Cross-Platform Development: Titanium 5.1.1 beginner
- 2 Courses | 1h 32m 3s
- 2 Books | 6h 42m
- 1 Course | 1h 28m 15s
- 2 Books | 6h 42m
- 12 Courses | 12h 24m
- 5 Books | 24h 45m
- 4 Courses | 2h 53m 15s
- 1 Book | 3h 19m
- 2 Courses | 55m 18s
- 1 Book | 2h 44m
- 2 Courses | 1h 37m 11s
- 3 Courses | 4h 36m 39s
- 7 Books | 30h 47m
- 7 Courses | 6h 19m
- 4 Books | 14h 6m
- 12 Courses | 21h 15m 52s
- 5 Books | 24h 5m
Explore cross-platform development for creating applications across multiple operating systems.
Cross-Platform Solutions in Visual Studio
3m 23s
4m 43s
Flutter Development: Introducing Flutter & the Dart Programming Language
1m 21s
5m 34s
Flutter Development: Using Variables, Collections, & Functions in Dart
1m 46s
8m 58s
PhoneGap empowers HTML and JavaScript developers to create and publish native apps for an array of mobile platforms. Explore the history, features, prerequisites, and installation of PhoneGap.
10 videos |
Build & Debugging
Just starting with PhoneGap? Learn how to create and publish an app using PhoneGap Build, and test, debug, and maintain an app published using PhoneGap.
12 videos |
Basic & Advanced Native API Features
PhoneGap provides support for native APIs so that the apps you create will behave like native apps. Explore native APIs, including camera, accelerometer, and geolocation, as well as a host of other native features.
13 videos |
1h 28m
Cross-Platform Solutions in Visual Studio
Xamarin software enables the development of cross-platform mobile applications using C#. Explore cross-platform development, creating a basic Android application, using an emulator, configuring controls, and enabling touch in a project.
7 videos |
iOS Projects in Visual Studio
Learn about creating IOS applications with Xamarin, including connecting to Visual Studio and MAC OS X Xamarin services, working with IOS Designer and storyboards, coding basic functionality, debugging, using emulators, and optimization.
15 videos |
Titanium allows you to develop mobile apps for the major mobile platforms from a single JavaScript codebase. Explore the history and components of Titanium.
8 videos |
Creating an Application
Titanium allows you to develop mobile apps for the major mobile platforms from a single JavaScript codebase. Explore Titanium's UI controls and the different ways to save data.
17 videos |
Components, Services, & APIs
Titanium offers excellent APIs to create engaging hybrid apps. Explore advanced UI components, the media API, and system APIs.
15 videos |
1h 5m
Location Services, Testing, & Debugging
Titanium offers excellent APIs to create engaging hybrid apps. Explore location services and how to debug and test your apps on mobile devices.
9 videos |
Application Creation
Sencha Ext JS is a pure JavaScript application development framework for developing interactive applications for the web. Explore developing a simple app using the Model View Controller architecture and the features of Ext JS.
18 videos |
Learn how to create and use stores, work with models, convert hard-coded data to JSON, and use Ajax to update data on a server. In addition, explore working with containers, layouts, and components in the Sencha Ext JS framework
11 videos |
Sencha Touch is an HTML5 mobile web application development framework for cross platform development. Learn how to develop a simple app in Sencha Touch, and deploy and test it through the Android SDK.
15 videos |
Discover how to create a form, render a view, edit records, configure and use LocalStorage in Sencha Touch. In addition, learn how to download the Android SDK, enable Cordova support, create an emulator, and use ConfiGAP.
16 videos |
Flutter Development: Introducing Flutter & the Dart Programming Language
In recent years application development has become more complex and time-consuming as users expect the same application and functionality to be available across different platforms. The result has been increased adoption of technologies such as Flutter that support cross-platform development allowing organizations to use a single code-base to develop applications across multiple environments. In this course, you will learn how Flutter helps develop cross-platform applications. You will explore Flutter's layered architecture and understand how the Flutter framework, Flutter engine, and platform-specific embedder enable cross-platform development in a performant and efficient way. Finally, you will install and set up the Dart SDK on your local machine and use the IntelliJ IDEA to write Dart code.
