Managing Yourself

  • 6 Courses | 2h 25m 33s
  • 10 Books | 28h 8m
  • 10 Audiobooks | 29h 57m 3s
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To establish a professional persona, you need to learn how to be accountable and manage yourself. Become your own best boss today. Discover how to stay on top of your work and motivate yourself.


Developing Personal Accountability

  • 1m 2s
  • 3m 23s


Developing Personal Accountability
If your manager's approval isn't quite enough to motivate you to put in that extra effort you need to get ahead, then maybe you're ready to work on your personal accountability. Everyone must answer to an inner manager - an internal voice that tells you whether the job is done as well as you can do it. Choosing personal accountability means earning the approval of that inner manager. In this course, you'll learn the behaviors of accountable professionals, including stating commitments clearly and following through. You'll also learn how some very common behaviors, like making excuses and blaming others, work against accountability. The elements of an action plan for developing personal accountability are provided. Finally, you'll learn how the members of a team can improve their accountability together.
7 videos | 19m has Assessment available Badge
Becoming Your Own Best Coach
It's common career advice to find yourself a coach - someone to observe your attitudes, behaviors, and actions and then help you fine tune them to your best advantage. And it's fine advice. But for many, it's beyond their means and opportunity. But coaching doesn't always require an outsider. You can be your own - and maybe even your best - coach. Self-coaching is an accessible, affordable way to get to know yourself and take control of your own career. In this course, you will learn about the benefits of self-coaching. You will explore different tools for self-assessment and address different kinds of self-doubt before developing a growth plan for professional success.
7 videos | 26m has Assessment available Badge
Using Business Etiquette to Increase Your Professionalism
Business etiquette isn't just about getting and doing things right, it's about sending a message of professionalism and respect to superiors, fellow team members, and clients. When you are professional, polite, and appropriate in the workplace, you are taken more seriously. In this course, you will learn about the key components of business etiquette and how they apply in physical and remote office settings. You'll learn the reasons that dressing professionally can benefit your career and the importance of maintaining an orderly and professional work environment. You'll also be introduced to actions that ensure your communications such as emails, texts, work chat, social media, and video conferencing are at their most professional and polite. Finally, you will learn how tenets of business etiquette can be applied outside of the office environment at offsite events, business meals, and work socials.
7 videos | 23m has Assessment available Badge
Taking Responsibility for Your Accountability
Accountability is a mindset - a way of thinking about how to take responsibility for your life and ownership of your decisions. Accountability tends to drive success; it is action-oriented and geared toward constant improvement. In this course, you will learn how to develop a framework for personal accountability. From the foundations of a framework to daily practices and sustained momentum, this course will help you take ownership of your goals and live your values.
7 videos | 24m has Assessment available Badge
Developing a Mindset of Growth and Learning
You might think the term "growth mindset" refers to the growth of an organization, or even economic growth. While the effects of a growth mindset ripple throughout the business, it starts with an individual believing they are capable of growing, evolving, and learning. In this course, you'll learn how a growth mindset manifests, and why it can make life and work better in many ways. You'll also learn tools to build your growth mindset, challenge the fixed mindset thinking that can mire you in negativity, and employ resilience techniques to help you maintain an attitude of possibility, learning, and growth even in the face of setbacks.
6 videos | 24m has Assessment available Badge


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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Snapshot Edition
Commemorating the timeless wisdom and power of the 7 Habits book, this edition is presented in a highly readable and understandable, interactive format so you can enjoy and learn critical lessons about the habits of successful people that will enrich your life's experience.
book Duration 5h 33m book Authors By Stephen R. Covey


Success Under Stress: Powerful Tools for Staying Calm, Confident, and Productive When the Pressure's On
Whether you have too many projects, your confidence is flagging, or you are clashing with a coworker, this practical book offers a veritable arsenal of "magic bullet" solutions - hundreds of situation-specific, quick-acting tips for defusing stress and boosting productivity.
book Duration 4h 2m book Authors By Sharon Melnick


Willpower: Discover it, Use it and Get What You Want
Regardless of what you want to achieve, you need the strength to persevere, forge ahead and keep going no matter how tough it gets. If you find that you allow weakness to take control of getting what you want in life, you need to read this book.
book Duration 2h 56m book Authors By Ros Taylor


Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Life, Third Edition
Practical yet simple, this highly instructive book provides readers an entertaining, step-by-step guide to a technique that will transform their personal and professional lives.
book Duration 2h 47m book Authors By Marilee Adams


5% More: Making Small Changes to Achieve Extraordinary Results
Whether you want to boost your health, wealth, or wisdom, this book reveals a key technique and gives you concrete ways to give 5 percent more to yourself, your family, your colleagues and managers, and your business-no matter where you are in life.
book Duration 3h 4m book Authors By Michael Alden


