The Leap: The Science of Trust and Why it Matters

  • 5h 47m 33s
  • Ulrich Boser
  • Brilliance Publishing
  • 2014

We’re not supposed to trust others. Look at the headlines. Read the blogs. Study the survey data. It seems that everyone is wary, that everyone is just looking out for themselves. But a sense of social trust and togetherness can be restored.

In this Audiobook

  • 1. The Social Instinct: Why We Trust
  • 2. Reciprocity, Indirect Reciprocity, and What We Can Learn from Hector Ramirez
  • 3. How We Trust: The Lessons of Clark Rockefeller
  • 4. Can We Trust Again?: Learning from Rwanda
  • 5. Teams: “Go on Faith and Knowledge”
  • 6. The Economy: The Art of Trustworthiness
  • 7. Government: Trusting the Tax Man
  • 8. Politics: “Encourage You to Be Nasty”
  • 9. Technology: Communication, Community, and Couchsurfing
  • 10. Path Forward: Sometimes We Need to Leap