Android Development: Android Lollipop 5 intermediate
- 8 Books | 51h 25m
- 2 Courses | 1h 27m 36s
- 8 Books | 51h 4m
- 4 Courses | 4h 33m 16s
- 5 Books | 18h 39m
- 1 Course | 1h 21m 4s
- 4 Courses | 4h 41m 56s
- 6 Books | 21h 52m
- 1 Course | 1h 22m 26s
- 2 Courses | 1h 27m 36s
- 7 Books | 46h 25m
- 13 Courses | 14h 18m 46s
- 6 Books | 41h 27m
- 3 Courses | 2h 31m 38s
- 7 Books | 26h 54m
- 6 Courses | 8h 37m 19s
- 2 Books | 11h 44m
- 3 Courses | 5h 36m 29s
- 4 Courses | 7h 6m 42s
- 1 Book | 6h 50m
Develop apps for Android, Google's ubiquitous OS driving devices across the globe.
Architecture & Development Best Practices
5m 19s
7m 55s
Android Activities, Connectivity, & Services
4m 29s
7m 14s
Mobile App Development: An Introduction to Android Development
2m 27s
4m 39s
Jetpack Compose: Layouts & State Management
2m 5s
10m 7s
Building Android Apps: Accessing Data from the Internet
1m 59s
8m 4s
New Features For Developers
Android Lollipop is distinctly different from previous updates to the Android platform. Big architectural changes have taken place and a lot of new APIs are available. Explore new features and APIs for Android Lollipop app development.
9 videos |
Updates for Developers
Learn about the updates and concepts of Android Lollipop, including camera, media playback, storage access framework, and network API updates. In addition, learn about testing, accessibility, screen pinning, and permissions.
16 videos |
Introduction to Android Development
Although most may be familiar with the Android operating system for mobile phones and tablets, it is also used with many other types of devices. In this course, you will explore the uses of Android and how to create your first Android app. Learn about Android's various interfaces and its architecture. Follow the steps to install Android Studio. Identify Android versions and determine which one is best for you. Set up the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) platforms and Gradle in Android Studio. Specify a design theme, setup activity_main.xml, and define the Android manifest for your projects.
10 videos |
1h 3m
Android App Structure & Formatting
Android apps are designed with a specialized XML. During this course, you will discover how to run Android apps via a connected Android device or through the device emulator. Learn how to import projects from other Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), and import code samples into Android Studio. Explore the concept and uses of Android material design. Observe how to identify the features of the Android User Interface class, and work with Android Studio's text formats, layouts, styles, colors, and themes. From there, you can see how to integrate images into your Android projects. Finally, as a review exercise, you will configure a virtual device with Android Studio.
11 videos |
Android App Layout
Android apps are laid out using a powerful form of XML found in Android Studio. This course explores the Android app layout and layout modification techniques. Begin by discovering the purpose of view groups in Android development. next, learn about Android parents, children, and siblings, as well as linear layout, layout weight, and relative layout. From there, you can set up portrait or landscape orientation for your projects. Conclude by getting familiar with explicit and implicit intents, margins, padding, and the ConstraintLayout feature of Android Studio to create responsive user interfaces (UIs).
13 videos |
1h 10m
Creating an Android App with Java
Android apps need to be interactive and that means programming in Java. During this course, you will discover how to create an app, from layout to Java code. Begin by exploring how to integrate interactivity and gestures into your apps, and make your interface fit properly on the screen. Next you will learn how to set up buttons on your interface, and initialize variables in the system, along with the conditional logic of IF and ELSE statements. As you progress, you will learn how to program a Decimal Event, and deal with special input characters, such as math operators in a calculator application. Conclude by working with programmatic designs to save time and automate solutions.
13 videos |
1h 23m
Testing Android Apps
Genymotion is an efficient Android emulator for testing Android applications. Learn about main concepts, from configuration to deploying a test application to the Emulator.
21 videos |
1h 21m
Architecture & Development Best Practices
Given the relatively open nature of the Android development environment, developers should understand the OS structure, as well as how to securely protect application code. Discover the Android environment and overall architecture.
14 videos |
1h 11m
Protection Best Practices
Learn the basics of key Android OS security features, including enabling the ProGuard tool, creating a signing key and certificate, leveraging Linux security, and declaring and enforcing permissions.
