React: React 15.4.0 beginner
  • 6 Courses | 5h 51m 46s
  • 8 Books | 31h 40m
  • Includes Lab
  • 3 Courses | 1h 21m
  • 7 Books | 39h 52m
  • Includes Lab
  • 7 Courses | 11h 12m 32s
  • 6 Books | 32h 56m
  • Includes Lab
Rating 4.0 of 1 users Rating 4.0 of 1 users (1)
Discover React, an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces maintained by Facebook, Instagram, and independent developers.


Web Development Concepts

  • 4m 49s
  • 2m 28s


Reactive Programming Using Redux

  • 9m 57s
  • 3m 12s


Build Apps Using React: Introducing React for Web Applications

  • 2m 1s
  • 8m 52s


Web Development Concepts
React is a powerful library of UI tools used in many large-scale web applications. Examine web development concepts, explore the tools, and introduce the strengths of the platform.
14 videos | 41m has Assessment available Badge
Configuring a Developer Machine
Just getting started with React and Flux? Explore the initial configuration of a developer environment.
11 videos | 48m has Assessment available Badge
Configuring Components
React components are the core functionality of a React application. Explore the basic configuration and use of React components and routing between them without React Router.
16 videos | 1h 7m has Assessment available Badge
Router Configuration
React Router is a more coherent, configurable, and manageable approach to handling routing in your React apps. Here you'll learn how to configure basic routing with React Router.
9 videos | 37m has Assessment available Badge
Working with Forms
Creating forms with validation and logic attached is a perennial challenge for web app developers. Explore techniques for building reusable React forms and form components.
13 videos | 1h 10m has Assessment available Badge
Working with Flux
Flux uses a unidirectional pattern to handle data flows in an application. Explore the use of Facebook's Flux pattern within a web application developed in React.
17 videos | 1h 27m has Assessment available Badge


Reactive Programming Using Redux
Discover Reactive programming concepts using React, and explore React debugging concepts and components. This course explores Reactive programming features, challenges, and capabilities. You'll begin by seeing how React works with JavasScript enhancements. Next, walk through Node.js features and concepts. Setup React with NPM, Babel, and Webpacks. Learn to use Babel to transpile JavaScript. Watch how to create a React application. Trace the anatomy of a React project. Run and debug a React application. Identify the various types of React components and their roles to build React applications. Conclude by observing how to work with props to manage data.
13 videos | 1h 26m has Assessment available Badge
Build & Integrate React Applications with Redux Capabilities
Explore how to use React components and learn about the capabilities of Redux, including features such as validation and lifecycle management. In this course, you will begin by exploring the usage of PropTypes that help detect bugs and facilitate data type checking and accuracy. Next, you will learn how to manage the lifecycle of React components along with the various states of React applications. As you progress, you will learn about event handling concepts in React, such as how to describe them. Other key subject areas include the following: See how to use forms in React; learn how to identify the various capabilities of Redux that enhance React applications; identify Redux components and demonstrate the various stages and state management of Redux. Examine the Redux-devtools-extension. Define, create, and integrate Redux actions and reducers. Store Redux application features. Finally, you will step through the Redux data flow life cycle.
13 videos | 1h 24m has Assessment available Badge
Enhance Reactive Applications with Advanced React
Explore Reactive programming approaches using various components of React JS and Redux, and examine advanced React and Redux features, along with middleware integration. This course introduces you to the Dataflow lifecycle in Redux, and shows you how to integrate Redux with React. Discover presentational and container components and ways to implement them into projects. Learn about Redux middleware and Redux Thunk. From there, step through the Redux life cycle and understand how middleware functions can impact the lifecycle of Redux. Examine React router capabilities and mechanisms. Study React router functionality. Fially, you will trace asynchronous Redux actions.
12 videos | 1h 8m has Assessment available Badge
Build and Test SPA Using React & Redux
Discover how to build and test single-page applications using Redux and React, and examine various testing frameworks that are used to test applications. In this course, you will study these key areas, and learn about client-side and server-side validation, and single-page application (SPA) concepts. For example, you will see how to create an SPA with the React Router. Next, fine tune Redux applications, and use React.js to test components. From there, you will explore Jest testing framework features and operation. Other topics include learning to use Jest to test React applications; and studying best practices to test React and Redux applications. Finally, you will watch how to use Node.js to deploy React and Redux-based applications.
12 videos | 1h 8m has Assessment available Badge


