ASP.NET: Visual Studio 2017 intermediate
  • 2 Courses | 2h 43m
  • 5 Books | 42h 33m
  • Includes Lab
  • 2 Courses | 2h 9s
  • 1 Book | 15h 21m
  • 1 Audiobook | 26h 8m 33s
  • 2 Courses | 2h 46s
  • 8 Books | 59h 3m
  • Includes Lab
  • 3 Courses | 3h 12m 25s
  • 8 Books | 73h 6m
  • Includes Lab
  • 12 Courses | 11h 8m 56s
  • 8 Books | 79h 24m
  • Includes Lab
  • 1 Audiobook | 26h 8m 33s
  • 59 Courses | 41h 53m
  • 9 Books | 59h 26m
  • Includes Lab
Rating 3.5 of 2 users Rating 3.5 of 2 users (2)
Discover ASP.NET, the server-side web application framework used to produce dynamic web pages.


Introducing MVC5 Applications

  • 10m 51s
  • 5m 29s


ASP.NET Introduction

  • 4m 12s
  • 2m 46s


MVC 5 with Entity Framework 6 (EF6) & Web API 2

  • 3m 12s
  • 5m 46s


Creating an SPA

  • 5m 30s
  • 2m 17s


Introduction to ASP.NET Core 1.0

  • 4m 1s
  • 6m 26s


ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Introduction

  • 3m 29s
  • 4m


Introducing MVC5 Applications
Introduce yourself to the ASP.NET MVC 5 framework! Learn how to upgrade an app to MVC 5, customize the presentation using Bootstrap, and examine routing in MVC 5.
14 videos | 1h 27m has Assessment available Badge
Securing MVC5 Applications
Security is always an issue for any application. Learn how to secure your applications using authentication filters, and how to use the features of the Identity framework in MVC applications.
13 videos | 1h 15m has Assessment available Badge


ASP.NET Introduction
Development tools evolve with the web. Keeping that in mind, the ASP.NET team at Microsoft took time to review the state of web development to see if they could make better tools to meet modern day challenges. In this course, you'll explore the ASP.NET Core framework, tooling, and building web applications. You'll learn about templates and project types, and core concepts such as configuration, dependency injection, routing, and middleware. Then you'll discover the request/response pipeline as a collection of built-in middleware and how to create custom middleware. Finally, you'll explore the MVC programming model on top of ASP.NET Core and how it promotes clean separation of code, decoupling of view templates, and highly testable code. This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK).
15 videos | 1h available Badge
ASP.NET Core Fundamentals
Out of the box, ASP.NET Core comes with an interesting set of services that you can make use of in your applications. In this course, you'll explore some of the core services that are available out of the box in ASP.NET Core and various configuration options. Then you'll learn about leveraging dependency injection support, defining custom environments, various logging options, how to configure logging, working with data in .NET applications, and the Entity Framework, Finally, you'll explore various options for seeding a database, querying and manipulating data, working with the front-end user experience, bundling and minifying JavaScript and CSS files, script and link tag helpers, TypeScript, and LESS. This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK).
19 videos | 59m available Badge


MVC 5 with Entity Framework 6 (EF6) & Web API 2
The ASP.NET MVC 5 framework can be used to develop web and mobile apps using a variety of web standards and design patterns. Here you'll learn how to use both the Entity Framework 6 and the Web API 2 with MVC 5.
14 videos | 1h 10m has Assessment available Badge
MVC 5 with SignalR & Azure
SignalR is an ASP.NET library that supports real-time communication between the server and the client. Learn how to install and use SignalR with MVC, and how to test and deploy MVC 5 applications to Microsoft Azure.
9 videos | 50m available Badge


