Secure Programming: Visual Studio 2015 intermediate
  • 4 Courses | 2h 40m 15s
  • 6 Books | 71h 31m
  • 8 Courses | 6h 6m 15s
  • 6 Books | 30h 57m
  • 9 Courses | 7h 51m 7s
  • 6 Books | 31h 1m
  • 4 Courses | 2h 54m 46s
  • 7 Books | 58h 23m
  • 4 Courses | 3h 32m 57s
  • 7 Books | 58h 5m
  • 4 Courses | 2h 40m 15s
  • 6 Books | 35h 38m
  • 2 Courses | 1h 40m 57s
  • 5 Books | 38h 20m
  • 5 Courses | 7h 13m 42s
  • 6 Books | 46h 59m
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Secure programming is a development methodology for ensuring the security of the applications you create. Explore its various aspects here.


Defensive Coding Fundamentals for JavaScript and HTML5

  • 3m 42s
  • 2m 51s


Defensive Programming Input

  • 3m 58s
  • 3m 58s


Thinking Defensively about Input, Constants, & Conditionals

  • 4m 54s
  • 6m 5s


Defensive Coding Fundamentals for C/C++

  • 3m 6s
  • 4m 23s


Defensive Coding Fundamentals for C#

  • 4m 44s
  • 3m 22s


Defensive Coding Fundamentals for JavaScript and HTML5

  • 3m 42s
  • 2m 51s


Securing .NET Programming

  • 3m 32s
  • 3m 32s


Defensive Java Fundamentals

  • 7m 28s
  • 7m 18s


Defensive Coding Fundamentals for JavaScript and HTML5
Defensive programming is a methodology for writing code that is not prone to present or future errors caused by unexpected user inputs or actions. Explore defensive programming for JavaScript and HTML5, including an introduction to testing.
18 videos | 1h 5m has Assessment available Badge
Error Handling for JavaScript and HTML5
A vital part of defensive programming is ensuring you handle a variety of possible errors. Learn about handling and anticipating errors, using exceptions, and global objects in JavaScript and HTML5.
7 videos | 25m has Assessment available Badge
Defensive Coding for JavaScript and HTML5
Explore the potential risks in web applications and how to use JavaScript defensive techniques to prevent issues. In addition, learn about social jacking, Web Workers, and securing HTML5 elements.
9 videos | 29m has Assessment available Badge
Defensive Coding, APIs, and Security
Learn how to use JavaScript defensive techniques to prevent issues like DOM manipulation. In addition, learn about third-party risks, client trust issues, sandbox implementation, SVG exploits, and JSON risks.
13 videos | 39m has Assessment available Badge


Defensive Programming Input
Defensive Programming in Android uses coding practices and techniques to create reliable and resilient apps. Discover how this can be put into effect when working with inputs to your programs.
9 videos | 35m available Badge
Defensive Programming Methods
You should always use defensive programming practices and techniques when creating Android apps. Learn to think defensively when creating methods, and working with constants, conditional statements and structures.
15 videos | 54m has Assessment available Badge
Defensive Programming Standards
You can make your Android app source code more predictable and maintainable using defensive programming practices and techniques. Here you will learn standards enforcement and dependency management.
15 videos | 55m has Assessment available Badge
Preconditions & Design by Contract
An important defensive programming technique in Android is design by contract. Examine design by contract and learn how to work with preconditions, postconditions, and invariants.
8 videos | 27m has Assessment available Badge
Errors & Exceptions
Creating apps that are easily testable is one technique of defensive programming in Android. Explore errors and exception handling, and how to use assertions and annotations in your apps.
12 videos | 45m has Assessment available Badge
Errors & Testing
Testing your applications is a big part of defensive programming in Android. Fortunately, automating tests can help make the job easier. Discover how to create and use automated unit and UI testing techniques for Android apps.
15 videos | 59m available Badge
Java Defensive Techniques
Defensive Programming in Android helps you create reliable and resilient apps. Learn techniques specific to Java that promote defensive programming when creating Android apps.
18 videos | 59m has Assessment available Badge
Network Access
To program defensively, it is important to consider issues related to network access. Discover how to access the network in Android apps in a way that does not affect user experience.
8 videos | 29m available Badge


