Aerospace: Aircraft Design
Aerospace & Mechanical:
- 6 Books | 51h 41m
- 6 Books | 73h 42m
- 4 Books | 25h 3m
- 6 Books | 75h 37m
- 3 Books | 38h 30m
- 5 Books | 55h 56m
- 9 Books | 83h 32m
- 12 Books | 119h 26m
Delve into the design, development and testing of aircraft, spacecraft, radar and systems for defense.
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Aircraft Systems: Instruments, Communications, Navigation, and ControlWritten by a noted authority in the field, this authoritative text includes in-depth descriptions of traditional systems, reviews the latest developments, and gives information on the technologies that are likely to emerge in the future.
8h 21m
By Chris Binns
Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems, Second EditionProviding solutions to common integration problems, this book offers you a current and comprehensive understanding of satellite navigation, inertial navigation, terrestrial radio navigation, dead reckoning, and environmental feature matching.
13h 48m
By Paul D. Groves
Measurement and Instrumentation: Theory and ApplicationWith an integrated use of LabVIEW examples and problems, this book introduces undergraduate engineering students to the measurement principles and the range of sensors and instruments that are used for measuring physical variables.
10h 52m
By Alan S Morris, Reza Langari
Aerospace Actuators 1: Needs, Reliability and Hydraulic Power SolutionsProviding general information on actuators and their reliability, this book focuses on hydraulically supplied actuators, emphasizing hydraulic power actuators as a technology which are used extensively for all aircraft, including newer aircraft.
3h 14m
By Jean-Charles Maré (ed)
Aircraft Basic Science, Eighth EditionWith revised examples and figures to more accurately reflect the state of the industry, this book is a valuable resource for students of aviation technology that provides updated information needed to prepare for an FAA airframe and powerplant maintenance certification.
12h 23m
By James R. Rardon, Michael J. Kroes, Michael S. Nolan
Standard Aircraft Handbook for Mechanics and Technicians, Seventh EditionFeaturing photos, diagrams, tables, and schematics, this trusted resource provides clear, step-by-step procedures for all essential aircraft tasks including cutting-edge nondestructive testing, and detection equipment and procedures.
3h 3m
By Larry Reithmaier, Ronald Sterkenburg (eds)
Missile Guidance and Control SystemsFocusing on the mathematics of guided flight, this text presents the fundamental concepts of guided missiles, both tactical, and strategic and the guidance, control, and instrumentation needed to acquire a target.
14h 7m
By George M. Siouris
Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed SimulationThrough methods from the fields of operations research, computer science, and engineering, this book guides readers through the history, current training practices, and modern methodology related to combat modeling and distributed simulation systems.
18h 21m
By Andreas Tolk (ed)
Tactical Wireless Communications and Networks: Design Concepts and ChallengesProviding a complete description of modern tactical military communications and networks technology, this book presents background on the architectural approach used for the analysis, and details tactical wireless communications and networking technologies and techniques.
6h 36m
By George F. Elmasry
EW 101: A First Course in Electronic WarfareEW 101 has been a popular column in the Journal of Electronic Defense for a number of years. This compilation of tutorial articles from JED provides introductory level electronic warfare instruction for students of the discipline.
4h 36m
By David Adamy (ed)
EW 104: Electronic Warfare Against a New Generation of ThreatsPresenting a series of highly informative and easy-to-comprehend tutorials, along with insightful introductory and connective material that helps you understand how each aspect fits together, this reference reviews legacy threats and discusses new threats which have arisen since Y2K in communications, radar, and IR threats.
6h 30m
By David Adamy
Handbook of Defence Electronics and Optronics: Fundamentals, Technologies and SystemsAmply illustrated with diagrams, photographs and tables, this book provides a complete account of defence electronics and optronics covering fundamentals, operational aspects, involved technologies and application potential of a large cross-section of military systems.
23h 32m
By Anil K. Maini
Aircraft System Safety: Assessments for Initial Airworthiness CertificationShowing readers how to bring safety assessment together in a logical and efficient manner, this practical guide covers the effect of design, manufacturing, and maintenance errors and the effects of common component errors, while evaluating the malfunctioning of multiple aircraft components and the interaction various aircraft systems have on the aircraft's ability to continue safe flight and landing.
7h 1m
By Duane Kritzinger
Aviation Risk and Safety ManagementThe International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) decision to require aviation organizations to adopt Safety Management Systems poses a major problem especially for small and medium sized aviation companies. This book shows the implementation of such a new system with pragmatic effort in order to gain a gradation for smaller operators.
3h 27m
By Andreas Wittmer, Christopher Drax, Roland Müller
Aviation Maintenance Management, Second EditionThoroughly revised for the latest aviation industry changes and FAA regulations, this comprehensive reference explains how to establish and run an efficient, reliable, and cost-effective aircraft maintenance program.
6h 49m
By Harry A. Kinnison, Tariq Siddiqui
Flight Science: Mathematics, Techniques, SensibilityIncluding aviation-related case studies, equations, and diagrams, this book introduces certain aspects of mathematics and sciences in general, as they relate to the subject of aviation, from the wheels-up to the wheels-down, and the time in between.