10 videos |
1h 21m
Security Vulnerabilities & Enterprise Considerations
There are a variety of tools and methods for testing Android applications in hopes of exposing potential vulnerabilities prior to deployment. Learn about various vulnerabilities as they pertain specifically to Android applications.
10 videos |
Security Vulnerabilities & Testing
Learn how to secure Android devices and applications for the enterprise environment, including planning penetration testing and performing forensics and hacking techniques on Android applications.
16 videos |
1h 20m
Jetpack Compose: Getting Started
Jetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building user interfaces (UIs) in Android applications. Its relevance lies in its ability to simplify UI development, improve code maintainability, and provide a more flexible and interactive user experience in Android apps. In this course, you will dive into Android Jetpack Compose, learning how to think in Compose and designing UI components as functions that describe their appearance and behavior. Next, you will explore the life cycle of composables and how to organize and compose UI elements effectively. Then you will discover the practical aspects of setting up a Compose project and running the emulator. You will configure a development environment and create a new Compose project using Android Studio. Finally, you will run a composable app and preview it using the Android Studio preview pane. You will apply themes and customize the appearance of your UI elements, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing design. By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and skills to create UI components using Android Jetpack Compose.
12 videos |
1h 22m
New Features For Developers
Android Lollipop is distinctly different from previous updates to the Android platform. Big architectural changes have taken place and a lot of new APIs are available. Explore new features and APIs for Android Lollipop app development.
9 videos |
Updates for Developers
Learn about the updates and concepts of Android Lollipop, including camera, media playback, storage access framework, and network API updates. In addition, learn about testing, accessibility, screen pinning, and permissions.
16 videos |
Introduction to Xamarin For .NET
The Xamarin.Android platform provides a means to design and develop Android applications using .NET/C# in Visual Studio, or the native Xamarin IDE. Here you will learn how to prepare an Xamarin development environment.
12 videos |
1h 25m
Creating an Android Application
C#/.NET has a small learning curve letting new developers quickly get started developing mobile Android applications. Explore some of the basics involved in developing Android applications.
13 videos |
1h 34m
Android OS Overview
The Android mobile platform has become extremely popular. Explore the history of the Android platform and some of the APIs available.
12 videos |
1h 2m
Device Rotation, Permissions, & Services
The Android OS is widely used to create mobile applications for a wide variety of devices. Explore Android development fundamentals and some features you can include in your mobile applications.
8 videos |
Debugging, Profiling, & Publishing
As with all application development, testing is an important part of the process. Learn testing and debugging techniques, and how to deploy you finished Android application.
7 videos |
User Interface Elements
The user interface can be the difference between a good application and a great one. Discover the layout and navigation elements available for use in the Xamarin.Android development environment.
11 videos |
1h 16m
User Interface Design Features
Views provide elegant methods of displaying interactive data to users of your applications. Explore some of the views available for your Xamarin.Android apps, including ListView, CardView, and GridView.
12 videos |
1h 9m
User Interface Date & Time
The Android platform offers a host of useful user interface components for your applications. Master some of the standard elements available, such as Calendars, Date and Time pickers, Spinners, and Autocomplete.
10 videos |
1h 15m
Approaches to .NET Development
In addition to Xamarin.Android, other cross-platform development solutions exist. Learn about the Apache Cordova framework and how to develop cross-platform applications using C++.
11 videos |
Platforms & Publishing
Apache Cordova is one of a number of alternative cross-platform development solutions to Xamarin.Android. Discover how to deploy, run, and publish your Cordova applications.
11 videos |
1h 5m
Java, Garbage Collection, & Debugging
Java developers can transition into Xamarin.Android using C# relatively quickly and easily. Explore resources and examples to help make that move, and look at garbage collection and debugging.
15 videos |
Java & Runtime
Moving from Java to Xamarin.Android using C# is not that big of a leap. Explore some advanced runtime issues you should consider in the development process, including adjusting system properties and managing package size.
6 videos |
Advanced Design, Build, & Android Wear
A number of design and background processes are used by your development environment. Examine some "under the hood" processes of Xamarin.Android apps and their build process, and how to write apps targeting the Android Wear platform.