Creating an SPA
A single-page application (SPA) is a web application or site contained on a single web page. Learn how to create an SPA using Visual Studio 2015, ASP.NET 5, MVC 6, Grunt, and AngularJS.
19 videos | 1h 24m available Badge
Data Persistence & Validation
You must consider data validation and persistence when creating a software application. Learn how to use Entity Framework 7 to persist data to a database, and how to use AngularJS and ASP.NET validation to implement validation.
11 videos | 52m available Badge
Application Security
Security is always a concern when creating a SPA with AngularJS and ASP.NET Web API. Learn how to implement security using ASP.NET Identity, force login using the Authorize attribute, forward claims data, and secure API controller actions.
9 videos | 55m available Badge


Introduction to ASP.NET Core 1.0
ASP.NET Core 1.0, previously known as ASP.NET 5, is the latest, open-source version of the ASP.NET web development framework. Explore its core features and how to get started, as well as creating and configuring a simple web application.
12 videos | 1h has Assessment available Badge
Services, Configuration, & Middleware
Learn about ASP.NET Core 1.0 services, including service lifetime, request and application services, and dependency injection. In addition, explore environment variables, configuring web applications in Azure, and the middleware pipeline.
14 videos | 1h 10m has Assessment available Badge
Middleware & Dependency Injection
The ASP.NET Core 1.0 framework introduces a number of new capabilities for configuring and working with web applications. Learn to configure middleware and dependency injection, and how to use different DI containers.
9 videos | 42m has Assessment available Badge
Exceptions & Logging
Learn about exception handling and logging in the ASP.NET Core 1.0 framework, including using the built-in exception handler, the TraceSource logger, and third-party loggers.
7 videos | 34m has Assessment available Badge
MVC, Tag Helpers, & View Components
Learn about new features in ASP.NET Core 1.0 MVC, previously known as MVC 6. In addition, explore POCO controller classes, working with tag helpers, and creating components.
12 videos | 1h 10m has Assessment available Badge
Layouts, Tag Helpers, and Views in Razor
ASP.NET Core MVC utilizes the Razor view engine to create view templates, and the new version provides exciting new features to create a better development experience. In this course, you will embark on an in-depth exploration of the Razor View Engine and the new features introduced in ASP.NET Core. You'll start by discovering the basics of Razor templating and utilizing layouts to provide a consistent look and feel for your application. Then you'll explore built-in and custom Tag Helpers to help componentize your templates. Finally, you'll learn about view components that improve upon existing features in Razor to provide components that can contain their own business logic. This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK).
26 videos | 1h 28m available Badge
Console Applications and Formatting Strings
Command line interfaces were first introduced over 50 years ago, but they are still relevant and commonly used because they work and you'll quite frequently find that you need to work with text in some form. In this course, you'll learn how work with and compile a command line interface and examine the characteristics of a console application and the .NET Console class. You'll learn how to build a console application, as well as how to use the Console class WriteLine, Write, and ReadLine methods. You'll explore how to adjust the development environment in Visual Studio and how to run a C# console application. In C#, working with text involves the String class, so you'll also learn how to perform some basic operations with text. You'll examine the String class, how to define and initialize string variables, and how to manipulate strings. You'll learn the differences between a string and a String object, how to recognize null strings and empty strings, and how to work with composite strings. This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK).
10 videos | 56m available Badge
Displaying Numeric Values