15 videos |
1h 45m
Layouts in Flutter: Implementing Basic Flutter Layouts
The Flutter cross-platform framework offers a wide range of layout options to develop your application's pages. Flutter layouts enable you to create beautiful, responsive design for the right look and feel in your mobile applications. In this course, you will learn how Flutter widgets work, how they use composition to build complex user interface component hierarchies, and how the Flutter framework uses the element tree and render tree to render widgets to screen in an efficient way. Next, you will use Material Design components to create simple application pages. You will learn how to work with the Container, Text, Padding, and Image widgets to build elegant app pages. Finally, you will learn how to work with the Scaffold widget to create app pages that follow Material Design best practices.
12 videos |
1h 30m
Layouts in Flutter: Exploring Stateful Widgets
Widgets in Flutter can be stateless or stateful. Stateless widgets have properties that do not change, while stateful widgets contain mutable states that can be updated. In this course, you will create Flutter widgets that hold state information in a different object. You will see how you can handle user actions that update state and how Flutter automatically redraws widgets when their state changes. Next, you will build and use a number of different stateful widgets such as counters, checkboxes, and widgets that update state based on a timer. You will share state across multiple widgets by storing state in a parent component, and you will use callbacks to allow child components to change the parent's state. Finally, you will learn to design layouts using the Column and Row widgets in Flutter.
12 videos |
1h 21m
Getting Started with Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin.Forms lets you create a single user interface mapping to native controls on different platforms. Learn to work with layouts, lists, page navigation, and data, and how to format UI elements in Xamarin.Forms applications.
18 videos |
1h 22m
Flutter Development: Using Variables, Collections, & Functions in Dart
Developing Flutter applications requires programmers to be familiar with the Dart programming language. Dart is an object-oriented programming language that supports mixin-based inheritance and functional constructs. In this course, you will learn how variables in Dart are initialized and used. Next, you will work with basic collection constructs such as the list, set, and map and explore some new operators such as the spread operator. You will also see how Dart implements sound null safety using specific types and null assertion and null aware operators. Finally, you will learn that functions in Dart are first-class citizens, which means that functions can be stored in variables, passed in as input arguments to other functions, and returned as values from functions.
18 videos |
2h 10m
Flutter Development: Using Classes & Objects in Dart
Dart is an object-oriented programming language that supports mixin-based inheritance and functional constructs. Mixin-based inheritance allows you to reuse code from a class without having to inherit from that class and is very useful for modeling inclusive functionality for classes. In this course, we will focus on object-oriented programming constructs in Dart. We'll explore generative and factory constructs, and also see how const constructors can be used to create objects that are compile-time constants. Next, you will learn to use getters and setters in Dart and see how you can implement operator overloading, a feature borrowed from C++. You will discover class inheritance and interface implementation and see how to apply the mixin-based inheritance model to reuse code from classes. You will learn how to install and use third-party libraries from the repository and include these as dependencies in your code using the pubspec.yaml file. Finally, you will use futures and the async and await keywords to write asynchronous code in Dart.
16 videos |
1h 53m
Flutter Development: Getting Set Up with Flutter for Application Development
The Dart programming language is primarily used to develop cross-platform Flutter applications. Flutter allows you to use the same code to build apps not only for Android and iOS mobile platforms but also for web and desktop applications. In this course, you will set up with the correct environment to develop Flutter applications on Windows and MacOS devices. You will set up Android Studio and the Flutter SDK and configure the plugins needed for Flutter development on this integrated development environment (IDE) Next, you will create a simple Flutter application and run this sample app using the command line and Android Studio on the Chrome web browser. You will then configure an Android Virtual Device on Android Studio and run this application on the Android emulator. For MacOS users you will configure the iOS simulator and run the application on this simulator. Finally, you will test-drive your Flutter installation by creating a very simple web application using Flutter HTML elements and wiring up event handlers.
11 videos |
1h 10m
Layouts in Flutter: Implementing Stacks, Lists, & Grids in Flutter
The stack, list, and grid layouts are very popular in mobile applications because they make great use of screen real estate and allow you to represent information in a manner that is easy for users to understand and parse. In this course, you will learn to use the Stack widget to layer widgets one on top of another. You will use relative and positioned widgets as a part of the stack and see that positioned widgets give you very fine-grained control over where a widget is placed. Next, you will represent elements using the ListView. You will configure the properties of the ListView to match your use case and use the ListTile and the Card widgets to build list elements. You will also build list views with an infinite number of elements. Finally, you will represent your app elements using the GridView.