7h 46m
By Layla S. Mayboudi
Aircraft DesignIncluding example exercises from the author's industrial experience dealing with a typical aircraft design, this book explores fixed winged aircraft design at the conceptual phase of a project.
12h 46m
By Ajoy Kundu
Engineering Computations and Modeling in MATLAB/SimulinkProviding a broad overview of The MathWorks' MATLAB/Simulink/GUIDE development and modeling environment, this textbook shows how to use these software tools effectively in a variety of engineering applications.
11h 3m
By Oleg Yakimenko
Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Their Design, Development and DeploymentTaking an integrated approach to UAV System technology, this guide examines the way in which various engineering disciplines affect the design, development and deployment of UAS, and assesses future challenges and opportunities.
7h 24m
By Reg Austin
Introduction to Aeronautics: A Design Perspective, Second EditionComplete with examples, case studies, and corresponding problems to solve, this textbook provides the resources that students need to understand the methods and thought processes involved in designing aircraft.
10h 10m
By John J. Bertin, Randall J. Stiles, Ray Whitford, Steven A. Brandt
Unmanned Aircraft SystemsCovering the design, development, operation and mission profiles of unmanned aircraft systems, this single, comprehensive volume forms a complete, stand-alone reference on the topic.
19h 18m
By Antonios Tsourdos, Aníbal Ollero, Ella Atkins, Richard Blockley, Wei Shyy (eds)
Aircraft Design: A Systems Engineering ApproachPresenting the methodologies behind aircraft design in one single volume, this book covers the components and issues affected by design procedures, and explains the design process in a holistic manner to emphasize the integration of the individual components into the overall design.
14h 56m
By Mohammad H. Sadraey
Aircraft Fuel SystemsIncluding fuel handling, quantity gauging and management functions for both commercial (civil) and military applications, this book integrates all aspects of fuel products and systems.
6h 16m
By Chuck Clark, Lonnie Richards, Martin Hewitt, Roy Langton
Rocket Propulsion Elements, Ninth EditionCombining fundamental concepts with industry applications, this unique book provides a practical introduction to rocket propulsion principles, mechanisms, and design as applied to guided missiles, space flight, satellite flight, and more.
15h 59m
By George P. Sutton, Oscar Biblarz
Aircraft Propulsion, Second EditionProviding comprehensive treatment of the subjects in airbreathing propulsion, from the basic principles to more advanced treatments in engine components and system integration, this text features expanded design guidelines in aircraft engine components that make it friendly to use for engine designers.
16h 15m
By Saeed Farokhi
Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students, Second EditionFilled with examples, homework problems, and Matlab algorithms, this text provides coverage of perturbations, Lambert's problem, attitude dynamics, and techniques for numerically integrating orbits.
7h 46m
By Howard Curtis
Spacecraft Systems Engineering, Fourth EditionProviding a valuable resource for practitioners in a wide spectrum of disciplines, this text addresses front-end system-level issues such as environment, mission analysis and system engineering, but also offers a detailed examination of subsystem elements which represents the core of spacecraft design.
13h 42m
By Graham Swinerd, John Stark (eds), Peter Fortescue
Optical Payloads for Space MissionsWith contributions from leading international rocket-scientists and instrument builders, this book provides information on the principles of the optical spacecraft payloads, missions' background, motivation and challenges, as well as the scientific returns, benefits and applications.
19h 31m
By Shen-En Qian (ed)
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: An IntroductionPresenting the fundamentals of classical control in the context of spacecraft attitude control, this essential guide provides an accessible, practical aid for teaching and self-study with a layout enabling a fundamental understanding of the subject.
5h 48m
By Anton H.J. de Ruiter, Christopher J. Damaren, James R. Forbes
Space Flight DynamicsWith practical, real-world examples illustrating key concepts throughout, this concise resource provides thorough coverage of space flight topics with self-contained chapters serving a variety of courses in orbital mechanics, spacecraft dynamics, and astronautics.
9h 9m
By Craig A. Kluever
Bayesian Multiple Target Tracking, Second EditionProviding numerous examples that involve the use of particle filters, this book views multiple target tracking as a Bayesian inference problem and within this framework it develops the theory of single target tracking, multiple target tracking, and likelihood ratio detection and tracking.
4h 32m
By Kristine L. Bell, Lawrence D. Stone, Roy L. Streit, Thomas L. Corwin
Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With MATLAB AlgorithmsProviding a full representation of Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) imagery, which is a popular and important radar signal processing tool, this book offers a fair amount of signal processing techniques and radar basics before introducing the inverse problem of ISAR and the forward problem of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).
4h 50m
By Caner Özdemir
Remote Sensing ImageryDedicated to remote sensing images, from their acquisition to their use in various applications, this book covers the global lifecycle of images, including sensors and acquisition systems, applications such as movement monitoring or data assimilation, and image and data processing.
6h 10m
By Florence Tupin, Jean-Marie Nicolas, Jordi Inglada
Detecting and Classifying Low Probability of Intercept Radar, Second EditionSupported by 360 task-clarifying illustrations, the book offers radar engineers expert guidance on the design of LPI emitter and intercept receivers and the development of digital signal processing techniques for detecting and classifying LPI modulations.
