Unix: FreeBSD 11 beginner

  • 9 Courses | 6h 33m 16s
  • 8 Books | 54h 28m
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Discover Unix, the powerful operating system with a ubiquitous footprint.


Installing Unix

  • 5m 52s
  • 6m 57s


Installing Unix
Unix is a modular operating system that can be deployed on a local computer, mainframe or as a virtual machine on the cloud. In this course, you will begin by choosing the Unix deployment options appropriate for your needs. Next, learn how to download the Freebs DVD ISO image and manually install the Freebs virtual machine. See how to download and extract the FreeBSD VMware, virtual machine software, image, and configure a VMware virtual machine using a FreeBSD disk image. Finally, deploy a FreeBSD cloud-based virtual machine in AWS, the Amazon Web Service cloud, and make an SSH connection to it.
9 videos | 34m has Assessment available Badge
The Unix Command Line & GUI
Explore the Unix operating system command line and GUI. In this course, you will learn how to manage your Unix system through the command line; to execute common command line tasks, with standard syntax. Discover a variety of Unix shells, that are used to combine the tools to perform complex work flows. Learn how to switch between shells and the man-page viewer. Study Unix configuration file standards and log files. Edit files with the nano text editor. Explore and configure the X Window System and the Unix interface.
10 videos | 47m has Assessment available Badge
Creating and Managing Unix File Systems
Unix hosts can use local or shared network storage. Discover how the X Window GUI as well as Unix commands can be used to configure and manage storage devices. During this course, you will learn how to configure and manage your system files on storage devices through the Windows X GUI and via Unix commands. Examine Unix file system concepts. Learn common navigation commands. Partition a disk to create your file system and mount the file system to make it operational. Search for files with the Find command. Discover Samba and Network File Systems (NFS), and learn how to mount them. Execute Unix commands from the command line. Repair damaged file systems. Archive files and directories with the Tar command.
11 videos | 47m has Assessment available Badge
Users, Groups, and Authentication
Explore Unix network system user accounts, and how they operate. In this course,you will learn common commands to create and manage user accounts from the command line. See how to create, modify, and delete both individual and group user accounts. Examine various Unix user authentication options. Enable secure shell, SSH, and public key authentication. Enhance account sign-in security. Conclude by connecting to a Unix host through Putty or the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.
12 videos | 46m has Assessment available Badge
Securing Unix Systems
Secure your Unix system and explore methods for controlling file system and command execution access. During this course you will start by learning how to use chmod and changemode commands to set standard Unix file system permissions. Next, learn how to use an ACL (Access Control List) to assign user access and specify allowed operations. Understand Unix special permission bits to control read, write, and execute permissions for file users. Observe how to distinguish access privilege levels for Unix files, including the root user. Other topics on this course include the following: Configure Sudo to enable standard users to run privileged commands; Create a firewall to block unwanted network access; Configure and test OpenBSD PF Firewall rules.
12 videos | 57m has Assessment available Badge
Unix Software Management
Discover the FreeBSD pkg tool, a method of querying and installing Unix software packages. FreeBSD is a free and open-source, Unix-like operating system, with a pkg tool to package Unix software. In this course, you will learn how to use the pkg tool to install, view, update, and uninstall Unix software. Topics include how to managed installed Unix software, uninstalling it, and managing software on a Unix host.
5 videos | 19m has Assessment available Badge
Configuring Network Services
Optimize your Unix network services! Network services are the system operations and protocols that govern the interaction of the Unix OS with network devices, computers and the internet. They are generally handled by daemons, which are background programs, accessed through the pkg command, and operate at specific system run levels. During this course, you will learn how to configure the IPV 4 and IPV 6 settings that route internet traffic, and install and configure the following servers: the DNS server, a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), and the Apache web server.
12 videos | 56m has Assessment available Badge
Shell Scripting
Learn shell scripts for Unix systems and discover various ways of filtering command line data. The Unix shell acts as a command line interpreter and typically controls operations such as file manipulation, program execution, and printing. During this course, you will learn to configure and execute a shell script and run Unix commands as background processes. Next, explore common shell script constructs, such as variables, conditional execution, and loops, to iterate through command sets. Examine various ways to filter and format commands and command line data. Finally, run regular expressions (regex) to search and filter data via grep and Awk commands.
11 videos | 52m has Assessment available Badge
Unix Hardening & Maintenance
In Unix, Cron is used to schedule either user or system jobs, like Windows Task Scheduler. During this course, you will learn how Cron can help to automate repetitive system maintenance and administrative tasks, through the command line or the Unix shell. You will begin by observing how to configure a regularly scheduled Cron job. Next, learn how to harden your Unix system, and identify and mitigate attack methods. Other topics include how to change default passwords, close open network ports, and remove unnecessary software, services, and usernames. You will also learn how to enhance host security with Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), the PKI hierarchy, and view network packets with the tcpdump command.
7 videos | 29m has Assessment available Badge