19 videos |
1h 24m
Android Activities, Connectivity, & Services
Android devices are connected devices. Take this course to discover the Android activity life cycle, activities and services, data storage types, local and external databases, and the broadcast receiver. Learn about the broadcast receiver class and content providers. See how to create a service class. Then, as a review exercise, you will create an Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) broadcast receiver that uses an intent.
10 videos |
Android Defensive Programming & Security
Any application development requires an understanding of security. In this course you wil explore defensive programming and security in Android, including errors and exceptions, and malware and threat detection. You will learn about Java errors, exceptions, exception classes, unit tests, the JUnit test API, and UI tests. Other topics include how to spot common mobile security issues, and how to recognize Android malware. You'll observe how to use reverse engineering to specify how to reveal threats in Android development. Finally, you will examine techniques and tools associated with defensive programming and security in Android development
10 videos |
Android Debugging & Testing
A key element of Android development is debugging and testing. This course explores Android debugging, including Logcat, and testing with Android Studio. Begin by learning how to debug and test your apps with Android Studio, Toast, the Android Studio terminal, and with Logcat. Next, study debugging breakpoints to trace code faults. Review best practices to test in Android Studio. Run automated unit testing with dependencies, unit tests, and instrumental tests. See how to package your tested apps for distribution. Finally, as a review exercise, you will describe testing and create Android messages.
8 videos |
Mobile App Development: An Introduction to Android Development
In this purely theoretical course, you'll be introduced to the concepts around building applications for the Android OS. You'll learn about the different pieces that come together to form an Android app, from IDEs to source and static resource files.
10 videos |
1h 1m
Mobile App Development: Building a Basic Android App
The best way to learn Android application development is to get hands-on practice. In this course, you'll learn how to create a simple app and go through all the steps involved to create the project. You'll then examine how to define the appearance and logic of the app, as well as how to deploy and test it on a virtual device emulator.
15 videos |
1h 37m
Mobile App Development: Defining the UI for an Android App
A good design for the screens in your Android app is crucial for good user experience. In this course, you'll learn about the pieces that go into defining the layouts for your app, how they can be structured, and how common components can be re-used.
12 videos |
1h 12m
Mobile App Development: Coding the Behavior of an Android App
In this course, you'll focus on defining the business logic of an Android application using the Kotlin language. You'll learn how to implement inheritance, convey messages between activities, and use imported libraries to retrieve and parse JSON data.
13 videos |
1h 26m
Mobile App Development: Authentication in an Android App
In this course, you'll learn how to introduce authentication and a database into your Android application. You'll discover how to integrate an app with Google's Firebase platform, with focus on its authentication service and real-time database.
14 videos |
1h 33m
Mobile App Development: Testing an Android App
In this course, you'll be introduced to testing for an Android app. You'll learn about basic unit testing and functional tests that need to be performed on a virtual device. You'll also examine the role of the Espresso Framework in simplifying the coding of UI tests by recording your actions on an emulator.
16 videos |
1h 45m
Jetpack Compose: Layouts & State Management
In Jetpack Compose, layouts define the structure of user interface (UI) elements, allowing for flexible and dynamic UI design, while state management involves handling the data that drives the UI, ensuring that the UI responds to user interactions appropriately. In this course, you will go beyond the basics of Android Jetpack Compose, learning how to customize screens using the versatile column and row composables to arrange UI elements. Next, you will use the image composable to incorporate images seamlessly into your Compose app and implement scrolling functionality within a column or a row. Then you will explore managing state in Compose, focusing on the remember function and creating interactive UI components, such as drop-down menus and sliders. Finally, you will hoist state to enhance state access and reusability and you will integrate LiveData and ViewModel with Compose, to manage and share data effectively. At the end of this course, you will be able to develop complex and interactive user screens to display your app's content.
16 videos |
1h 56m
Jetpack Compose: Lazy Composables & Navigation
Lazy composables in Jetpack Compose enable efficient rendering and scrolling of large lists or grids. Navigation in Jetpack Compose provides a powerful way to navigate between different screens or destinations within an app. Together, lazy composables and navigation enhance the user experience by enabling seamless scrolling and smooth transitions between screens in Jetpack Compose apps. In this course, you will learn how to efficiently display large lists of items using the lazy column and preserve their state across screen rotations or app restarts. Next, you will explore the lazy grid, and with the help of the coil library, you will asynchronously load images in your Compose app. Then you will set up the NavController and NavHost and define the structure and connections between different screens. You will also examine advanced techniques for passing data between composables and querying data from the data layer. Finally, you will test your app on a real Android device and implement navigation using the bottom navigation bar. When you are finished with this course you will have the skills and ability to develop multiscreen applications using Jetpack Compose.