Build Apps Using React: Introducing React for Web Applications
This 18-video course focuses on the React library for component-driven development and basic principles involved in creating React applications. Begin with an introduction to the React library and what is it used for, then discover how to design components with React. Identify features that make React powerful, and examine the concepts underlying important React features. Also explore the virtual document object model (DOM) and how it is used. Learn how to implement a simple web page by using React web application programming interfaces (APIs); recognize basic components of the web page built using React; and use minified productionized React libraries. A two-part tutorial focuses on creating nested elements: creating a DOM hierarchy with nested components, and using key attribute to identify unique sibling elements. Delve into JavaScript XML (JSX) and the functionality of the Babel compiler when used with JSX; then create elements using JSX and the Babel compiler, and render a DOM hierarchy using JSX. Conclude the course by focusing on evaluating simple expressions with JSX, and referring to JavaScript variables within JSX.
18 videos | 1h 43m has Assessment available Badge
Build Apps Using React: Local Machine & Online Playgrounds
Learners can explore basics of working with React components, including rendering elements, smart rendering, and building simple and multiple components, in this 17-video course. Discover how to prototype react applications by using online playgrounds, including CodePen, CodeSandbox, and Glitch. Begin by observing how to install NodeJS libraries and the npm package manager on MacOS and on Windows. Run http-server on the local machine to serve web pages, and use ReactDOM.render() to render elements. Learn how to recognize smart rendering of elements in React; build simple components using ES6 classes; and build multiple components using ES6 classes. Discover how to implement a simple application on CodePen; configure the Babel preprocessor on CodePen; and build a simple React prototype on CodePen. Next, take a look at CodeSandbox and Glitch Online Playgrounds, and how to prototype a simple React application on both CodeSandbox and Glitch. Learn how to install and use create-react-app utilities on the local machine; create function components; and how to compose multiple simple components to create a complex component.
17 videos | 1h 40m has Assessment available Badge
Build Apps Using React: Props & State
In this 18-video course, learners explore the basics of props and state, including similarities and differences. Discover how to work with props, use expressions, transfer props manually and using the spread operator. You will begin with a look at props and state in components and when they are used, and differences between props and state. Then move on to working with props; passing data into components by using props; evaluating expressions to pass data to components, and transferring props from higher to lower-level components manually. Also, discover how to transfer props from higher to lower-level components using the spread operator; dynamically render components based on conditions with props, and specify default values passed in as props. Next, learn how to validate props and access child elements using props.children; use expressions to pass in props values; and specify functions as children of a component. Next, receive an introduction to State; updating State by using this.setState() in a component; wiring up event handlers to update the state of a component; and accessing a component's previous state.
18 videos | 1h 44m has Assessment available Badge
Build Apps Using React: Working with Events
This 16-video course helps learners examine the basics of events and event handling in React, including synthetic events, the React component lifecycle, document object model (DOM) reconciliation, and preventing default event handling. Begin by observing use of event propagation in the capture and bubble phases, followed by an introduction to synthetic events and their advantages. Explore the phases in a React component's lifecycle; wire up event handlers to elements; prevent the browser's default event handling; and use synthetic events to access event properties. Discover how to build a component to toggle state, and what happens in the mounting phase of a component lifecycle. Learn how to execute code once a component is mounted to the DOM; observe what happens in the unmounting phase of a component's lifecycle; and learn how to hook into the update phase of a component's lifecycle. Conclude the course by discovering how to optimize the rendering of a component, and how to apply error boundaries to catch errors.
16 videos | 1h 48m has Assessment available Badge
Build Apps Using React: Working with Forms
Learners can explore the basics of controlled components and uncontrolled components in this 12-video course, which begins with a look at working with forms in React. Forms are used to input data on a web page; you will discover how controlled components work in forms, and then move on to a two-part tutorial on controlled components for multi-input forms: part 1 on wiring up event handlers for form mutations, and part 2 on synchronizing component state by using event handlers. Next, discover how to wire up a single event handler for multiple inputs, and how to design form elements to be individual components. This leads into testing form setup, and testing the form on a web browser. Discover the need for client-side validation, and how to validate data passed into forms. Compare controlled components and uncontrolled components for form data, and in the final tutorial, learn how to use uncontrolled components to handle file inputs in forms.
12 videos | 1h 20m has Assessment available Badge
Build Apps Using React: Advanced Features in React
In this 19-video course, you will discover advanced React features such as lists and keys, including lists without keys, unique keys for lists, and correct key usage, and other topics. Learners begin with a look at the error that occurs when list elements are rendered without keys, then study the unique keys for list elements. Learn about the right usage of keys in components; how to render components using conditional evaluation; how to perform conditional rendering using variables; and how to evaluate conditions by using inline logical operators. Explore how to perform rendering with ternary operators; the use of local state in components; and the disadvantages of storing local state. Learn about removing state from lower-level components, and lifting state up to higher-level components. Delve into code reuse by using inheritance and code reuse by using composition. Examine how to use composition to customize child elements and how to create special components using composition. Explore the use of global properties without context, and finally, the use of context to specify global properties.
19 videos | 1h 47m has Assessment available Badge
Build Apps Using React: In Development & Production
Learners will discover how to build React applications working in the development and the production environments, in this 12-video course. Examine how to add state to an application and add and delete comments; explore React Develop Tools and their use, along with several other topics. Begin by setting up a simple application in the create-react-app environment, which will download and install several NodeJS packages using npm, and then move on to adding state within the application. Learn how to wire up event handlers to add new comments, and also wire up event handlers to delete comments. Discover how to install and work with React Developer Tools, and use these tools to explore the component tree. Also learn how to use React Developer Tools to profile applications. Next, examine how to create a production build with minified files and static assets; explore the different files generated in a production build, and how to serve the application in a production build.
12 videos | 1h 8m has Assessment available Badge