13 videos |
1h 34m
Layouts in Flutter: Building an Application Using Layouts & Navigation
Mobile applications often have several pages. These pages need to be connected correctly using navigation and routing. In this course, you will explore how Flutter uses a stack data structure to enable navigation. You will use the Navigator class to navigate between pages and use named routes to improve the readability and robustness of navigation code. Next, you will bring together everything you have learned in this path to build a simple application for an e-commerce company using Material Design for Android devices and Cupertino widgets for iOS devices. Finally, you will learn to connect a device to Flutter and test your app on a mobile phone.
13 videos |
1h 37m
Forms and Animations with Flutter: Working with Input Widgets & Forms
Mobile applications often need to collect user input. User input in Flutter is collected using input widgets and these input widgets can be embedded in forms. In this course, you will discover the types of input widgets you can use to accept input. You will explore use cases and special characteristics of each input type and how inputs can be grouped together into forms with a submit button. Next, you will implement and handle changes in a variety of inputs. You will use change handlers to handle input changes and state updates and use grouped widgets to update the same state using multiple inputs. Finally, you will see how input widgets can be embedded as part of Flutter forms. You will learn how form state is accessed and validated using form field widgets and how you can create custom widgets that can be embedded in Flutter forms.
15 videos |
1h 52m
Forms and Animations with Flutter: Detecting & Handling Gestures
Users often interact with mobile devices using gestures, which are semantic actions that can update the state of the application. Flutter makes it easy to detect and handle gestures using built-in widgets. In this course, you will discover how the GestureDetector in Flutter helps you detect motions in your app that are gestures. The GestureDetector allows you to configure callbacks for the specific gestures you want to handle and allows you to detect and respond to these gestures. If multiple gesture detectors are activated, Flutter uses the gesture arena to disambiguate and invoke the callback on the right gestures. Next, you will explore how to implement gesture detection in your application. You will learn to handle tap, long press, double tap, and drag-related gestures. You will also configure callbacks for other states in the gesture lifecycle such as the start or end of a gesture. Finally, you will see how you can override the default behavior of the gesture arena by configuring a raw gesture detector that allows multiple winners in the arena.
11 videos |
1h 16m
Forms and Animations with Flutter: Implementing & Configuring Animations
Mobile applications can be made fun, interactive, and interesting using animations. Animations add continuity to transitions that you make in your application and make them more intuitive for users. Flutter offers built-in animatable widgets known as implicitly animated widgets while at the same time giving you the tools that you need to build your own custom advanced animations. In this course, you will explore how animations provide an illusion of motion and how Flutter makes animating widgets straightforward using implicit animations. Next, you will explore implicit animations using a variety of animatable widgets such as the AnimatedContainer, AnimatedOpacity, AnimatedCrossFade, and AnimatedSlide. You will learn to create and manage explicit animations that use the AnimationController and how to generate the right property values for your animations using tweens. You will also see how the AnimatedBuilder improves the performance of your animations. Finally, you will explore a range of animations such as Hero animations, staggered animations, and physics simulations that animate objects using the laws of physics.
19 videos |
2h 9m
Flutter and Backends: Connecting to Remote Backends Using HTTP Requests
All mobile applications display data to users and allow users to manipulate this data. The data can be stock quotes in a trading application, products in an e-commerce application, or restaurants and dishes in a food delivery application. This data is usually stored in a remote backend and exposed via HTTP REST endpoints. In this course, you will explore data persistence and create an e-commerce application using the Fake Store API. Then you will serialize and parse JSON data using the dart:convert library. Finally, you will set up and run your own HTTP server on your local machine and write code to handle GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests to view, update, add, and delete products from your app's catalog. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge to use the http and dart:convert libraries to access and update data from a remote server using HTTP requests.
