CompTIA A+ Core 1: Cloud Computing Concepts
| Beginner
- 11 videos | 1h 17m 43s
- Includes Assessment
- Earns a Badge
Cloud computing allows users to store and access data and programs over the internet instead of a local hard drive. In this course, explore cloud computing concepts such as cloud model types, resource sharing, measure service, and virtual desktops. Discover the features of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS); and learn how to differentiate between public, private, hybrid, and community cloud infrastructures. Discover key differences between internal and external shared resources and explore rapid elasticity, a feature that allows for scalable provisioning. Finally, examine the considerations and benefits of using a measured service or a metered service and investigate the types of virtual desktops and their purposes. This course will prepare learners for the CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) certification.
Discover the key concepts covered in this courseDescribe features of the iaas cloud computing serviceList features of saas cloud computing serviceList features of paas cloud computing serviceDifferentiate between public, private, hybrid, and community cloud model typesDescribe the differences between internal and external sharing and file synchronization
Describe rapid elasticityRecognize the benefits of high availability cloud solutionsList considerations when using measured and metered servicesDescribe the types of virtual desktops and their purposesSummarize the key concepts covered in this course
1m 42s
10m 9sAfter completing this video, you will be able to describe features of the IaaS cloud computing service. FREE ACCESS
7m 4sAfter completing this video, you will be able to list features of a SaaS cloud computing service. FREE ACCESS
11m 56sUpon completion of this video, you will be able to list features of a PaaS cloud computing service. FREE ACCESS
8m 37sLearn how to differentiate between public, private, hybrid, and community cloud models. FREE ACCESS
5m 40sUpon completion of this video, you will be able to describe the differences between internal and external sharing and file synchronization. FREE ACCESS
7mUpon completion of this video, you will be able to describe what rapid elasticity is. FREE ACCESS
11m 42sUpon completion of this video, you will be able to recognize the benefits of high availability cloud solutions. FREE ACCESS
5m 14sAfter completing this video, you will be able to list considerations for using measured and metered services. FREE ACCESS
7m 54sUpon completion of this video, you will be able to describe the types of virtual desktops and their purposes. FREE ACCESS
44sIn this video, we will summarize the key concepts covered in this course. FREE ACCESS
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