Build Your Reputation: Grow Your Personal Brand for Career and Business Success
Showing you how to master the skills of brand-building to develop a powerful profile and a formidable name, this detailed book gives you the inside track to the top, with practical wisdom and strategic advice for building your own brand.
book Duration 3h 29m book Authors By Rob Brown


Personal Development Planning: Learning to Succeed
The My Practical MBA Series provides the latest thinking as well as perennial techniques for a range of business challenges. This concise guide explains how personal development planning will help you stay fully in control and effective in a constantly-changing business world.
book Duration 11m book Authors By LID Editorial


100 Great Personal Impact Ideas
Encouraging you to think positively about your approach and attitude, and what you intend to achieve, this book invites you to think through the personal impact you want to have, and offers practical pointers and prompts for thought.
book Duration 2h 38m book Authors By Peter Shaw


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on How to Help High Achievers Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Managers can help employees turn fears into fleeting thoughts as opposed to permanent restraints.
book Duration 9m book Authors By Christina Lacerenza, Morela Hernandez


Embracing the Calm in the Chaos: How to Find Success in Business and Life through Perseverance, Connection, and Collaboration
Fashion designer Stacy Igel shares her journey of launching her worldwide brand BOY MEETS GIRL while powering through personal struggles. Stacy shows readers that being an overnight success is never the aim, and what matters most isn't how long it takes to accomplish your dreams but that you never give up.
book Duration 3h 19m book Authors By Stacy Igel



Unstoppable: Using the Power of Focus to Take Action and Achieve Your Goals
In Unstoppable, author Pete Wilkinson presents a clear, no-nonsense message: with one central vision, three core objectives, and five actionable goals, you can achieve your ambitions. In this Review, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 11m 25s audiobook Authors By Pete Wilkinson


Making Yourself Indispensable: The Power of Personal Accountability
Making Yourself Indispensable is an inspiring read for anyone who wants to figure out what success looks like for them and learn how to get on-and stay on-a path to achieve it. In this Review, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 11m 48s audiobook Authors By Mark Samuel


Hijacked by Your Brain: How to Free Yourself When Stress Takes Over
In Hijacked by Your Brain, Julian Ford and Jon Wortmann team up to offer compelling evidence on how the human brain attempts to handle stressful situations (with mixed results), why, and what we can do about it. In this Review we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 12m 53s audiobook Authors By Jon Wortmann, Julian Ford


The Leader You Want to Be: Five Essential Principles for Bringing Out Your Best Self-Every Day
In The Leader You Want to Be, author Amy Jen Su examines how some leaders flourish, while others are hindered by weak leadership skills. In this Review, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 16m 20s audiobook Authors By Amy Jen Su


Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work and in Life
This audio edition highlights the important steps that individuals at any level can take toward positive change.
audiobook Duration 7h 37m 23s audiobook Authors By Patti Johnson


The 4 Disciplines of Execution: The Secret to Getting Things Done, On Time, With Excellence
This audio edition teaches how to focus on your top priorities and get the critical things accomplished. Whether you are a member of a team, lead a team, or lead an entire organization, The 4 Disciplines of Execution will equip you to deliver on your top priorities consistently.
audiobook Duration 59m 3s audiobook Authors By Chris McChesney, Stephen R. Covey


Feeling Smart: Why Our Emotions Are More Rational Than We Think
This audio edition brings together game theory, evolution, and behavioral science to produce a surprising and very persuasive defense of how we think, even when we don't.
audiobook Duration 9h 11m 43s audiobook Authors By Eyal Winter


Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus & Sharpen Your Creative Mind
This audio edition presents a toolkit for tackling the challenges of a 24/7, always-on workplace by showing you how to build a rock-solid daily routine, field a constant barrage of messages, find focus amid chaos, and carve out the time you need to do the work that matters.
audiobook Duration 3h 23m 23s audiobook Authors By Jocelyn K. Glei (ed)


Focus: Achieving Your Highest Priorities
This audio edition presents a fun and inspirational time management process that can-and will-change your life in ways you could never imagine possible.
audiobook Duration 3h 12m 10s audiobook Authors By Stephen R. Covey


Admired: 21 Ways to Double Your Value
This audio edition presents simple and powerful strategies that will help you become more valued, respected, and admired in a crowded and competitive world.
audiobook Duration 4h 40m 55s audiobook Authors By Bonita S. Thompson, Mark C. Thompson


Managing Yourself
To establish a professional persona, you need to learn how to be action-oriented, accountable, and manage yourself. Become your own best boss today through self-development, initiative, courage, and mindfulness. Discover how to stay on top of your work and motivate yourself. This benchmark evaluates your understanding of this topic. Being aware of potential knowledge gaps allows you to better understand your current competency and areas for improvement, so you can find suitable content and curate your own learning path. The courses recommended at the end of this benchmark can help you fill potential gaps in your knowledge.
10m    |   10 questions