Skillsoft Labs

Book Highlights for July 2023

July 10, 2023 | by Amy Cantin, Manager - Content Development

"One idea discovered in one book can change the way you see the world."

- Robin Sharma

Happy July!

What are you reading right now?

I get asked this question a lot. As a seasoned bookworm and a Skillsoft employee with a specialty in all things "books," my friends, colleagues, and family members presume that I read most waking hours—I wish I could! The truth is, I LOVE to read. I read to escape (who's with me that a good book can be like a vacation?); I read to relax and and clear my mind by pouring all of my focus into the words on the page before me; and probably like most of you, I read to learn—new skills, emerging technologies, and new approaches to develop myself, both personally and professionally—and books offer that opportunity.

Are you looking for new ways to motivate and engage your teams? Or become the most effective leader you can? The Skillsoft library has you covered! Or are you curious about software solutions like Kubernetes, or cutting-edge emerging technologies such as Generative AI and ChatGPT? We have books to help quench your thirst for knowledge on those topics, too. Looking to pass an upcoming CompTIA, (ISC)2 CCSP, or Microsoft Certified Associate exam? Check out our vast offering of study guides.

Join me in my read to learn journey this month!

This newsletter features new releases, a roadmap for the next three months, information about OFF THE SHELF virtual book club selections, publisher updates, and other book-related news. As you browse through this month's new releases, I urge you to keep finding new ways to incorporate books into your learning solutions.


We add new content daily and remain committed to offering best-in-class content from our valued publisher partners. Check out some of these
recently released books, audiobooks, and book summaries, and add them to your own read to learn journey!

OFF THE SHELF book club

Developing Your Team Month

Successful teams collaborate and communicate effectively and are agile enough to adapt to any challenges that may arise. OFF THE SHELF is featuring a bookshelf of resources that can help foster the growth and potential of your team members.

Office Shock: Creating Better Futures for Working and Living, by Bob Johansen, Joseph Press, and Christine Bullen | Berrett-Koehler, © 2023

Most people have experienced “office shock” during the past two years, with the pandemic disrupting where and how they work. It's clear that we can't go back to the office the way it was. This book re-imagines the office and shows how we can plan for more sustainable ways of working.

Office Shock is available on Percipio as a DIGITAL BOOK and an AUDIOBOOK.

Be sure to visit OFF THE SHELF to leverage the accompanying discussion questions for your next book club event.

Check back next month to see more news about Skillsoft's book offering!