10h 43m
By Philip E. Pace
Principles of Modern Radar: Radar ApplicationsCommunity reviewed by experts from around the world, this self-contained reference provides concise descriptions of the purposes, principal issues, and methods found in a wide variety of current radar types with military, commercial and civilian uses.
15h 15m
By James A. Scheer (eds), William L. Melvin
An Introduction to Passive RadarDeveloped by recognized experts, this one-of-a-kind resource introduces the basic principles of passive radar technology and provides an overview of recent developments in this field and existing real passive radar systems.
2h 52m
By Christopher J. Baker, Hugh D. Griffiths
Radar Handbook, Second EditionWritten to reflect the advances made in radar over the past two decades, this text provides coverage of such dynamic topics as over-the-horizon radar, space-based radar, technology such as solid-state transmitters, antenna technology, and much, much more.
25h 31m
By Merrill I. Skolnik (ed)
Radar RF Circuit DesignWith an emphasis on current and emerging technologies, this authoritative new resource presents practical techniques for optimizing RF and microwave circuits for applications in radar systems design.
3h 40m
By J. R. Guerci, Nickolas Kingsley
Radar Systems and Radio Aids to NavigationExplaining the many processes needed for creating radar systems and navigation aids, this comprehensive reference covers topics including antennas, radar targets, Doppler radar, atmospheric probing, mathematical preliminaries, hyperbolic navigation, and more.
9h 59m
By A. B. Bhattacharya, A. K. Sen
Performance of the Jet Transport Airplane: Analysis Methods, Flight Operations, and RegulationsPresenting a detailed and comprehensive treatment of performance analysis techniques for jet transport airplanes, this unique book describes key operational and regulatory procedures and constraints that directly impact the performance of commercial airliners.
14h 34m
By Trevor M. Young
Space Flight DynamicsWith practical, real-world examples illustrating key concepts throughout, this concise resource provides thorough coverage of space flight topics with self-contained chapters serving a variety of courses in orbital mechanics, spacecraft dynamics, and astronautics.
9h 9m
By Craig A. Kluever
Aerodynamics for Engineering Students, Sixth EditionA leading course text on aerodynamics, this book includes the latest developments in compressible flow, computational fluid dynamics, and contemporary applications and offers additional examples and end of chapter exercises provide more problem-solving practice for students.
9h 42m
By Daniel T. Valentine, E.L. Houghton, P.W. Carpenter, Steven H. Collicott
Rotorcraft AeromechanicsPresenting what engineers need to know about modeling rotorcraft aeromechanics, this comprehensive, in-depth book focuses on analysis, and presents calculated results to illustrate analysis characteristics and rotor behavior.
16h 57m
By Wayne Johnson
Applied Optimal EstimationWith numerous illustrative examples, many based on actual applications, throughout, this book on the optimal estimation that places its major emphasis on practical applications, treats the subject more from an engineering than a mathematical orientation.
4h 37m
By Arthur Gelb (ed)
Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering: A Practical Approach, Fourth EditionA practical guide to building Kalman filters that shows how the filtering equations can be applied to real-life problems, this thorough guide presents numerous examples in detail, showing the many ways in which Kalman filters can be designed.
8h 19m
By Howard Musoff, Paul Zarchan
Modeling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics, Second EditionUnifying all aspects of flight dynamics for the efficient development of aerospace vehicle simulations, this book provides readers with a complete set of tools to build, program, and execute simulation.
12h 16m
By Peter H. Zipfel
Flight Dynamics Principles: A Linear Systems Approach to Aircraft Stability and Control, Second EditionEnhanced by detailed worked examples and case studies, this text provides a secure foundation from which to move on to more advanced topics such a non-linear flight dynamics, simulation and advanced flight control.
7h 28m
By Michael V. Cook
Introduction to Aircraft Flight Mechanics: Performance, Static Stability, Dynamic Stability, and Classical Feedback ControlBased on a successful 15-year approach to teaching aircraft flight mechanics at the U.S. Air Force Academy, this informative book clearly explains all the concepts and derivations of equations for aircraft flight mechanics.
11h 34m
By Thomas R. Yechout, et al.
Introduction to Random Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering: With MATLAB Exercises, Fourth EditionIncluding a wide range of new application examples, this book covers innovations in the Kalman filter algorithm and the proliferation of Kalman filtering applications from the past decade.
6h 23m
By Patrick Y. C. Hwang, Robert Grover Brown
Acoustics, Aeroacoustics and VibrationsIllustrated with numerous concrete examples linked to solid and fluid continua, this didactic book proposes a selection of applications encountered in the three fields, whether in room acoustics, transport, energy production systems or environmental problems.
7h 56m
By Fabien Anselmet, Pierre-Olivier Mattei
Advanced Kalman Filtering, Least-Squares and Modeling: A Practical HandbookProviding a complete explanation of estimation theory and application, modeling approaches, and model evaluation, this practical guide explains all important aspects of Kalman filtering and least-squares theory and application.
10h 31m
By Bruce P. Gibbs

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