Thinking Defensively about Input, Constants, & Conditionals
Defensive Programming in iOS focuses on coding practices and techniques to create reliable and resilient apps. Discover how to think defensively about input, constants, and conditionals for iOS apps.
15 videos | 1h 13m available Badge
Thinking Defensively about Functions & Methods
Creating reliable and resilient apps is the goal of defensive programming in iOS. Discover how to think defensively about functions and methods for iOS apps.
7 videos | 30m has Assessment available Badge
TCP Connections & Network Availability
Defensive Programming in iOS focuses on coding practices and techniques to create reliable and resilient apps. Explore defensive programming techniques for TCP connections and network availability for iOS apps.
8 videos | 38m has Assessment available Badge
Managing Network Interaction
Defensive programming in iOS is vital, especially with regards to the internet. Discover methods and best practices for interacting safely and easily with the internet for iOS apps.
8 videos | 46m has Assessment available Badge
Managing Upload & Download in iOS
An important part of defensive programming in iOS focuses on upload and download operations.Explore methods and best practices for managing upload and download functionality for iOS apps.
5 videos | 35m available Badge
Working with Errors & Exceptions
Regardless of how well your iOS app is written, errors will occur. Explore thinking defensively in your approach to errors and exception handling for iOS apps.
10 videos | 52m available Badge
Testing Methodology & Automation
Testing is a large part of the app creation process. Explore defensive thinking in your approach to automated tests for iOS apps.
18 videos | 1h 11m available Badge
Protecting Data in iOS Apps
A big part of any defensive programming strategy involves protecting data and files. Explore methods and practices that can be used to help protect data used by iOS apps.
15 videos | 1h 19m available Badge
Protecting Data through Encryption & Decryption
There are a number of methods that can be used in your defensive programming strategy to protect data. Explore data protection through encryption and decryption using iOS apps.
8 videos | 43m available Badge


Defensive Coding Fundamentals for C/C++
Defensive Programming is a methodology for writing code not prone to errors caused by unexpected user inputs/actions. Explore the fundamentals of defensive programming for C/C++ including inspections, testing, and input validation.
13 videos | 46m has Assessment available Badge
Defendable Code and Errors
The goal of defensive programming is to prevent errors caused by user interaction. Explore defensive programming in C//C++ including defendable code, error handling, methods, and variables.
11 videos | 40m has Assessment available Badge
Defensive Coding for C/C++
To program defensively, you must know what to look for. Explore common risks to C/C++, how to defend against common attacks, the best way to deal with user input.
11 videos | 40m available Badge
Defensive Coding Best Practices for C/C++
Regardless of how well your code is written, errors will occur. Explore defensive programming best practices in C/C++, including data and data validation.
11 videos | 46m available Badge


Defensive Coding Fundamentals for C#
Defensive Programming is a methodology for writing code not prone to errors caused by unexpected user inputs/actions. Explore the fundamentals of defensive programming in C/C++ including risks, clean code, iterative design, and testing.
13 videos | 56m has Assessment available Badge
Defendable Code and Errors for C#
The goal of defensive programming is to prevent errors caused by user interaction. Explore the fundamentals of defensive programming in C/C++ including methods, variables, conditionals, and error handling.
12 videos | 56m available Badge
Defensive Coding for C#
To program defensively, you must know what to look for. Explore common risks to C#, how to counter common risks, regular expressions, and the best way to deal with bad data.
15 videos | 1h 2m has Assessment available Badge
Securing WCF Applications
An important part of defensive programming is ensuring the application itself is secure. Discover how to secure WCF applications, including authentication, prevention, and common risks.
9 videos | 37m has Assessment available Badge