It's very common to want to display numeric values in different ways depending on the type of data. If you have a floating-point number in a scientific application, you may want to display your number like 6.022E23. If you are working in a financial application, you may want your number to appear like $1,234.56. Or perhaps you want to display dates in a certain way. In this course, you'll learn how to store and display numeric values. You'll explore string formatting and variables. Next, you'll examine PascalCase vs. camelCase and how to use the snippets feature. You'll also learn about formatting and aligning numeric output. Finally, you'll learn about input and parsing, accepting user input, and working with dates. This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK).
8 videos | 52m available Badge
Working with Assemblies and Methods
In .NET, your code is stored in either dynamic link libraries or EXEs and the term assembly refers to both .NET DLLs and .NET EXEs. In this course, you'll learn how to call code that is stored in another assembly. You'll explore scoping and partitioning with namespaces, how to use namespaces, as well as DLL references and how to use code from a DLL. You'll examine how to store configuration settings for your program outside of the executable using the application configuration file. In this course, you'll also learn about static methods and parameters. You'll explore how to write and call methods, an example of a static method, and how to add a static method to a program. Next, you'll examine the basics of method parameters and return values, as well as named and optional parameters. You'll also learn about overloading methods, basic control flow, looping, and how to return a value from a method. This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK).
9 videos | 54m available Badge
Organizing Code into Classes
At this point, much of your code has been written in static methods of the Program class, so now it's time to learn more about .NET classes. You'll start by learning how to choose between static and instance methods. Next, you'll explore the object-oriented nature of C# and how to create a class with a static method. Next, you'll learn about instance methods and how to create instances of FileInfo, as well as explore examples of instance fields and methods. You'll learn about constructors, navigating Solution Explorer and Class View, and using public and private methods. Finally, you'll examine how to hide fields behind methods and the purpose of reference variables. This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK).
7 videos | 46m available Badge
Working with Properties and Enums
The setting and getting of values in an instance of a class is a very common pattern in C# programming. In fact, .NET has a mechanism called properties that allows the coder to call set and get methods. There are still get and set methods implemented and being run behind the scenes, it's simply that properties look nicer than having get and set methods scattered through the code. In addition to making the code cleaner, the .NET properties feature also encodes the semantics of being able to set and get properties of an instance. In this course, you'll learn how to use properties to improve the interface of your classes. You'll examine the motivation for properties and learn how to expose a private field as a property. Finally, you'll explore how to define an automatic property and set properties in an object initializer. This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK).
8 videos | 47m available Badge
Exceptions and Class Libraries
Exceptions are errors that occur while your application is running. They may be caused by program logic, unexpected user input, or a host of other reasons. If left unhandled, your applications may behave in unexpected ways. In this course, you'll learn how to add error handling code to an application and how to use try-catch and try-catch finally blocks. You'll also learn how to catch exceptions thrown by the .NET framework, throw exceptions from your own methods, and define custom exception types. In .NET, you can share code across multiple projects by placing the code inside a class library. A class library is a collection of classes and other types compiled into a dynamic link library. In this course, you'll also learn how to create a DLL and call code in that DLL from your executable. You'll learn about assemblies and how a .NET DLL differs from a Windows DLL. You'll examine how to create and work with class libraries. This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK).
6 videos | 46m available Badge


ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Introduction
Get started with web application development in Visual Studio 2017. Discover how to create and add new pages in web forms, web pages, and ASP.NET MVC web applications, and create and apply layout and master pages for each application type.
10 videos | 45m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: MVC Application Routes
Discover how to configure and implement MVC routes, as well as define, link, and redirect areas in Visual Studio 2017.
11 videos | 1h 5m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: MVC Controllers & Actions
Learn how to work with MVC controller route data, and how to create and use ASP.NET MVC controller action results, selectors, and filters in Visual Studio 2017.
14 videos | 1h 32m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Models & Unit Testing
Examine the administration of basic MVC unit tests, and how to add a model to an ASP.NET MVC application, implement business logic in a model, and validate user input with data annotations in Visual Studio 2017.
14 videos | 1h 22m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Databases & Entity Framework
Discover how to create databases and administer access to model classes using Entity Framework.
14 videos | 50m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Web API Routes & Controllers
Learn how to register and configure ASP.NET Web API routes, and how to implement ASP.NET Web API controller HTTP methods in Visual Studio 2017.
14 videos | 45m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: JSON & XML Data Formats
Discover how to retrieve and display raw JSON and XML data in a browser, as well as how to develop a web application for multiple browsers and mobile devices in Visual Studio 2017.
11 videos | 1h has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Composing the UI Layout
Explore UI layout creation for an application using Razor code blocks, HTML helper methods in MVC views, and Page Inspector in Visual Studio 2017.
11 videos | 1h 16m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Design & Implement UI Behavior
Learn how to implement both client and server-side data validation, as well as how to render application scripts in Visual Studio 2017.
12 videos | 51m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Adaptive UI Layout & Caching Strategy
Discover how to design a caching strategy and work with display modes to implement adaptive user interfaces in Visual Studio 2017.
10 videos | 46m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Data & State Management
Examine the use of a number of MVC objects for persisting data, how to implement state management, and how to implement a web socket strategy in Visual Studio 2017.
13 videos | 45m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Asynchronous Tasks
Asynchronous tasks run in the background on a separate thread. Learn how to use and manage asynchronous tasks in an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017.
8 videos | 28m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Distributed Applications
Discover how to design a distributed ASP.NET MVC application in Visual Studio 2017, and how to work with Azure Redis Cache.
10 videos | 37m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Implementing ASP.NET Authentication
Control who can access your web applications! Learn how to configure user authentication rules in an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017.
17 videos | 1h 45m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Claims-Based Authentication
Explore claims-based authentication and how to implement it in an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017.
12 videos | 44m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Authorization & Exception Handling
Discover how to configure and apply user authorization roles, as well as techniques for designing an exception handling strategy in an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017.
15 videos | 56m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Troubleshooting, HTTP Modules, & Handlers
Examine techniques for troubleshooting application errors, performance, and security, and how to implement HTTP modules and handlers in an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017.
8 videos | 28m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Debugging Web Applications
Even the best-written applications will run into problems at some time. Discover how to use the Azure Diagnostics API to collect diagnostics in an ASP.NET MVC web application, and how to debug Windows Azure applications.
16 videos | 1h 7m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Configuring & Deploying
Discover how to configure various web application settings, and how to deploy an ASP.NET MVC web application to hosting providers, Azure websites, and to IIS for local environment testing prior to production deployment.
13 videos | 56m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Globalization, Azure Events, & NuGet
Learn how to create resources for implementing globalization and localization, implement Windows Azure life cycle events, and how to use the MVC SiteMap Provider NuGet package in an ASP.NET MVC web application.
13 videos | 1h has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Optimization & Encryption
Examine how to use compression to reduce network bandwidth, and how to implement custom encryption and decryption of application URLs in ASP.NET MVC web applications in Visual Studio 2017.
8 videos | 29m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Implementing Secure Sites
Discover how to manage validation and prevent cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery attacks, as well as how to implement a custom membership provider for ASP.NET MVC web applications.
13 videos | 1h 13m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Designing Application Architecture
Learn how to plan the application layers and the aspects that we must consider for designing distributed applications.
10 videos | 57m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: State & Configuration Management
Explore how to configure application states in ASP.NET Core, as well as design and implement web socket strategies. You'll also work with designing effective configuration management solutions.
13 videos | 1h 10m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Host Options & WebApp Composition
Interact with host environments and design web apps with framework pipelines in Visual Studio 2017.
11 videos | 54m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Designing Build & Publishing Strategies
Explore how to design browser artefacts, employ server build strategies, and explore various options for publishing applications.
15 videos | 1h 36m has Assessment available Badge
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Deployment Architecture
Explore how to implement various Azure deployment models and also deploy web applications to local on-premise options such as IIS.
17 videos | 2h has Assessment available Badge