16 videos |
2h 7m
Jetpack Compose: Gestures & Animation
Gestures in Jetpack Compose allow developers to handle user interactions such as taps, scrolls, and drags. Additionally, animations in Jetpack Compose empower developers to bring user interface (UI) elements to life by adding dynamic transitions, effects, and visual enhancements. In this course, you will explore the preferred techniques to handle gestures using built-in gesture handling available on specific composables. By utilizing gesture modifiers, you will be able to detect and respond to tap gestures, implement smooth scrolling behavior for UI components, and create interactive and draggable elements. Additionally, you will implement swipe-to-dismiss functionality. Next, you will dive into animated visibility effects and apply slide, scale, expand, and shrink effects to UI elements. Finally, you will explore advanced animation techniques and learn how to smoothly transition between different states using animated content, create animated counters with fluid motion, and seamlessly cross-fade between different screens. When you're finished with this course you will have the toolkit for creating rich and interactive animations in Compose, with visually engaging elements.
13 videos |
1h 32m
Building Android Apps: Accessing Data from the Internet
Networking is crucial for real-world Android apps to enable seamless communication between the apps and external services, such as remote servers, databases, and application programming interfaces (APIs). Networking allows applications to store data in a persistent manner on remote servers and access this data in a well-designed and secure manner. In this course, you will learn the essential aspects of networking operations in Android applications, empowering you to interact with APIs and handle network requests effectively. We will provide an overview of the clients available for accessing REST points and guide you through best practices for accessing the Internet from your app. Next, you will set up and configure an Android Views Project. We will explore the powerful Glide library, which allows you to efficiently load and display images, even in image-heavy applications. Then, we will use real-world APIs to make GET requests using the HTTPUrlConnection client and parse JSON using the Gson library. You will master app architecture structuring, create data and user interface (UI) layers in your app, and implement robust data handling mechanisms. By incorporating coroutines, you will gain proficiency in fetching data from the backend in a more concise and structured manner. By the end of this course, you will have acquired a comprehensive skill set in Android networking, enabling you to create modern apps that interact seamlessly with APIs and deliver dynamic content from the web.
11 videos |
1h 32m
Building Android Apps: Performing CRUD Operations
Android offers a built-in standard HttpURLConnection client for making network requests, but it can be cumbersome and involve boilerplate code for handling responses and errors. In contrast, the Retrofit library simplifies networking by providing a high-level interface, reducing boilerplate, and making application programming interface (API) interactions more concise and efficient. Additionally, using coroutines for background networking operations allows for asynchronous and non-blocking execution, preventing user interface (UI) freezes. In this course, you will learn how to set up and configure a local simple HTTP server to handle requests in your Android application. You will retrieve data from the server, display a list of restaurants, and implement functionality to view individual restaurant details. You will also handle HTTP methods like POST, PUT, and DELETE to add, edit, and remove restaurants, creating a fully functional app with server communication. Next, you will explore the powerful Retrofit library, which streamlines handling HTTP requests in your Android app. You will learn to access REST endpoints more efficiently and reduce boilerplate code, resulting in a cleaner and more maintainable codebase. Finally, you will integrate the Retrofit client with Compose, a modern Android UI toolkit, to build a seamless user interface.
18 videos |
2h 20m
Building Android Apps: Persisting Data Locally
Various methods can be used for persisting data locally in an Android device. App-specific files and preferences offer a lightweight and straightforward approach for storing small amounts of data, such as user settings and preferences. SQLite databases and the Room API provide a robust and efficient solution for more structured and organized data. This enables data persistence for larger datasets with powerful querying capabilities and data manipulation operations. In this course, you will learn the essential aspects of data and file storage on Android. Through hands-on practice, you will build a simple app that stores recipes locally using app-specific files. Next, you will work with storing and retrieving shared preferences, a simple yet effective method to store key-value pairs in Android. Using shared preferences, you will build features to track and utilize recently searched items and prefill forms in your app. Finally, you learn to store app details in a local SQLite database, retrieve and modify data using the SQLite API, and later connect to SQLite using the Room API.