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Absolute FreeBSD: The Complete Guide to FreeBSD, 3rd Edition
Your complete guide to FreeBSD, this book teaches you everything you need to know about managing FreeBSD systems, from installation, configuration, and taking the system from "just working" to "working well."
book Duration 13h 24m book Authors By Michael W. Lucas


Beginning Modern Unix: Learn to Live Comfortably in a Modern Unix Environment
Teaching you how to leverage modern Unix even if you've never worked with it before, this book presents everything in conceptual terms that you can understand, rather than tips to be committed raw to memory.
book Duration 5h 11m book Authors By Manish Jain


Wicked Cool Shell Scripts: 101 Scripts for Linux, OS X, and UNIX Systems, 2nd Edition
Whether you want to save time managing your system or just find new ways to goof off, this book offers a collection of useful, customizable, and fun shell scripts for solving common problems and personalizing your computing environment.
book Duration 5h 51m book Authors By Brandon Perry, Dave Taylor


Unix in Easy Steps
With complete examples illustrating each aspect, along with source code and full-color screenshots depicting the actual output, this easy-to-follow book will show you how to use the BASH command-line interface and how to employ BASH's powerful programming abilities.
book Duration 2h 4m book Authors By Mike McGrath


BSD UNIX Toolbox: 1000+ Commands for FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD Power Users
Teaching you to use BSD UNIX systems as the experts do - from the command line, this handy, compact guide allows you to try out more than 1,000 commands to find and get software, monitor system health and security, and access network resources.
book Duration 5h 17m book Authors By Christopher Negus, François Caen


FreeBSD Device Drivers: A Guide for the Intrepid
Presenting a crash course in the different FreeBSD driver frameworks, this guide will teach you how to master everything from the basics of building and running loadable kernel modules to more complicated topics like thread synchronization.
book Duration 3h 52m book Authors By Joseph Kong


Absolute Free BSD: The Complete Guide to FreeBSD, 2nd Edition
Your complete guide to FreeBSD, this book covers installation, networking, security, network services, system performance, kernel tweaking, filesystems, SMP, upgrading, crash debugging, and much more.
book Duration 14h 50m book Authors By Michael W. Lucas


Network Administration with FreeBSD 7: Building, Securing, and Maintaining Networks with the FreeBSD Operating System
Presenting a guide to FreeBSD for network administrators, this book introduces the basic tools for monitoring the performance and security of FreeBSD, and offers guidance for using the system to build, secure, and maintain networks.
book Duration 3h 59m book Authors By Babak Farrokhi


Unix Competency (Intermediate Level)
The Unix Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark assesses your recognition of core Unix concepts. You will be evaluated on your skills in recognizing high-level elements of Unix architectures, and techniques. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have a solid understanding of intermediate-level Unix concepts.
20m    |   15 questions


Channel Windows Server
Rating 4.0 of 1 users Rating 4.0 of 1 users (1)