Scrum Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 25m
  • 25 questions
The Scrum Competency benchmark will measure your ability to recognize key terms and concepts related to key Scrum concepts. You will be evaluated on product development, product requirements, product backlogs, and release planning. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills related to understanding key Scrum terminology and concepts.

Topics covered

  • define techniques for measuring value such as bubble sort, planning poker, break even analysis, cost of delay, ROI, and NPV
  • define the purpose of a product in Scrum
  • define the roles and responsibilities of the product owner
  • describe and compare the Kano Attributes and MoSCow ordering techniques
  • describe guidelines and best practices used to conduct effective Sprint Reviews
  • describe how the Scrum framework allows for effective product development
  • describe how the Sprint Review helps with collecting feedback and making better product decisions
  • describe how to generate product ideas through Affinity Grouping, dot voting, and Fist of Five methods
  • describe Test-Driven Development and the guidelines for adopting it
  • describe the purpose of a Minimal Viable Product and how it's used to test assumptions during product planning
  • describe the purpose of the Product Backlog, how it is derived from the product vision, and how the Scrum team uses it
  • describe tools and methods commonly used to validate assumptions during the product development process
  • identify common category types of product backlog items and which ones are customer-facing
  • identify how value is perceived by various stakeholders and methods for defining a collectively agreed on meaning of value
  • identify why it is important to order or prioritize the Product Backlog and commonly used ordering techniques
  • list the steps used to plan a Minimal Viable Product
  • recognize practices for effectively communicating the product backlog to stakeholders
  • recognize preferred methods for fine-tuning product backlogs
  • recognize refactoring guidelines
  • recognize release planning guidelines
  • recognize the guidelines used to adopt continuous integration
  • recognize the impact of external influences on the product strategy
  • recognize the importance of an effective product strategy in Scrum
  • recognize tips and best practices used to create product backlogs
  • recognize user stories as a powerful tool to gather and document user requirements