14 videos |
1h 33m
Flutter and Backends: Persisting Data on the Local Device
When building mobile applications, there is often the need to store data locally on the mobile device, either across the application's sessions or to store user preferences. Based on the size and complexity of the data, there are several choices to store data locally. Discover how to use the local file system on your device to store data in files. Use the path_provider and path packages to access the application documents directory and create, read, and write files. Next you will use the SharedPreferences plugin to store simple data that can be expressed as key-value pairs. Then you will explore several real-world use cases for SharedPreferences and storing user preferences in an app. Finally, you will investigate how to store larger amounts of structured data using an embedded SQLite. Upon course completion, you will be able to select the appropriate data storage for local data persistence and integrate your Flutter application with this storage.
17 videos |
2h 10m
Flutter and Backends: Integrating Flutter with Google Firebase
One of the most popular backends for mobile applications is Google's Firebase, a cloud-hosted platform specifically for mobile and web application developers that provides a host of scalable and robust services. Begin this course by exploring the ephemeral and application states in your mobile app. Then use the providers package in Flutter to set up and manage the app state using the provider components - the ChangeNotifier, the ChangeNotifierProvider, and the Consumer. Next you will integrate your app with Google Firebase to create and configure your app to connect to the Firebase backend and use Firebase services. Finally, you will build a real-world e-commerce application using Firebase as a backend, store data in the Cloud Firestore NoSQL database, and configure your app to receive real-time updates from Firestore using StreamBuilder widgets. You will set up authentication for your application using Firebase Authentication services, configure login and signup pages, and include functionality for user favorites, cart, and checkout.
16 videos |
1h 53m
Mobile Development: Testing & Debugging Flutter Applications
In real-world app development, tests ensure that bugs and other issues can be found and fixed early in the development and release cycle. Flutter offers a range of testing and debugging tools that make it easy to write tests and debug Flutter applications. Through this course, learn about the types of tests that can be written for Flutter applications. Explore the test types and how to choose between them. Next, practice writing tests for use cases, using mocks to eliminate external dependencies in code, and writing widget tests to test stateless and stateful widgets. Finally, discover Flutter tools for debugging and profiling apps. Upon completion, you'll be able to implement tests and debug a Flutter application.
15 videos |
1h 53m
Skillsoft is providing you the opportunity to earn a digital badge upon successful completion on some of our courses, which can be shared on any social network or business platform.
Digital badges are yours to keep, forever.BOOKS INCLUDED
Beginning PhoneGap: Mobile Web Framework for JavaScript and HTML5Teaching the fundamentals and strategies behind cross-platform mobile application development, this definitive, one-of-a-kind book offers an examples-based approach on how to build PhoneGap-based HTML and JavaScript that integrates device features.
2h 49m
By Rohit Ghatol, Yogesh Patel
Beginning PhoneGapCovering the basics of each of PhoneGap's functional units, this practical guide introduces various projects you can build with the framework so you can create cross-platform mobile apps without having to learn a new language.
3h 53m
By Thomas Myer
Beginning PhoneGap: Mobile Web Framework for JavaScript and HTML5Teaching the fundamentals and strategies behind cross-platform mobile application development, this definitive, one-of-a-kind book offers an examples-based approach on how to build PhoneGap-based HTML and JavaScript that integrates device features.
2h 49m
By Rohit Ghatol, Yogesh Patel
Beginning PhoneGapCovering the basics of each of PhoneGap's functional units, this practical guide introduces various projects you can build with the framework so you can create cross-platform mobile apps without having to learn a new language.
3h 53m
By Thomas Myer
Xamarin with Visual Studio: Launch Your Mobile Development Career By Creating Android and iOS Applications Using .NET and C#The book discusses the importance of cross-platform mobile app development and the benefits of learning Xamarin. The book delivers a quick lesson on C# and Visual Studio to implement all of the knowledge gained in this book into your first mobile application.
5h 52m
By Alessandro Del Sole
Xamarin in Action: Creating Native Cross-Platform Mobile AppsTeaching you to build cross-platform mobile apps using Xamarin and C#, this practical book explores all the layers of a Xamarin app, from design to deployment.
10h 39m
By Jim Bennett
Building Xamarin.Forms Mobile Apps Using XAML: Mobile Cross-Platform XAML and Xamarin.Forms FundamentalsExploring important concepts, elements, and recipes, this book provides a hands-on Xamarin.Forms primer and a cross-platform reference for building native Android and iOS apps using XAML.
