POP!: Create the Perfect Pitch, Title, and Tagline for Anything
- 7h 21m 51s
- Sam Horn
- Recorded Books, Inc.
- 2023
Why do some ideas break out and others fade away? What causes people to become so excited about a product that they can't wait to tell their friends? How can an idea be communicated so that it catches fire in people's imaginations?
Popular author, consultant, and workshop leader Sam Horn identifies what makes an idea, message, or product break out, and presents a simple and proven process—POP! (Purposeful, Original, Pithy)—to create one-of-a-kind ideas, products, and messages that pop through the noise, off the shelf, and into consumers imaginations.
About the Author
Sam Horn is a popular business consultant, keynote speaker, training workshop leader, and author. Over the past twenty years, she has spoken to more than a half million people in thirty-five states. She won the 2003-4 Outstanding Capital Speaker Award, among other distinctions.
In this Audiobook
Chapter 1 - The Goal Is to Break Out, Not Blend In
Chapter 2 - Address and Answer the Ws
Chapter 3 - Alphabetize Your Core Words
Chapter 4 - Capture Conversational Catchphrases
Chapter 5 - Create Tell ’n Sell Introductions with the Valley Girl Technique
Chapter 6 - Increase Likability with Laugh Lines
Chapter 7 - Don’t Repeat Clichés, Rearrange Clichés
Chapter 8 - Aflac Your Topic So They See What You’re Saying
Chapter 9 - Create the Next New Thing with the Half-and-Half Technique
Chapter 10 - Turn Assumptions Upside Down with ContraBrand
Chapter 11 - Make the Familiar Fresh with Meaningful Metaphors
Chapter 12 - Win Buy-In by Capitalizing on POP! Culture
Chapter 13 - POP! the Question to Engage Curiosity
Chapter 14 - Make It Sound Like What It Is with OnoNAMEopoeia
Chapter 15 - Add It Up with Alpha and Omega
Chapter 16 - Make Your Language Lyrical with Alliteration
Chapter 17 - Put Your Slogan in a Beat That’s Easy to Repeat
Chapter 18 - Make It Sublime with Rhyme
Chapter 19 - Make Your Content Come Alive with First-Person Stories
Chapter 20 - Put People in the Pool
Chapter 21 - Craft a Memorable Money Phrase
Chapter 22 - Make It Relevant with Segues
Chapter 23 - Juxtapose Points to Make Them Crystal Clear
Chapter 24 - Open Eyes, Ears, Hearts, and Minds with Aha! Quotes
Chapter 25 - Inspire Action with Specific Next Steps