Defensive Coding Fundamentals for JavaScript and HTML5
Defensive programming is a methodology for writing code that is not prone to present or future errors caused by unexpected user inputs or actions. Explore defensive programming for JavaScript and HTML5, including an introduction to testing.
18 videos | 1h 5m has Assessment available Badge
Error Handling for JavaScript and HTML5
A vital part of defensive programming is ensuring you handle a variety of possible errors. Learn about handling and anticipating errors, using exceptions, and global objects in JavaScript and HTML5.
7 videos | 25m has Assessment available Badge
Defensive Coding for JavaScript and HTML5
Explore the potential risks in web applications and how to use JavaScript defensive techniques to prevent issues. In addition, learn about social jacking, Web Workers, and securing HTML5 elements.
9 videos | 29m has Assessment available Badge
Defensive Coding, APIs, and Security
Learn how to use JavaScript defensive techniques to prevent issues like DOM manipulation. In addition, learn about third-party risks, client trust issues, sandbox implementation, SVG exploits, and JSON risks.
13 videos | 39m has Assessment available Badge


Securing .NET Programming
Security must always be considered when creating applications using the Microsoft .NET Framework. Explore how to develop secure .NET applications and protect against common risks.
19 videos | 1h 15m has Assessment available Badge
Role Based Security
The Microsoft .NET Framework lets you use roles to help control access and secure your applications. Learn about role-based security in .NET and how it can be used to protect your applications.
6 videos | 25m available Badge


Defensive Java Fundamentals
Defensive programming attempts to ensure that software still functions under adverse or unforeseen circumstances. Explore the fundamentals of defensive programming in Java, including using assertions, annotations, and exceptions.
16 videos | 1h 39m available Badge
Classes, Objects, Method and Loop
Defensive programming can help ensure that your software still functions under adverse or unforeseen circumstances. Discover how to securely use classes, objects, methods, and program flow in your Java programs.
13 videos | 1h 24m available Badge
Data Handling and Concurrency
Defensive programming in Java includes ensuring that data used in your application is valid and secure. Examine how to validate input, and safely handle data and concurrency issues.
9 videos | 1h 7m available Badge
Defending Attacks
Defensive programming can be used to protect your Java applications from external attacks. Here you'll learn how to defend against SQL, XML, and LDAP injection attacks.
9 videos | 1h 28m available Badge
Data Security and Access Control
Defensive programming in Java includes writing code to handle and protect data. Explore how to secure communications, and implement access control and authentication effectively.
12 videos | 1h 33m has Assessment available Badge


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Advanced JavaScript, Third Edition
Including numerous examples that illustrate how to implement various techniques, this book begins with an overview, then quickly moves into the more advanced features needed for complex yet robust JavaScript scripts.
book Duration 9h 20m book Authors By Chuck Easttom


Pro JavaScript Techniques, Second Edition
Filled with real-world examples and case studies, as well as numerous reusable functions and classes, this indispensable book provides everything you need to know about modern JavaScript, and teaches you what JavaScript can do for your web sites.
book Duration 3h 46m book Authors By John Paxton, John Resig, Russ Ferguson


Secure Development for Mobile Apps: How to Design and Code Secure Mobile Applications with PHP and JavaScript
Outlining best practices to help you build better, more secure software, this step-by-step guide shows you how to integrate security measures into social apps running on mobile platforms, and how to design and code apps with security as part of the process and not an afterthought.
book Duration 6h 49m book Authors By J. D. Glaser


Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, Third Edition
After an in-depth introduction to the JavaScript language, this authoritative resource progresses to break down how JavaScript is applied for web development using the latest web development technologies.
book Duration 16h 4m book Authors By Nicholas C. Zakas


JavaScript Bible, Seventh Edition
Packed with sample code and ready-to-use scripts, this definitive guide helps you quickly master JavaScript fundamentals and deploy strategies that best suit your web goals.
book Duration 33h 46m book Authors By Danny Goodman, Michael Morrison, Paul Novitski, Tia Gustaff Rayl


JavaScript Object Programming
Designed to help the intermediate JavaScript programmer learn to use both types of inheritance, this brief book explains the advantages of the object model, inheritance, both classical and prototypical, and shows how these concepts can be implemented in JavaScript.
book Duration 1h 46m book Authors By Martin Rinehart



Android Apps Security
Including a detailed examination of areas where attacks on applications can take place, this in-depth book will provide developers with the information they need to design useful, high-performing, and secure apps that expose end-users to as little risk as possible.
book Duration 3h 3m book Authors By Sheran Gunasekera


