The Expansion Sale: Four Must-Win Conversations to Keep and Grow Your Customers

  • 4h 57m 3s
  • Erik Peterson, Tim Riesterer
  • Recorded Books, Inc.
  • 2020

Proven customer engagement approaches for winning in the most important moments driving profitability and growth―customer retention and expansion.

Industry analysts report that up 70-80% of business growth comes from existing customers.

So why are you still investing mainly in attracting new customers? And, leaving renewals and upsells to chance? Or, worse yet, using a one-size-fits-all approach to acquisition as you do for expansions?

The Expansion Sale provides everything you need to seize the competitive edge in the customer-success space. Authors Erik Peterson and Tim Riesterer explain how the buying psychology of existing customers differs from that of new customers, and show how to adapt your commercial engagement strategies accordingly. They provide clear, easy-to-apply messaging frameworks for creating and delivering winning conversations in the four must-win commercial moments of customer success: ensuring renewals, communicating price increases, increasing upsells, and apologizing effectively for service failures.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - Acquisition Does Not Equal Expansion
  • Chapter 2 - Expansion Messaging: Mission Critical, but Missing in Action
  • Chapter 3 - Why Stay and the Psychology Behind Renewals
  • Chapter 4 - Cracking the Code on the Price Increase Conversation
  • Chapter 5 - Why Pay More: A Framework for Improving Your Price Increase Conversations
  • Chapter 6 - Messaging for the Upsell: The Why Evolve Conversation
  • Chapter 7 - The Winning Why Evolve Message Framework
  • Chapter 8 - “Sorry” Shouldn't Be the Hardest Word: Apology Science and the Expansion Sale
  • Chapter 9 - The Winning Why Forgive Message Framework
  • Chapter 10 - The Right Message at the Right Time: Mastering Situational Fluency
  • Chapter 11 - Delivering the Message: Essential Skills for the Expansion Seller
  • Chapter 12 - Navigating the Conversation: Advanced Skills for the Expansion Seller
  • Chapter 13 - Expansion Messaging as a Commercial Strategy
  • Chapter 14 - Parting Thoughts