used to manipulate MySQL database schema objects. Examine the use of the CREATE, ALTER, and DROP statements to create, modify, and maintain MySQL databases, tables, and views.
10 videos | 52m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL Database Development: Manipulating Data
Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements are used to manipulate the actual data in MySQL databases. Explore the syntax and use of the most common DML statements, including INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
12 videos | 52m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL Database Development: SELECT Statement & Operators
SELECT statements are used to retrieve data from MySQL tables or views. Explore the syntax and use of the most common SELECT statement elements, including SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and ORDER BY, as well as unions and joins.
10 videos | 1h 3m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL Database Development: Working with Functions
Funtions in MySQL are used to produce values from other values, or to determine values that may be unknown. Explore the syntax and use of the most common MySQL functions, including aggregate, date/time and string functions.
11 videos | 1h 5m has Assessment available Badge


MySQL Database Development: Stored Routines, Triggers, & the InnoDB memcached Plugin
Stored programs (procedures) and routines (functions) in MySQL are used to create reusable, executable code. Explore the syntax and use of stored procedures and functions in MySQL
8 videos | 47m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL Database Development: Query & Performance Optimization
Indexing and understanding the configuration of MySQL can be key to performance. Explore index types and configuration options that can be set to fine-tune the performance of your MySQL databases to optimal levels
14 videos | 1h 27m has Assessment available Badge
MySQL Database Development: GIS, Cloud, & Connectors
GIS data types, cloud integration, and low level access for database performance give MySQL the power necessary to handle many data storage tasks. Explore these features in MySQL.
10 videos | 56m has Assessment available Badge


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Querying MySQL: Make your MySQL Database Analytics Accessible with SQL Operations, Data extraction, and Custom Queries
This book will take you on an interactive journey to understand SQL querying from the most basic to the most expert level utilising a variety of SQL techniques to extract relevant insights from your MySQL databases.
book Duration 8h 8m book Authors By Adam Aspin


MySQL for the Internet of Things
Introducing the problems facing Internet of Things developers, this book explores current technologies and techniques to help you manage, mine, and make sense of the data being collected through the use of the world's most popular database on the Internet - MySQL.
book Duration 6h 47m book Authors By Charles Bell


Introducing the MySQL 8 Document Store
Presenting new tools and features that make creating a hybrid database solution far easier than ever before, this book gives insight into how features work and how to apply them to get the most out of your MySQL experience.
book Duration 7h 4m book Authors By Charles Bell


MySQL Workbench: Data Modeling & Development
With clear examples, instructions, and explanations, this Oracle Press guide helps developers learn how to effectively use this powerful product for database modeling, reverse engineering, and interaction with the database without writing SQL statements.
book Duration 4h 14m book Authors By Michael McLaughlin


Expert MySQL, Second Edition
The leading reference for learning, understanding, and extending the MySQL server, this practical, detailed guide unlocks the full promise of open source by showing how to modify the code, create your own storage engine, build your own authentication plugins, and much more.
book Duration 11h 41m book Authors By Charles Bell


Effective MySQL: Replication Techniques in Depth
Providing an evaluation of various new replication features and additional third-party product implementations, this Oracle Press guide helps to ensure your MySQL environment can support the various high-availability needs of your business.
book Duration 3h 38m book Authors By Chris Schneider, Ronald Bradford


Effective MySQL: Backup & Recovery
Featuring a side-by-side evaluation of the various backup strategies and complementary recovery implementations, this Oracle Press book helps you to protect your MySQL data from a wide range of disaster situations.
book Duration 3h 33m book Authors By Ronald Bradford


The Database Application Book: Using the MySQL Database System
Ideal for a course on database applications or as a second book in a course on databases, this authoritative guide is a perfect companion for the software professional in the business of writing database applications.
book Duration 2h 50m book Authors By Narain Gehani



PHP & MySQL in Easy Steps, 2nd Edition
Written in an easy-to-follow style, this book uses examples to teach the user how to write PHP server-side scripts and how to make MySQL database queries.
book Duration 2h 12m book Authors By Mike McGrath


Introducing the MySQL 8 Document Store
Presenting new tools and features that make creating a hybrid database solution far easier than ever before, this book gives insight into how features work and how to apply them to get the most out of your MySQL experience.
book Duration 7h 4m book Authors By Charles Bell


Introducing InnoDB Cluster: Learning the MySQL High Availability Stack
If you are growing your MySQL installation and want to explore making your servers highly available, this book provides what you need to know about high availability and the new tools that can be found in MySQL 8.0.11 and later.
book Duration 5h 49m book Authors By Charles Bell


Expert MySQL, Second Edition
The leading reference for learning, understanding, and extending the MySQL server, this practical, detailed guide unlocks the full promise of open source by showing how to modify the code, create your own storage engine, build your own authentication plugins, and much more.
book Duration 11h 41m book Authors By Charles Bell


Whether you're a seasoned MySQL user looking to take your skills to the next level, or a database expert searching for a fast-paced introduction to MySQL's advanced features, this text covers design and development, as well as administration.
book Duration 14h 41m book Authors By Jay Pipes, Michael Kruckenberg


MySQL for the Internet of Things
Introducing the problems facing Internet of Things developers, this book explores current technologies and techniques to help you manage, mine, and make sense of the data being collected through the use of the world's most popular database on the Internet - MySQL.
book Duration 6h 47m book Authors By Charles Bell


PHP and MySQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Second Edition
Including countless pieces of useful code that you can copy and paste into your own applications, this invaluable guide will keep you on the cutting edge of PHP development, ahead of the competition, and will give you all the answers you need, when you need them.
book Duration 5h 38m book Authors By Frank M. Kromann


SQL for MySQL: A Beginner's Tutorial
An approachable and user-friendly introduction to the SQL variant for MySQL, this thorough guide teaches beginners how to select data from the database, insert and update data, and how to create database objects with chapters that detail each topic with jargon-free language.
book Duration 1h 23m book Authors By Djoni Darmawikarta


MySQL Proficiency (Advanced Level)
The MySQL Proficiency benchmark assesses your knowledge to implement solid, robust triggers, define stored procedures that take in various arguments, and invoke the stored procedures. You will be evaluated on your skills in leveraging transactions, such as rollbacks, commits, and savepoints, and confidently using read and write locks to control concurrent access to database relations. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to use triggers, create and invoke stored procedures, and implement transactions in MySQL.
18m    |   18 questions
MySQL Literacy (Beginner Level)
The MySQL Literacy benchmark measures your knowledge to create databases and tables and perform simple insert and query operations. You will be evaluated on your skills in modeling entities and relationships in a real-world scenario, translating to MySQL tables with the correct column specifications, and inserting and updating data in those tables. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to work with a MySQL database, write queries, use sub-queries and date utilities, and utilize pattern matching with wildcards and the LIKE operator.
22m    |   22 questions
MySQL Competency (Intermediate Level)
The MySQL Competency benchmark will measure your ability to use inner and outer joins to combine data from different relations in MySQL and use the GROUP BY and HAVING operators in SQL to analyze aggregates of data. You will be evaluated on your skills in analyzing normal forms to optimize the structure of relations, using appropriate indices to speed up query execution, and using views to build abstractions for complex and common query operations. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to use subqueries and joins, normalize tables, create views and apply indices in MySQL.
20m    |   20 questions


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