Android Security Internals: An In-Depth Guide to Android's Security Architecture
Taking us under the hood of the Android security system, this book describes Android security architecture from the bottom up, delving into the implementation of major security-related components and subsystems, like Binder IPC, permissions, cryptographic providers, and device administration.
book Duration 7h 31m book Authors By Nikolay Elenkov


Android Security: Attacks and Defenses
Explaining the Android security model and architecture, this book will help readers get up to speed on the basics of the Android platform and its security issues, as well as analyze applications and understand permission requirements.
book Duration 2h 31m book Authors By Abhishek Dubey, Anmol Misra


Enterprise Android: Programming Android Database Applications for the Enterprise
Written for developers who want to start building data-driven Android applications that integrate with enterprise systems, this definitive guide thoroughly covers sharing and displaying data, transmitting data to enterprise applications, and much more.
book Duration 6h 31m book Authors By G. Blake Meike, Laird Dornin, Zane Pan, Zigurd Mednieks


Android Programming: Pushing the Limits
Delivering expert tips, tricks and little-known techniques for pushing the Android envelope, this expert guide will help you unleash the power of the Android OS and build the kinds of brilliant, innovative apps users love to use.
book Duration 6h 23m book Authors By Erik Hellman


Android Forensics: Investigation, Analysis, and Mobile Security for Google Android
The Android platform is a major source of digital forensic investigation and analysis. This book provides a thorough review of the Android platform including supported hardware devices, the structure of the Android development project and implementation of core services.
book Duration 4h 58m book Authors By Andrew Hoog



iOS Application Security: The Definitive Guide for Hackers and Developers
Whether you're looking to bolster your app's defenses or hunting bugs in other people's code, this expert guide reveals common iOS coding mistakes that create serious security problems and shows you how to find and fix them.
book Duration 3h 49m book Authors By David Thiel


Securing Mobile Devices
Explaining that applying COBIT 5 to mobile device security establishes a uniform management framework, this book offers guidance on planning, implementing and maintaining comprehensive security for mobile devices in the context of enterprises.
book Duration 2h 12m book Authors By ISACA


Professional iOS Network Programming: Connecting the Enterprise to the iPhone and iPad
Offering a complete compendium of methods and techniques for networked communication, this Wrox guide provides everything you need to know to write iOS apps that integrate with enterprise network resources, presenting options for networking iOS devices to enterprise systems and to each other.
book Duration 5h 25m book Authors By Jack Cox, John Szumski, Nathan Jones


Mobile Computing: Securing Your Workforce
Offering a compilation of short essays on mobile computing in the workplace, this book provides sound advice and guidance for both consumers and the ICT department in the balance to get the best return out of mobile devices without compromising corporate security standards.
book Duration 1h 5m book Authors By BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT


Secure Development for Mobile Apps: How to Design and Code Secure Mobile Applications with PHP and JavaScript
Outlining best practices to help you build better, more secure software, this step-by-step guide shows you how to integrate security measures into social apps running on mobile platforms, and how to design and code apps with security as part of the process and not an afterthought.
book Duration 6h 49m book Authors By J. D. Glaser


Beginning iOS 6 Development
Offering a complete soup-to-nuts course in iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch programming, this friendly, easy-to-follow guide will show you how to integrate all the interface elements Apple touch users have come to know and love, such as buttons, switches, pickers, toolbars, and sliders.
book Duration 11h 41m book Authors By David Mark, Fredrik Olsson, Jack Nutting, Jeff LaMarche



Architecting Secure Software Systems
Defining a myriad of security vulnerabilities and their resultant threats, this book explains how security should be incorporated into basic software engineering at the requirement analysis phase.
book Duration 10h 27m book Authors By Asoke K. Talukder, Manish Chaitanya


Professional C++, 3rd Edition
Helping you master complex C++ programming, this in-depth guide provides best practices for programming style, testing, and debugging, working code that readers can plug into their own apps, and tips, tricks, and workarounds with an emphasis on good programming style.
book Duration 17h 1m book Authors By Marc Gregoire


Advanced C and C++ Compiling
Providing all you need to move from intermediate to expert programmer, this book explains the build process in detail and shows how to integrate code from other developers in the form of deployed libraries as well as how to resolve issues and potential mismatches between your own and external code trees.
book Duration 4h 19m book Authors By Milan Stevanovic