14 videos |
1h 44m
Building Android Apps: Building a Complete Application with Firebase
Integrating Android apps with Firebase offers a seamless and secure solution for managing user sign-in and registration processes while enabling real-time data synchronization. Firebase Authentication provides a range of authentication methods, including email, phone number, and social media logins. Firestore serves as a scalable NoSQL cloud database, allowing developers to store and retrieve data in real-time, ensuring dynamic content delivery to users. In this course, you will learn how to integrate Android applications with Firebase. You will discover Firebase's diverse services as we build a restaurant reservation app. You will implement user authentication and explore real-time data storage using Cloud Firestore. Next, you will set up strings, styles, and themes to create a visually appealing and consistent user interface (UI). You will see how dependency injection enhances code maintainability and testability, and you will integrate the Hilt Framework for efficient dependency injection that simplifies access to the Firebase backend. Finally, you will explore advanced concepts in Android app development. Mastering login and signup flows will create a secure and user-friendly app. You will set up a navigation drawer and top bar for app navigation and manage app screens and data using View Models. By the end of the course, you will integrate all these components to create a complete application with a cloud backend.
12 videos |
1h 29m
Skillsoft is providing you the opportunity to earn a digital badge upon successful completion on some of our courses, which can be shared on any social network or business platform.
Digital badges are yours to keep, forever.BOOKS INCLUDED
Learn Android App DevelopmentA hands-on tutorial and useful reference, this thorough and authoritative guide will get you quickly up to speed and help you master the Android SDK and the Java that you need for your Android Apps.
9h 20m
By Wallace Jackson
Android Tablet Application Development For DummiesYour step-by-step guide to tablet app success, this handy book helps you get the Android environment up and running, use XML to create application menus, create an icon for your app, and submit your app to the Android Market.
5h 2m
By Donn Felker
Android Application Development for Dummies, 3rd EditionIf you have ambitions to build an Android app, this hands-on guide gives you easy-to-follow access to the latest programming techniques that take advantage of the new features of the Android operating system.
5h 18m
By Michael Burton
Android Apps for Absolute Beginners: Covering Android 7, Fourth EditionWith the help of plain-English and practical examples, this straightforward book cuts through the fog of jargon and mystery that surrounds Android app development, and gives you simple, step-by-step instructions to get you started.
9h 24m
By Wallace Jackson
Java Programming for Android Developers for Dummies, 2nd EditionTeaching you Java basics, how to work with Android Studio, and the essentials of object-oriented programming, this book will help you quickly and painlessly discover the ins and outs of using Java to create groundbreaking Android apps-no prior experience required.
5h 17m
By Barry Burd
Android Application Development: A Beginner's TutorialAndroid is the most popular mobile platform today, and this book is a thorough introduction to Android application development. A structured tutorial, it shows how to create applications and use the Android APIs through numerous examples.
3h 10m
By Budi Kurniawan
Android Application Development All-in-One for Dummies, 2nd EditionCovering the latest features and enhancements to the Android Software Developer's Kit, this friendly, hands-on guide walks you through Android programming basics, shares techniques for developing great Android applications, reviews Android hardware, and much more.
10h 18m
By Barry Burd
Android: Pocket PrimerProviding coverage of the fundamental aspects of Android that are illustrated via code samples for versions 4.x through 7.x, this book contains latest material on Android VR, graphics/animation, apps, and features the new Google Pixel phone.
3h 36m
By Oswald Campesato
Android Tablet Application Development For DummiesYour step-by-step guide to tablet app success, this handy book helps you get the Android environment up and running, use XML to create application menus, create an icon for your app, and submit your app to the Android Market.
5h 2m
By Donn Felker
Learn Android App DevelopmentA hands-on tutorial and useful reference, this thorough and authoritative guide will get you quickly up to speed and help you master the Android SDK and the Java that you need for your Android Apps.
