Programming Awareness (Entry Level)

  • 24m
  • 24 questions
The Programming Awareness benchmark will measure your ability to recognize key terms and concepts related to keys Software programming concepts. You will be evaluated on awareness of Python, Java, C, JavaScript, Angular, and software design principles. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills related to understanding key programming terminology and concepts.

Topics covered

  • apply grid templates to organize page layout and content
  • compare the C and C++ languages
  • create and initialize lists in Python
  • describe and compare the key differences between Go and other languages including Python, Java, C++, C#, and JavaScript
  • describe common API use cases and their differences
  • describe the differentiating features of Go and how it solves challenges typically encountered by programmers to create simple, reliable, and efficient software
  • describe the SOLID design principles for software development
  • describe using examples the best practices of using coupling concepts in Agile software design
  • describe what UX design is and the principles of UX design
  • differentiate between the characteristics of serverless computing and Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • distinguish between the features and use cases of serverless and container deployment
  • identify the purpose of the JVM and some of the important components in the Java ecosystem
  • identify the various formats used to structure and organize data
  • list and categorize the most popular programming languages and identify their strengths
  • list some of the common best practices in programming
  • outline a high-level overview of Angular – its past and present
  • outline the history and features of C
  • recall what's meant when we say that Java is object-oriented and platform-independent
  • recognize how to securely write code
  • recognize the architecture of a web application by using the appropriate terminology
  • recognize the various parts of an Angular application and how they relate to one other
  • specify the contribution of JavaScript to web applications
  • use variables in place of values directly
  • Web Application Development