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Digital badges are yours to keep, forever.



Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 Platform
Explaining how to get the most from the entire ASP.NET platform, this in-depth reference provides a nuts-and-bolts description of the necessary patterns and tools and gives you the practical knowledge you need to apply these concepts to your own code.
book Duration 6h 10m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Pro ASP.NET Core MVC, Sixth Edition
Presenting a fully worked case study of a functioning ASP.NET MVC application, this book contains detailed explanations of the new Core MVC functionality which enables developers to produce leaner, cloud optimized and mobile-ready applications for the .NET platform.
book Duration 14h 23m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Professional ASP.NET MVC 5
Showing you step-by-step techniques on using MVC to your best advantage, with plenty of practical tutorials to illustrate the concepts, this comprehensive guide provides practical advice on basic and advanced MVC topics Covers controllers, views, models, forms, data annotations, authorization and security, Ajax, routing, ASP.NET web API, dependency injection, unit testing, real-world application, and much more.
book Duration 9h 2m book Authors By Brad Wilson, David Matson, Jon Galloway, K. Scott Allen


Learn ASP.NET MVC: Be Ready For Coding Away Next Week Using ASP.NET MVC 5 and Visual Studio 2015
Packed with theory, several demonstrations, and exercises, this concise resource provides you with the tools you need to code your first ASP.NET MVC application.
book Duration 44m book Authors By Arnaud Weil


Pro ASP.NET MVC 5, Fifth Edition
Helping you to gain a solid architectural understanding of ASP.NET MVC 5, this thorough book explores the entire ASP.NET MVC Framework as a cohesive whole, shows you what's new in version 5, and how best to apply these new features to your own work.
book Duration 12h 14m book Authors By Adam Freeman



ASP.NET Core in Action, Second Edition
This book is a guide to creating web applications with ASP.NET Core 5.0. Go from basic HTTP concepts to advanced framework customization. Illustrations and annotated code make learning visual and easy. Master logins, dependency injection, security, and more. This updated edition covers the latest features, including Razor Pages and the new hosting paradigm.
book Duration 15h 21m book Authors By Andrew Lock



Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 Platform
Explaining how to get the most from the entire ASP.NET platform, this in-depth reference provides a nuts-and-bolts description of the necessary patterns and tools and gives you the practical knowledge you need to apply these concepts to your own code.
book Duration 6h 10m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Pro ASP.NET Core MVC, Sixth Edition
Presenting a fully worked case study of a functioning ASP.NET MVC application, this book contains detailed explanations of the new Core MVC functionality which enables developers to produce leaner, cloud optimized and mobile-ready applications for the .NET platform.
book Duration 14h 23m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Professional ASP.NET MVC 5
Showing you step-by-step techniques on using MVC to your best advantage, with plenty of practical tutorials to illustrate the concepts, this comprehensive guide provides practical advice on basic and advanced MVC topics Covers controllers, views, models, forms, data annotations, authorization and security, Ajax, routing, ASP.NET web API, dependency injection, unit testing, real-world application, and much more.
book Duration 9h 2m book Authors By Brad Wilson, David Matson, Jon Galloway, K. Scott Allen


Learn ASP.NET MVC: Be Ready For Coding Away Next Week Using ASP.NET MVC 5 and Visual Studio 2015
Packed with theory, several demonstrations, and exercises, this concise resource provides you with the tools you need to code your first ASP.NET MVC application.
book Duration 44m book Authors By Arnaud Weil


Beginning ASP.NET MVC 4
Including a fully worked demo application, this practical, hands-on book shows the beautiful simplicity of ASP.NET MVC to those venturing into real-world application design for the first time.
book Duration 4h 12m book Authors By Jose Rolando Guay Paz


Pro ASP.NET MVC 4, Fourth Edition
Allowing readers to work through an extended tutorial to create a working e-commerce web application, this practical guide will help you discover MVC's strengths and weaknesses, and put your best-learned theory into practice.
book Duration 11h 12m book Authors By Adam Freeman, Steve Sanderson


ASP.NET MVC 4 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Offering proven methods based on best practices, this practical resource guides you through the framework and development tools, presenting typical challenges, along with code solutions and clear, concise explanations to accelerate application development.
book Duration 11h 6m book Authors By John Ciliberti


ASP.NET MVC 4 and the Web API: Building a REST Service from Start to Finish
Focusing exclusively on how the Web API can help you build web services, this authoritative guide helps you build cutting-edge REST services using ASP.NET MVC 4 and the Web API, and will take you from zero to full-blown REST service hero in no time at all.
book Duration 2h 14m book Authors By Jamie Kurtz



Beginning ASP.NET for Visual Studio 2015
Your complete guide to the productivity and performance enhancements in ASP.NET, this in-depth resource walks you through the details, and shows you what you need to know so you can get up and running quickly.
book Duration 12h 29m book Authors By William Penberthy