9h 20m
By Wallace Jackson
Android Application Development: A Beginner's TutorialAndroid is the most popular mobile platform today, and this book is a thorough introduction to Android application development. A structured tutorial, it shows how to create applications and use the Android APIs through numerous examples.
3h 10m
By Budi Kurniawan
Android Application Development for Dummies, 3rd EditionIf you have ambitions to build an Android app, this hands-on guide gives you easy-to-follow access to the latest programming techniques that take advantage of the new features of the Android operating system.
5h 18m
By Michael Burton
Java Programming for Android Developers for Dummies, 2nd EditionTeaching you Java basics, how to work with Android Studio, and the essentials of object-oriented programming, this book will help you quickly and painlessly discover the ins and outs of using Java to create groundbreaking Android apps-no prior experience required.
5h 17m
By Barry Burd
Android Application Development All-in-One for Dummies, 2nd EditionCovering the latest features and enhancements to the Android Software Developer's Kit, this friendly, hands-on guide walks you through Android programming basics, shares techniques for developing great Android applications, reviews Android hardware, and much more.
10h 18m
By Barry Burd
Android Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Fifth EditionCrammed with insightful instruction and helpful examples, this resource-filled cookbook is your guide to writing apps for one of today's hottest mobile platforms, offering pragmatic advice that will help you get the job done quickly and well.
9h 3m
By Dave Smith, Erik Hellman
Android: Pocket PrimerProviding coverage of the fundamental aspects of Android that are illustrated via code samples for versions 4.x through 7.x, this book contains latest material on Android VR, graphics/animation, apps, and features the new Google Pixel phone.
3h 36m
By Oswald Campesato
Learn Android Studio 3: Efficient Android App DevelopmentWith practical examples throughout, this book will teach you how to build Android apps using the popular and efficient Android Studio 3 suite of tools, an integrated development environment (IDE) for Android developers using Java APIs.
2h 56m
By Ted Hagos
Beginning Android Programming with Android Studio, Fourth EditionTaking a hands-on approach to teaching you how to create Android applications for the latest OS and the newest devices, including both smartphones and tablets, this step-by-step resource starts with the basics and goes on to provide you with everything you need to know to begin to successfully develop your own Android applications.
4h 14m
By J. F. DiMarzio
Expert Android StudioPacked with best practices and advanced tips and techniques on Android tools, development cycle, continuous integration, release management, testing, and performance, this book offers professional guidance to experienced developers who want to push the boundaries of the Android platform with the developer tools.
4h 44m
By Murat Yener, Onur Dundar
Learn Android Studio 3 with Kotlin: Efficient Android App DevelopmentUsing a learn-by-doing format, with many demo projects throughout, this book will teach you the latest and most productive features in the Android tools ecosystem, ensuring quick Android app development and minimal effort on your part.
5h 2m
By Ted Hagos
Android Studio IDE Quick Reference: A Pocket Guide to Android Studio DevelopmentPacked with useful information and a must-read for any mobile or Android app developer or programmer, this concise reference book for Android Studio 3 presents the essential Android Studio functions in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference.
1h 43m
By Ted Hagos
Beginning Android Programming with Android Studio, Fourth EditionTaking a hands-on approach to teaching you how to create Android applications for the latest OS and the newest devices, including both smartphones and tablets, this step-by-step resource starts with the basics and goes on to provide you with everything you need to know to begin to successfully develop your own Android applications.
4h 14m
By J. F. DiMarzio
Android Studio New Media Fundamentals: Content Production of Digital Audio/Video, Illustration and 3D AnimationIntroducing the reader to the concepts and terminology behind digital imaging, digital illustration, and digital audio, this book covers how to develop and optimize these types of content for use in Android OS using Android Studio 5.3.1.
2h 50m
By Wallace Jackson
Expert Android StudioPacked with best practices and advanced tips and techniques on Android tools, development cycle, continuous integration, release management, testing, and performance, this book offers professional guidance to experienced developers who want to push the boundaries of the Android platform with the developer tools.
4h 44m
By Murat Yener, Onur Dundar
Android Studio IDE Quick Reference: A Pocket Guide to Android Studio DevelopmentPacked with useful information and a must-read for any mobile or Android app developer or programmer, this concise reference book for Android Studio 3 presents the essential Android Studio functions in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference.
