Aspire Journeys

Securing Node.js and Express.js Web Applications

  • 15 Courses | 3h 50m
  • 10 Labs | 10h
Node.js is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, a cross-platform, open-source server environment. Node.js can be used for all types of applications, but it's commonly found in back-end, real-time, and IoT (Internet of Things) applications. Express.js is a popular Node framework and library that is designed for building web applications and APIs, from setting up ports to route handlers and much more. This aspire journey will dive into how to use these powerful tools to create secure systems for users, and allow for websites to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability for users and data.

Track 1: Learn Node.js

In this track of the Node.js and Express.js for CyberSecurity aspire journey, we will focus on Node.js, specifically what it is, how to use on your machine, setting up a server, and using Node with SQLite.

  • 3 Courses | 1h
  • 2 Labs | 2h

Track 2: Learn Express.js

In this track of the Node.js and Express.js for CyberSecurity aspire journey, we will focus on Express.js, specifically routes, middleware, REST, CORS, and Postman.

  • 3 Courses | 30m

Track 3: Securing Express Applications

In this track of the Node.js and Express.js for CyberSecurity aspire journey, we will focus on applying Node.js and Express to ensure that websites are secure by examining Cybersecurity concepts and the features Express offers for security.

  • 9 Courses | 2h 20m
  • 8 Labs | 8h


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