Pro ASP.NET MVC 5, Fifth Edition
Helping you to gain a solid architectural understanding of ASP.NET MVC 5, this thorough book explores the entire ASP.NET MVC Framework as a cohesive whole, shows you what's new in version 5, and how best to apply these new features to your own work.
book Duration 12h 14m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Professional Visual Studio 2015
With a unique IDE-centric approach and deep dive into the software's many nooks and crannies, this book will bring you up to speed quickly on everything Visual Studio 2015 has to offer.
book Duration 17h 52m book Authors By Bruce Johnson


Learn ASP.NET MVC: Be Ready For Coding Away Next Week Using ASP.NET MVC 5 and Visual Studio 2015
Packed with theory, several demonstrations, and exercises, this concise resource provides you with the tools you need to code your first ASP.NET MVC application.
book Duration 44m book Authors By Arnaud Weil


Professional ASP.NET MVC 5
Showing you step-by-step techniques on using MVC to your best advantage, with plenty of practical tutorials to illustrate the concepts, this comprehensive guide provides practical advice on basic and advanced MVC topics Covers controllers, views, models, forms, data annotations, authorization and security, Ajax, routing, ASP.NET web API, dependency injection, unit testing, real-world application, and much more.
book Duration 9h 2m book Authors By Brad Wilson, David Matson, Jon Galloway, K. Scott Allen


Pro ASP.NET Core MVC, Sixth Edition
Presenting a fully worked case study of a functioning ASP.NET MVC application, this book contains detailed explanations of the new Core MVC functionality which enables developers to produce leaner, cloud optimized and mobile-ready applications for the .NET platform.
book Duration 14h 23m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Practical Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
For beginning and intermediate software developers and architects, this book helps readers navigate the complexity of development options and decide which techniques and Visual Studio 2015 features to use based on the needs of their particular project.
book Duration 3h 52m book Authors By Peter Ritchie


Building Single Page Application Using ASP.NET Core and Angular
For students and professionals with some experience developing applications, this book will have you building a fully functional end-to-end app from scratch in no time using industry standard conventions.
book Duration 2h 30m book Authors By Rahul Sahay



Beginning ASP.NET for Visual Studio 2015
Your complete guide to the productivity and performance enhancements in ASP.NET, this in-depth resource walks you through the details, and shows you what you need to know so you can get up and running quickly.
book Duration 12h 29m book Authors By William Penberthy


Professional ASP.NET MVC 5
Showing you step-by-step techniques on using MVC to your best advantage, with plenty of practical tutorials to illustrate the concepts, this comprehensive guide provides practical advice on basic and advanced MVC topics Covers controllers, views, models, forms, data annotations, authorization and security, Ajax, routing, ASP.NET web API, dependency injection, unit testing, real-world application, and much more.
book Duration 9h 2m book Authors By Brad Wilson, David Matson, Jon Galloway, K. Scott Allen


Pro ASP.NET Core MVC, Sixth Edition
Presenting a fully worked case study of a functioning ASP.NET MVC application, this book contains detailed explanations of the new Core MVC functionality which enables developers to produce leaner, cloud optimized and mobile-ready applications for the .NET platform.
book Duration 14h 23m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 Platform
Explaining how to get the most from the entire ASP.NET platform, this in-depth reference provides a nuts-and-bolts description of the necessary patterns and tools and gives you the practical knowledge you need to apply these concepts to your own code.
book Duration 6h 10m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Real-Time Web Application Development: With ASP.NET Core, SignalR, Docker, and Azure
Including real-world business cases for readers to resolve issues with their live applications, this book will teach you how to design, develop, and deploy an actual web application by leveraging modern open source technologies.
book Duration 5h 42m book Authors By Rami Vemula


ASP.NET Core Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Second Edition
A practical guide for developers creating modern web applications, this book cuts through the complexities and gets you in, out, and back to work quickly while deepening your understanding of the underlying platform and how to develop with it.
book Duration 7h 29m book Authors By John Ciliberti