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Pro React 16
Going in-depth to give you the knowledge you need, this hands-on guide shows you how to use the enormously popular React framework to build dynamic JavaScript applications that take advantage of the capabilities of modern browsers and devices.
book Duration 9h 51m book Authors By Adam Freeman


React in Action
This book introduces front-end developers to the React framework and related tools.
book Duration 6h 4m book Authors By Mark Tielens Thomas


Developing a React.js Edge: The JavaScript Library for User Interfaces, Second Edition
React introduces new and exciting concepts that challenge current practices. This book will enable you to navigate all of these concepts and help you understand why they are beneficial and can help you build scalable Single Page Applications (SPAs).
book Duration 1h 45m book Authors By Frankie Bagnardi, Jeremiah Hall, Richard Feldman, Simon Højberg


Pro MERN Stack: Full Stack Web App Development with Mongo, Express, React, and Node
Including numerous code samples and exercises throughout, this book stakes a claim that the MERN stack is great for developing a complete web application, and it takes the reader through all that is necessary to get it done.
book Duration 5h 22m book Authors By Muralisrinivasan Subramanian


Pro React
Teaching you how to successfully structure increasingly complex front-end applications and interfaces, this book explores the React library in depth, as well as details additional tools and libraries in the React ecosystem, enabling you to create complete, complex applications.
book Duration 3h 32m book Authors By Cássio de Sousa Antonio


Introduction to React
For a web developer who is comfortable writing JavaScript and CSS, this book will show you how to apply JavaScript to build web pages that utilize the paradigm shifting React framework, and will provide you with the tools to create maintainable complex user interfaces.
book Duration 1h 38m book Authors By Cory Gackenheimer


React Native for iOS Development
Using real-world examples with an example-driven approach, this hands-on guide will help you challenge the status quo of native iOS development with revolutionary components, asynchronous execution, unique methods for touch handling, and much more.
book Duration 1h 24m book Authors By Abhishek Nalwaya, Akshat Paul


