Analytics: The Agile Way

  • 6h 17m 53s
  • Phil Simon
  • Gildan Media
  • 2018

For years, organizations have struggled to make sense out of their data. IT projects designed to provide employees with dashboards, KPIs, and business-intelligence tools often take a year or more to reach the finish line...if they get there at all. This has always been a problem.

Today, though, it's downright unacceptable. The world changes faster than ever. Speed has never been more important. By adhering to antiquated methods, firms lose the ability to see nascent trends - and act upon them until it's too late.

But what if the process of turning raw data into meaningful insights didn't have to be so painful, time-consuming, and frustrating? What if there were a better way to do analytics? Fortunately, you're in luck....

Analytics: The Agile Way demonstrates how progressive organizations such as Google, Nextdoor, and others approach analytics in a fundamentally different way. They are applying the same Agile techniques that software developers have employed for years. They have replaced large batches in favor of smaller ones...and their results will astonish you.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - Signs of the Times: Why Data and Analytics are Dominating Our World
  • Chapter 2 - The Fundamentals of Contemporary Data: A Primer on What it is, Why it Matters, and How to Get it
  • Chapter 3 - The Fundamentals of Analytics: Peeling Back the Onion
  • Chapter 4 - A Better Way to Work: The Benefits and Core Values of Agile Development
  • Chapter 5 - Introducing Scrum: Looking at One of Today's Most Popular Agile Methods
  • Chapter 6 - A Framework for Agile Analytics: A Simple Model for Gathering Insights
  • Chapter 7 - University Tutoring Center: An In-Depth Case Study on Agile Analytics
  • Chapter 8 - People Analytics at Google/Alphabet: Not Your Father's HR Department
  • Chapter 9 - The Anti-Google: Beneke Pharmaceuticals
  • Chapter 10 - Ice Station Zebra Medical: How Agile Methods Solved a Messy Health-Care Data Problem
  • Chapter 11 - Racial Profiling at Nextdoor: Using Data to Build a Better App and Combat a PR Disaster
  • Chapter 12 - The Benefits of Agile Analytics: The Upsides of Small Batches
  • Chapter 13 - No Free Lunch: The Impediments to—and Limitations of—Agile Analytics
  • Chapter 14 - The Importance of Designing for Data: Lessons from the Upstarts
  • Chapter 15 - What Now? A Look Forward