Stress Management & Wellness

  • 5m
  • 5 questions
Everyone has to deal with stress in their busy personal and work lives. Learn how to manage your work-life balance and stress so you can optimize your performance. Discover the triggers of stress and how stress can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Explore mechanisms for handling pressure and stress in the workplace in order to optimize your performance and wellness. This benchmark evaluates your understanding of this topic. Being aware of potential knowledge gaps allows you to better understand your current competency and areas for improvement, so you can find suitable content and curate your own learning path. The courses recommended at the end of this benchmark can help you fill potential gaps in your knowledge.

Topics covered

  • Managing Pressure and Stress to Optimize Your Performance
  • Navigating Your Own Emotions
  • Staying Balanced in a Shifting World
  • Take a Deep Breath and Manage Your Stress
  • Taking Stock of Your Work/Life Balance