Reactive Programming with Angular and ngrx: Learn to Harness the Power of Reactive Programming with RxJS and ngrx Extensions
Featuring a core application to explore and build yourself, this book shows you how to utilize ngrx/store as a state management with Redux pattern, and how to utilize ngrx/effects to define a better and more robust application architecture.
book Duration 2h 4m book Authors By Oren Farhi



Reactive Programming with Node.js
Ideal for back-end developers with knowledge of Node.js or JavaScript, this thorough book enables you to get up and running with Reactive Programming in Node.js, and revolutionize your back-end development.
book Duration 2h 29m book Authors By Fernando Doglio


React in Action
This book introduces front-end developers to the React framework and related tools.
book Duration 6h 4m book Authors By Mark Tielens Thomas


React Quickly, Second Edition
Learn the skills you need to build React applications quickly! This fully revised second edition introduces JSX, functional components, React hooks, event and form handling, and more.
book Duration 7h 3m book Authors By Azat Mardan, Morten Barklund


Redux in Action
Built around common use cases, this practical book starts with a simple task-management application built in React.
book Duration 4h 49m book Authors By Marc Garreau, Will Faurot


Pro React 16
Going in-depth to give you the knowledge you need, this hands-on guide shows you how to use the enormously popular React framework to build dynamic JavaScript applications that take advantage of the capabilities of modern browsers and devices.
book Duration 9h 51m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Practical React Native: Build Two Full Projects and One Full Game Using React Native
Showing you what React Native has to offer, where it came from, and where it's going, this book offers practical exercises that will give you a solid grasp of building apps with React Native, allowing you to springboard into creating more advanced apps on your own.
book Duration 5h 14m book Authors By Frank Zammetti


Isomorphic Web Applications: Universal Development with React
This book teaches you to build production-quality web apps using isomorphic architecture.
book Duration 4h 22m book Authors By Elyse Kolker Gordon



Just React!: Learn React the React Way
This book introduces concepts innovatively, using real-world examples based on the most recommended practices to help you establish a firm foundation.
book Duration 3h 58m book Authors By Hari Narayn


React Quickly, Second Edition
Learn the skills you need to build React applications quickly! This fully revised second edition introduces JSX, functional components, React hooks, event and form handling, and more.
book Duration 7h 3m book Authors By Azat Mardan, Morten Barklund


React Native in Action: Developing iOS and Android apps with JavaScript
This book gives iOS, Android, and web developers the knowledge and confidence they need to begin building high-quality iOS and Android apps using the React Native framework.
book Duration 4h 9m book Authors By Nader Dabit


React in Action
This book introduces front-end developers to the React framework and related tools.
book Duration 6h 4m book Authors By Mark Tielens Thomas


React Native for Mobile Development: Harness the Power of React Native to Create Stunning iOS and Android Applications, Second Edition
Develop native iOS and Android apps with ease using React Native. This book reveals the path-breaking concepts of React.js and acquaints you with the React way of thinking.
book Duration 1h 51m book Authors By Abhishek Nalwaya, Akshat Paul


Pro React 16
Going in-depth to give you the knowledge you need, this hands-on guide shows you how to use the enormously popular React framework to build dynamic JavaScript applications that take advantage of the capabilities of modern browsers and devices.
book Duration 9h 51m book Authors By Adam Freeman


React Application Programming Literacy (Beginner Level)
The React Application Programming Literacy benchmark will measure your ability to describe basic React design principles and get started with simple React applications. You will be assessed on your skills in building simple components in React and prototyping React applications online. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to recognize React's place in component-driven development and the basic principles involved in creating React applications.
25m    |   25 questions
React Application Programming Competency
The React Application Programming Competency benchmark measures your ability to pass data into components using props and use components to maintain internal state. You will be evaluated on your skills in listening to specific events and handling them using event handlers. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to maintain the state of data and handle events in React.
25m    |   25 questions
React Application Programming Proficiency (Advanced Level)
The React Application Programming Proficiency benchmark will measure your ability to manage form data with and without the component state. You will be assessed on your skills in using advanced features in React, such as conditional rendering, lifting state up the component tree, and code reuse using composition. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to prototype and debug React applications in development and production environments.
29m    |   29 questions


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