Cryptography in C and C++
Making the connection between theory and practice, and presenting recent improvements in primality testing, this detailed book covers the latest crytographic techniques in detail, and lays out everything you need to know to write professional-level cryptographic code.
book Duration 6h 59m book Authors By Michael Welschenbach


Beginning Programming with C++ For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Presenting plain-English explanations of the fundamental principles of C++, this friendly guide arms you with the skills and know-how to expertly use one of the world's most popular programming languages. You'll explore what goes into creating a program, how to put the pieces together, learn how to deal with standard programming challenges, and much more.
book Duration 5h 45m book Authors By Stephen R. Davis


C++/CLI Primer: For .NET Development
Presenting some of the important aspects of the C++/CLI language that often become a barrier preventing programmers from exploring further, this unique book will guide you through that barrier.
book Duration 38m book Authors By Vivek Ragunathan


Beginning C++
Introducing the elements of the C++ standard library that provide essential support for the language syntax that is discussed, this tutorial guide will help you extend the depth and scope of your C++ expertise, although assumes no prior programming experience.
book Duration 13h 14m book Authors By Ivor Horton



C# 5.0 Programmer's Reference
Packed with tips, tricks, hints, examples, and exercises, this accessible guide gives novice and experienced developers a comprehensive tutorial and reference to standard C# programming language.
book Duration 16h 5m book Authors By Rod Stephens


Architecting Secure Software Systems
Defining a myriad of security vulnerabilities and their resultant threats, this book explains how security should be incorporated into basic software engineering at the requirement analysis phase.
book Duration 10h 27m book Authors By Asoke K. Talukder, Manish Chaitanya


C# 24-Hour Trainer, Second Edition
Presenting a self-paced guide to C# programming in the Visual Studio environment, this book uses easy-to-follow lessons reinforced by step-by-step instructions, screencasts, and supplemental exercises to help you master C# programming quickly and painlessly.
book Duration 8h 26m book Authors By Rod Stephens


A Programmer's Guide to C# 5.0, Fourth Edition
Whether you've worked with C# before or with another general-purpose programming language, this up-to-date guide contains fast-paced, focused chapters that will take you straight to the heart of a feature of C# and show you why it works the way it does.
book Duration 5h 46m book Authors By Eric Gunnerson, Nick Wienholt


C# Design and Development: Expert One-on-One
Presenting numerous coding examples, along with tips, tools and techniques, this hands-on guide provides a collection of design strategies that show you how to write high-performance applications using less code so you can become more efficient.
book Duration 14h 23m book Authors By John Paul Mueller


Programming in C#, Laxmi Publications (c) 2015
Explained with numerous examples in a simple manner, this book has been written for the curious learners of C# in the field of Engineering and Arts & Science, and will be useful in helping beginners become programming experts.
book Duration 1h 45m book Authors By V.Christy


C# Quick Syntax Reference
Providing short, simple and focused code examples, this reference presents the essential C# syntax in a well-organized format, is packed with useful information and is a must-read for any C# programmer.
book Duration 1h 13m book Authors By Mikael Olsson



HTML5 Programmer's Reference
Focusing on providing real-world non-trivial examples to demonstrate concepts, this book includes in-depth discussions and full references for all HTML5 features, as well as extras like how to find the standards, the history of their evolution, and other examples and helpful resources.
book Duration 5h 13m book Authors By Jonathan Reid


Mastering HTML5
Discussing the variety of new techniques and possibilities from the latest HTML overhaul, this book will get you updated with some facts and myths about HTML5, and prepare you to optimize your workflow to meet the demands of modern Web design.
book Duration 52m book Authors By Smashing Magazine


Pro Windows 8 Development with HTML5 and JavaScript
Metro applications are at the heart of Windows 8, bringing rich and engaging applications to both tablet and desktop users. Beginning with the nuts and bolts, this no-nonsense guide explains how to get the most from Metro, WinRT and Windows 8 by focusing on the features you need for your project.
book Duration 14h 9m book Authors By Adam Freeman