1h 43m
By Ted Hagos
Learn Android Studio: Build Android Apps Quickly and EffectivelyIntroducing Android Studio and its rich tools ecosystem, including Git and Gradle, this authoritative book covers how Android Studio works seamlessly with Git, for source control, and Gradle, a build and test tool.
5h 25m
By Adam Gerber, Clifton Craig
Learn Android Studio 3: Efficient Android App DevelopmentWith practical examples throughout, this book will teach you how to build Android apps using the popular and efficient Android Studio 3 suite of tools, an integrated development environment (IDE) for Android developers using Java APIs.
2h 56m
By Ted Hagos
Android Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Fifth EditionCrammed with insightful instruction and helpful examples, this resource-filled cookbook is your guide to writing apps for one of today's hottest mobile platforms, offering pragmatic advice that will help you get the job done quickly and well.
9h 3m
By Dave Smith, Erik Hellman
Android Application Development All-in-One for Dummies, 2nd EditionCovering the latest features and enhancements to the Android Software Developer's Kit, this friendly, hands-on guide walks you through Android programming basics, shares techniques for developing great Android applications, reviews Android hardware, and much more.
10h 18m
By Barry Burd
Beginning Android Application DevelopmentProviding an overview of the core Android features and tools, this must-read guide uses real-world examples and moves at a steady pace while teaching everything you need to know to successfully develop your own Android applications.
4h 14m
By Wei-Meng Lee
Android Application Development: A Beginner's TutorialAndroid is the most popular mobile platform today, and this book is a thorough introduction to Android application development. A structured tutorial, it shows how to create applications and use the Android APIs through numerous examples.
3h 10m
By Budi Kurniawan
Android Application Development for Dummies, 3rd EditionIf you have ambitions to build an Android app, this hands-on guide gives you easy-to-follow access to the latest programming techniques that take advantage of the new features of the Android operating system.
5h 18m
By Michael Burton
Learn Android App DevelopmentA hands-on tutorial and useful reference, this thorough and authoritative guide will get you quickly up to speed and help you master the Android SDK and the Java that you need for your Android Apps.
9h 20m
By Wallace Jackson
Android Tablet Application Development For DummiesYour step-by-step guide to tablet app success, this handy book helps you get the Android environment up and running, use XML to create application menus, create an icon for your app, and submit your app to the Android Market.
5h 2m
By Donn Felker
Android Security Internals: An In-Depth Guide to Android's Security ArchitectureTaking us under the hood of the Android security system, this book describes Android security architecture from the bottom up, delving into the implementation of major security-related components and subsystems, like Binder IPC, permissions, cryptographic providers, and device administration.
7h 31m
By Nikolay Elenkov
Android Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Fifth EditionCrammed with insightful instruction and helpful examples, this resource-filled cookbook is your guide to writing apps for one of today's hottest mobile platforms, offering pragmatic advice that will help you get the job done quickly and well.
9h 3m
By Dave Smith, Erik Hellman
Wearable Android: Android Wear & Google Fit App DevelopmentProviding relevant history, background and core concepts, this book covers wearable computing and wearable application development particularly for Android Wear (smartwatches) and Google Fit (fitness sensors).
3h 37m
By Sanjay M. Mishra
Android Design Patterns: Interaction Design Solutions for DevelopersFeaturing tablet-specific patterns and patterns for avoiding results you don't want, this fully illustrated step-by-step guide provides extremely useful tools for developers who want to take advantage of the booming Android app development market.
5h 33m
By Greg Nudelman
Learn Android App DevelopmentA hands-on tutorial and useful reference, this thorough and authoritative guide will get you quickly up to speed and help you master the Android SDK and the Java that you need for your Android Apps.
9h 20m
By Wallace Jackson
Android Programming: Pushing the LimitsDelivering expert tips, tricks and little-known techniques for pushing the Android envelope, this expert guide will help you unleash the power of the Android OS and build the kinds of brilliant, innovative apps users love to use.
6h 23m
By Erik Hellman
Learn Android Studio 3: Efficient Android App DevelopmentWith practical examples throughout, this book will teach you how to build Android apps using the popular and efficient Android Studio 3 suite of tools, an integrated development environment (IDE) for Android developers using Java APIs.