4h 11m
By Dan Hermes
Azure and Xamarin Forms: Cross Platform Mobile DevelopmentTeaching you how to create cross platform apps for Android, iOS and UWP using Azure services and C# with Xamarin Forms, this book illustrates how to utilize Azure cloud storage for serving up Azure SQL DB data through Azure App Services.
1h 33m
By Russell Fustino
Building Apps for the Universal Windows Platform: Explore Windows 10 Native, IoT, HoloLens, and XamarinWith simple explanations comparing concepts with real-world situations, this complete reference shows you how to develop apps for multiple platforms using Xamarin, and guides you in deploying apps to Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android devices.
2h 30m
By Ayan Chatterjee
Building Cross-Platform Apps Using Titanium, Alloy, and Appcelerator Cloud ServicesGiving detailed guidance toward using the Titanium Mobile Platform and Appcelerator Cloud Services, this step-by-step guide will show you how to quickly develop the skills to build real, native apps- not web apps-using existing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript know-how.
3h 19m
By Aaron Saunders
Practical Ext JS 4Assuming basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript, this succinct, practical guide provides you with a solid knowledge of the building blocks of Ext JS 4, and explains all the concepts from a developer's point of view.
2h 44m
By Prabhu Sunderaraman
Flutter in ActionProviding diagrams, code examples, and annotations making learning a snap, this book teaches you to build professional-quality mobile applications using the Flutter SDK and the Dart programming language.
5h 49m
By Eric Windmill
Flutter Recipes: Mobile Development Solutions for iOS and AndroidAlong with an introduction to the basic concepts of Flutter development, this book provides recipes covering the all important aspects of this emerging technology, including development, testing, debugging, performance tuning, app publishing, and continuous integration.
3h 52m
By Fu Cheng
Beginning App Development with Flutter: Create Cross-Platform Mobile AppsShowing you how to create iOS and Android apps with Flutter using just one codebase, this book breaks down complex concepts and tasks into easily digestible segments with examples, pictures, and hands-on labs with starters and solutions.
2h 35m
By Rap Payne
Practical Flutter: Improve your Mobile Development with Google's Latest Open-Source SDKExplore what Flutter has to offer, where it came from, and where it's going.
5h 32m
By Frank Zammetti
Beginning Flutter: A Hands on Guide to App DevelopmentThis book is the essential resource for both experienced and novice developers interested in getting started with Flutter-the powerful new mobile software development kit.
6h 17m
By Marco L. Napoli
Quick Start Guide to Dart Programming: Create High-Performance Applications for the Web and MobileIf you want to learn how to build native iOS and Android mobile apps and web apps using Dart, this book serves as a good introduction because it is designed to give you a complete picture of how Dart works.
1h 48m
By Sanjib Sinha
Web Programming with DartExplaining the ins and outs of the Dart language, this practical, example-led book is for programmers who want to master the new Dart programming language from Google, and also web developers who want to understand how Dart can integrate perfectly with HTML5 and CSS3.
4h 54m
By Moises Belchin, Patricia Juberias
Xamarin with Visual Studio: Launch Your Mobile Development Career By Creating Android and iOS Applications Using .NET and C#The book discusses the importance of cross-platform mobile app development and the benefits of learning Xamarin. The book delivers a quick lesson on C# and Visual Studio to implement all of the knowledge gained in this book into your first mobile application.
5h 52m
By Alessandro Del Sole
Building Xamarin.Forms Mobile Apps Using XAML: Mobile Cross-Platform XAML and Xamarin.Forms FundamentalsExploring important concepts, elements, and recipes, this book provides a hands-on Xamarin.Forms primer and a cross-platform reference for building native Android and iOS apps using XAML.
4h 11m
By Dan Hermes
Azure and Xamarin Forms: Cross Platform Mobile DevelopmentTeaching you how to create cross platform apps for Android, iOS and UWP using Azure services and C# with Xamarin Forms, this book illustrates how to utilize Azure cloud storage for serving up Azure SQL DB data through Azure App Services.