Pro Entity Framework Core 2 for ASP.NET Core MVC
Including coverage of common problems and advice on how to avoid them, this book will teach you how to model, map, and access data effectively with Entity Framework Core 2, the latest evolution of Microsoft's object-relational mapping framework.
book Duration 8h 48m book Authors By Adam Freeman


ASP.NET Core in Action, Second Edition
This book is a guide to creating web applications with ASP.NET Core 5.0. Go from basic HTTP concepts to advanced framework customization. Illustrations and annotated code make learning visual and easy. Master logins, dependency injection, security, and more. This updated edition covers the latest features, including Razor Pages and the new hosting paradigm.
book Duration 15h 21m book Authors By Andrew Lock



Mobile ASP.NET MVC 5
Including a wide range of techniques, tips, and guidelines, this authoritative guide will take you step-by-step through the process of developing fluid content that adapts its layout to the client device using HTML, JavaScript and CSS, and responsive web design.
book Duration 4h 9m book Authors By Eric Sowell


Pro ASP.NET MVC 5, Fifth Edition
Helping you to gain a solid architectural understanding of ASP.NET MVC 5, this thorough book explores the entire ASP.NET MVC Framework as a cohesive whole, shows you what's new in version 5, and how best to apply these new features to your own work.
book Duration 12h 14m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Professional ASP.NET MVC 5
Showing you step-by-step techniques on using MVC to your best advantage, with plenty of practical tutorials to illustrate the concepts, this comprehensive guide provides practical advice on basic and advanced MVC topics Covers controllers, views, models, forms, data annotations, authorization and security, Ajax, routing, ASP.NET web API, dependency injection, unit testing, real-world application, and much more.
book Duration 9h 2m book Authors By Brad Wilson, David Matson, Jon Galloway, K. Scott Allen


Learn ASP.NET MVC: Be Ready For Coding Away Next Week Using ASP.NET MVC 5 and Visual Studio 2015
Packed with theory, several demonstrations, and exercises, this concise resource provides you with the tools you need to code your first ASP.NET MVC application.
book Duration 44m book Authors By Arnaud Weil


Pro ASP.NET Core MVC, Sixth Edition
Presenting a fully worked case study of a functioning ASP.NET MVC application, this book contains detailed explanations of the new Core MVC functionality which enables developers to produce leaner, cloud optimized and mobile-ready applications for the .NET platform.
book Duration 14h 23m book Authors By Adam Freeman


ASP.NET 4 24-Hour Trainer
Designed to teach you the fundamentals of each topic before progressing to a step-by-step tutorial, this unique book is an ideal place to start learning about the capabilities of ASP.NET 4.
book Duration 4h 42m book Authors By Toi B. Wright


Building Single Page Application Using ASP.NET Core and Angular
For students and professionals with some experience developing applications, this book will have you building a fully functional end-to-end app from scratch in no time using industry standard conventions.
book Duration 2h 30m book Authors By Rahul Sahay


Pro Entity Framework Core 2 for ASP.NET Core MVC
Including coverage of common problems and advice on how to avoid them, this book will teach you how to model, map, and access data effectively with Entity Framework Core 2, the latest evolution of Microsoft's object-relational mapping framework.
book Duration 8h 48m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Building Modern Web Applications with ASP.NET Core Blazor: Learn How to Use Blazor to Create Powerful, Responsive, And Engaging Web Applications
Building Modern Web Applications with ASP.NET Core Blazor is the ultimate guide to developing high-quality web applications with Blazor and .NET Core.
book Duration 2h 54m book Authors By Brian Ding



ASP.NET Core in Action, Second Edition
This book is a comprehensive guide to creating web applications with ASP.NET Core 5.0. Go from basic HTTP concepts to advanced framework customization.
audiobook Duration 26h 8m 33s audiobook Authors By Andrew Lock



ASP.NET Core in Action, Second Edition
This book is a comprehensive guide to creating web applications with ASP.NET Core 5.0. Go from basic HTTP concepts to advanced framework customization.
audiobook Duration 26h 8m 33s audiobook Authors By Andrew Lock


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Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)