HTML5 and JavaScript Projects
Including specific, appealing examples explained step-by-step, this practical guide shows you how to build on your basic knowledge of HTML5 and JavaScript to create substantial HTML5 applications, including video and audio, databases, localStorage, and geolocation.
book Duration 4h 57m book Authors By Jeanine Meyer


HTML5 Solutions: Essential Techniques for HTML5 Developers
For Web developers and designers seeking practical advice on making HTML5 sites work, this book provides a collection of real-world solutions to all of the most common HTML5 problems with sample code that is production-ready and can be applied to any project.
book Duration 4h 34m book Authors By Charles Brown, Cyril Hanquez, Marco Casario, Nathalie Wormser, Peter Elst


HTML5, JavaScript and jQuery 24-Hour Trainer
Whether you're looking for a quick refresher or a first-time lesson, this hands-on, step-by-step guide shows you how to build real-world HTML5 apps - both web-based and mobile - in combination with JavaScript, jQuery, and CSS/CSS3.
book Duration 5h 53m book Authors By Dane Cameron



Applied Cryptography in .NET and Azure Key Vault: A Practical Guide to Encryption in .NET and .NET Core
Giving you the skills, knowledge, and code you need to implement the latest encryption standards in your own projects, this book teaches you how to use the .NET encryption APIs and Azure Key Vault, and how they can work together to produce a robust security solution.
book Duration 3h 23m book Authors By Stephen Haunts


Beginning ASP.NET for Visual Studio 2015
Your complete guide to the productivity and performance enhancements in ASP.NET, this in-depth resource walks you through the details, and shows you what you need to know so you can get up and running quickly.
book Duration 12h 29m book Authors By William Penberthy


Professional Visual Studio 2015
With a unique IDE-centric approach and deep dive into the software's many nooks and crannies, this book will bring you up to speed quickly on everything Visual Studio 2015 has to offer.
book Duration 17h 52m book Authors By Bruce Johnson


Learn ASP.NET MVC: Be Ready For Coding Away Next Week Using ASP.NET MVC 5 and Visual Studio 2015
Packed with theory, several demonstrations, and exercises, this concise resource provides you with the tools you need to code your first ASP.NET MVC application.
book Duration 44m book Authors By Arnaud Weil


Practical Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
For beginning and intermediate software developers and architects, this book helps readers navigate the complexity of development options and decide which techniques and Visual Studio 2015 features to use based on the needs of their particular project.
book Duration 3h 52m book Authors By Peter Ritchie



Java 8 Recipes, Second Edition
Presented in the popular problem-solution format, this focused guide is chock full of interesting and useful programming solutions to help you achieve your goals and find success in your Java programming projects.
book Duration 9h 26m book Authors By Josh Juneau


Expert Oracle and Java Security: Programming Secure Oracle Database Applications With Java
Including several templates for applications, this authoritative guide provides resources that every Java and Oracle database application programmer needs to ensure that they have guarded the security of the data and identities entrusted to them.
book Duration 9h 41m book Authors By David Coffin


Pro Java 8 Programming
Covering the core Java development kit and the finer points of the core standard edition (SE) and development kit version 8, this book will show you the particulars of working with the Java language and APIs to develop applications in many different contexts.
book Duration 12h 4m book Authors By Brett Spell


Upgrading to Java 8
Designed for experienced Java programmers who need to upgrade to Java 8 fast, this practical guide covers the most important features and enhancements in the latest version of Java, including lambda expressions, streams, the new Date-Time API, JavaFX 8 and Nashorn.
book Duration 1h 16m book Authors By Budi Kurniawan


Beginning Java 8 Language Features
Providing over 60 diagrams and 290 complete programs to help you visualize and better understand the topics covered, this book covers essential and advanced features of the Java programming language such as the new lambda expressions (closures), inner classes, threads, I/O, Collections, garbage collection, streams, and more.
book Duration 12h 20m book Authors By Kishori Sharan


Java, Fifth Edition (Covers Java 8)
Explaining how to download and install the free Java Development Kit (JDK) for the Java SE (Standard Edition) platform, this book will prepare readers to be able to write their own Java programs and compile them into executable files that can be run on any Java-enabled computer.
book Duration 2h 12m book Authors By Mike McGrath


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Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Channel APIs
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