1h 33m
By Russell Fustino
Building Apps for the Universal Windows Platform: Explore Windows 10 Native, IoT, HoloLens, and XamarinWith simple explanations comparing concepts with real-world situations, this complete reference shows you how to develop apps for multiple platforms using Xamarin, and guides you in deploying apps to Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android devices.
2h 30m
By Ayan Chatterjee
Flutter in ActionProviding diagrams, code examples, and annotations making learning a snap, this book teaches you to build professional-quality mobile applications using the Flutter SDK and the Dart programming language.
5h 49m
By Eric Windmill
Beginning App Development with Flutter: Create Cross-Platform Mobile AppsShowing you how to create iOS and Android apps with Flutter using just one codebase, this book breaks down complex concepts and tasks into easily digestible segments with examples, pictures, and hands-on labs with starters and solutions.
2h 35m
By Rap Payne
Practical Flutter: Improve your Mobile Development with Google's Latest Open-Source SDKExplore what Flutter has to offer, where it came from, and where it's going.
5h 32m
By Frank Zammetti
Beginning Flutter: A Hands on Guide to App DevelopmentThis book is the essential resource for both experienced and novice developers interested in getting started with Flutter-the powerful new mobile software development kit.
6h 17m
By Marco L. Napoli
Flutter Recipes: Mobile Development Solutions for iOS and AndroidAlong with an introduction to the basic concepts of Flutter development, this book provides recipes covering the all important aspects of this emerging technology, including development, testing, debugging, performance tuning, app publishing, and continuous integration.
3h 52m
By Fu Cheng
Dart Programming Literacy (Beginner Level)
The Dart Programming Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark assesses your knowledge of Dart features and functionality and using Dart in your local environment to run simple programs. You will be evaluated on your ability to utilize Dart to define and initialize variables, work with collection constructs and first-class functions, and how Dart null safety works. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to use variables, collections, and functions in Dart.
| 18 questions
Mobile App Development with Flutter Awareness (Entry Level)
The Mobile App Development with Flutter Awareness (Entry Level) benchmark evaluates your knowledge of how Flutter enables the development of cross-platform applications. You will be assessed on your skills in setting up your local environment for developing and running a sample Flutter application on Chrome, Android Emulator, and iOS Simulator. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to set up Flutter for mobile app development.
| 11 questions
Mobile App Development with Flutter Literacy (Beginner Level)
The Mobile App Development with Flutter Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark evaluates your knowledge of working with Flutter widgets, building simple layouts in Flutter, using the Scaffold widget in Material Design layouts, and building widgets with state changes based on events. You will be assessed on your ability to create, configure, and use the Stack, ListView, and GridView widgets, as well as wire up application pages using navigation and routing, build a functional app using Material Design and Cupertino widgets, and deploy the app on a real device for testing. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to work with layouts and widgets in Flutter for mobile app development.
| 25 questions
Mobile App Development with Flutter Competency (Intermediate Level)
The Mobile App Development with Flutter Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark evaluates your knowledge of building and using the right input widget for a use case, handling input changes, using widgets in forms, and creating custom form field widgets. You will be assessed on your skills in detecting gestures and configuring callbacks with GestureDetector, handling gesture lifecycle events and disambiguating gestures using a raw gesture detector, and creating animations in Flutter using animated widgets and the animation controller. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to work with forms and animations in Flutter for mobile app development.
| 25 questions
Mobile App Development with Flutter Proficiency (Advanced Level)
The Mobile App Development with Flutter Proficiency (Advanced Level) benchmark evaluates your knowledge of accessing data from HTTP endpoints, serializing and deserializing JSON data, making HTTP requests, local persistence methods, storing data using the file system and SharedPreferences, and locally persisting data using SQLite. You will be assessed on your skills in knowing when to choose ephemeral state vs. app state, integrating with the Firebase backend, storing data in Cloud Firestore, writing unit and widget tests for Flutter apps, using mocks in unit tests, and using the DevTools suite for debugging. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to work with the backend in Flutter.
| 30 questions
Dart Programming Competency (Intermediate Level)
The Dart Programming Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark calibrates your knowledge of the various constructors in Dart, implementing getters and setters, and operator overloading. You will be evaluated on your ability to install and use third-party libraries and implement asynchronous code. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to use classes and objects in Dart.
| 14 questions

Universal Windows Platform