2h 56m
By Ted Hagos
Learn Android Studio: Build Android Apps Quickly and EffectivelyIntroducing Android Studio and its rich tools ecosystem, including Git and Gradle, this authoritative book covers how Android Studio works seamlessly with Git, for source control, and Gradle, a build and test tool.
5h 25m
By Adam Gerber, Clifton Craig
Beginning Android Programming with Android Studio, Fourth EditionTaking a hands-on approach to teaching you how to create Android applications for the latest OS and the newest devices, including both smartphones and tablets, this step-by-step resource starts with the basics and goes on to provide you with everything you need to know to begin to successfully develop your own Android applications.
4h 14m
By J. F. DiMarzio
Expert Android StudioPacked with best practices and advanced tips and techniques on Android tools, development cycle, continuous integration, release management, testing, and performance, this book offers professional guidance to experienced developers who want to push the boundaries of the Android platform with the developer tools.
4h 44m
By Murat Yener, Onur Dundar
Android Studio IDE Quick Reference: A Pocket Guide to Android Studio DevelopmentPacked with useful information and a must-read for any mobile or Android app developer or programmer, this concise reference book for Android Studio 3 presents the essential Android Studio functions in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference.
1h 43m
By Ted Hagos
Android Studio New Media Fundamentals: Content Production of Digital Audio/Video, Illustration and 3D AnimationIntroducing the reader to the concepts and terminology behind digital imaging, digital illustration, and digital audio, this book covers how to develop and optimize these types of content for use in Android OS using Android Studio 5.3.1.
2h 50m
By Wallace Jackson
Learn Android Studio 3 with Kotlin: Efficient Android App DevelopmentUsing a learn-by-doing format, with many demo projects throughout, this book will teach you the latest and most productive features in the Android tools ecosystem, ensuring quick Android app development and minimal effort on your part.
5h 2m
By Ted Hagos
Android Application Development All-in-One for Dummies, 3rd EditionWith a market share like Android's, the stakes couldn't be higher. This friendly, easy-to-follow book levels the field and gives you the tools you need to take on the world.
11h 12m
By Barry Burd, John Paul Mueller
Fundamentals of Android App Development: Android Development for Beginners to Learn Android Technology, SQLite, Firebase and UnityTeaching you how to structure your android app and design flexible and interactive interfaces, this hands-on book will help you develop your app on various platforms such as smartphones and tablets.
By Sujit Kumar Mishra
Androids: The Team that Built the Android Operating SystemAndroids: The Team that Built the Android Operating System is a first-hand chronological account of how the startup began, how the team came together, and how they all built an operating system from the kernel level to its applications and everything in between.
6h 50m
By Chet Haase
Android Jetpack Compose Literacy (Beginner Level)
The Android Jetpack Compose Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark assesses your knowledge of building a user interface (UI) using a declarative approach with Jetpack Compose. You will be evaluated on your ability to set up a Compose project and run a Compose app. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to create UI components using Android Jetpack Compose.
| 10 questions
Mobile App Development Using Java Literacy (Beginner Level)
The Mobile App Development Using Java Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark measures your knowledge of the concepts around building applications for the Android OS. You will be evaluated on your skills in creating a simple app, creating the project, defining the appearance and logic of the app, and deploying and testing it on a virtual device emulator. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to apply the basic concepts of Android app development and the different steps involved in creating, coding, building, and deploying an Android application.
| 17 questions
Mobile App Development Using Java Competency (Intermediate Level)
The Mobile App Development Using Java Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark evaluates your knowledge of defining and structuring the layout for your app and reusing common components. You will be evaluated on your skills in defining the business logic of an Android app using Kotlin, implementing inheritance, conveying messages between activities, and using imported libraries to retrieve and parse JSON data. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to recognize and use a variety of view elements and structures to design and develop a user-friendly Android application using Kotlin.
| 20 questions
Mobile App Development Using Java Proficiency (Advanced Level)
The Mobile App Development Using Java Proficiency (Advanced Level) benchmark measures your knowledge of integrating an app with Google's Firebase platform, applying an authentication service, and connecting to a real-time database. You will be evaluated on your skills in creating unit and instrumented tests for your Android app and defining UI tests using the Espresso framework. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to integrate an authentication service and a cloud-hosted database into your Android app and can perform basic unit and functional testing.