Building & Leading Teams

  • 13 Courses | 7h 24m 39s
  • 42 Books | 38h 24m
  • 10 Audiobooks | 21h 1m 59s
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Successful teams are essential for effective business execution. Get the most out of your team for optimal results.


Welcome to the Skillsoft Leadership Development Program
Whether you are an aspiring, new, or experienced leader who leads people or projects, we've designed this curriculum to meet you where you are in your own leadership journey.
1 video | 4m available Badge
Building High Performance Teams
As a leader, your goal is to build and lead high performance teams that drive organizational success. But do you truly know what it takes to make your team stand out and emerge as an outstanding team? In this course, you will learn proven strategies and gain insights to build, manage, and nurture high performance teams that consistently exceed results. It will start by defining high performance and examining the characteristics of high performance teams. Next, you will learn the strategies and key considerations to assemble the right mix of talent and help them attain their true potential through effective goal setting and role definition. You will also learn the strategies to foster a positive work culture that nurtures collaboration, trust, and innovation, leading to enhanced team performance. Finally, you'll delve into effective strategies to optimize your team's performance. With these strategies in place, you will be equipped to lead your team to exceptional performance and drive your organization toward continued success.
6 videos | 21m has Assessment available Badge
How to Support Your Team When Uncertainty Is High, powered by MIT SMR
Managers generally don't know how to support or reassure their teams during difficult times, as they themselves are not sure what the future holds. In this course, the author has shared seven ways in which managers can make their team members feel empowered during turbulent times.
2 videos | 8m has Assessment available Badge
Building and Leading Successful Teams
No one is an island, and this is particularly true in business. Success is dependent upon skilled, committed individuals coming together to achieve common goals. Building teams is essential to personal and organizational success. Whether your group is permanent or temporary, efficient and effective team leadership is essential. In this course, you'll learn methods for team building and team leadership. You'll also learn strategies for avoiding and mitigating team dysfunction and conflict. Finally, you'll learn how successfully leading teams is integral in the modern marketplace.
7 videos | 47m has Assessment available Badge Certification PMI PDU
Leadership Insights on Building & Leading Teams
Building and leading an often disparate group of people is a formidable challenge, but done correctly, teams offer numerous advantages. Find out when and why you need teams, as well as how to develop teams that are highly effective.
26 videos | 1h 5m available Badge
MIT SMR: Optimizing Productivity in a Time of Hybrid Work
Most of us are still experimenting with both time and place of work. We're flexing around the 9-to-5 notion of work and synchronicity, and we're flexing around the multiple locations we may find ourselves working in. How do we maintain productivity while adapting to this new flexibility?
1 video | 59m
MIT SMR: Managing the Post-Pandemic Workforce Empowerment vs. Oversight
As organizations prepare to lead their post-pandemic hybrid workforce, leaders face critical choices about how best to measure and monitor their workers' performance. Should leadership use new measurement technologies to double down on greater oversight? Or are these capabilities better deployed to empower workers? Our research suggests a growing divide between organizations that view enhanced measurement as enhanced control versus those that see metrics as a source of enhanced engagement with their workers. In this on-demand webinar, Michael Schrage, visiting scholar at MIT Sloan's Initiative on the Digital Economy, explores this global issue with David Kiron, editorial director of MIT SMR. Schrage and Kiron look at whether encouraging workers to opt into digital self-monitoring will lead them to see themselves in new ways.
1 video | 59m
MIT SMR: Managing Your Team's Child Care Crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic left many parents without the critical infrastructure needed to manage their work and family demands. The physical and mental burden placed on parents forced many - particularly moms - to significantly reduce their work hours, seek alternative employment, or drop out of the workforce altogether. These impacts have severe ramifications for organizations and our overall economy. In this webinar, the speakers discuss findings from recent research efforts that highlight the challenges facing working parents and opportunities for employers to better support their workers, recasting child care as essential infrastructure. Join speakers Jamie Ladge (associate professor of management, Northeastern University) and Tim Allen (CEO, and learn about: • New research findings from both the employer and worker perspective. • Ways organizations can amplify efforts to attract and retain working caregivers. • Creative solutions to solve the current working parent crisis.
1 video | 1h 1m
MIT SMR: Leading Teams in a Turbulent World: What Do I Do Now?
Businesses have worked in teams for years, but their approach to teamwork can make or break them. Today's turbulent environment - with rapid changes in technology and shifting economic and societal realities - has forced teams and organizations to reevaluate how they operate. X-teams were made for today. Their orientation spans both the internal organization and the external business ecosystem. They are nimbler and more innovative. And they distribute leadership effectively throughout the organization. In this webinar, author Deborah Ancona will review the challenges of successfully implementing the X-team collaboration model and describe the success factors common among high-performing X-teams.
1 video | 57m
Proven Tactics for Improving Teams' Psychological Safety, powered by MIT SMR
In this course, the authors explain the Experiment Design and the effectiveness of interventions in terms of increasing psychological safety in workplaces. They also provide some lessons from this experiment, which managers can apply in their own teams to drive behavioral change.
3 videos | 10m has Assessment available Badge
When Collaboration Fails and How to Fix It, powered by MIT SMR
In this course, the authors explain the six patterns of collaborative disfunction and how to fix these failures.
2 videos | 9m has Assessment available Badge
Workplace Toxicity Is Not Just a Mental Health Issue, powered by MIT SMR
Research indicates that the dramatic reckoning between health and social safety nets during the pandemic has affected almost everyone in the workplace. Many employees are feeling exhausted and think that their jobs are taking a lot out of them. Women leaders are demanding more from their work and are switching jobs at a higher rate than ever before. Within this group, women of color have suffered even more acutely, and some of them have shown signs of being physically sick from workplace stress. This course helps you to understand the toxic culture faced by women of color at work and the seven ways to improve an organization's workplace culture.
3 videos | 13m has Assessment available Badge
Synchronize Goals to Optimize Your Team
Most organizations have strategic plans that articulate their goals, but frequently, those goals are unknown to everyone except the executive team. This lack of transparency clouds the organization's ability to synchronize their goals and hobbles their ability to work successfully. In this course, you will learn how to synchronize organizational, team, and individual goals to maximize opportunities for success. You'll also explore how to get everyone on your team pulling in the same direction, reducing employee dissatisfaction and increasing productivity.
7 videos | 25m has Assessment available Badge


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MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Five Ways to Motivate Your Team with Empathy and Authority
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review discusses the five communication techniques you can use to build trust with, connect with, and motivate your employees during high-pressure times.
book Duration 3m book Authors By Nancy Duarte


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Building and Leading Teams
In this collection of articles from MIT Sloan Management Review, you'll discover the best ways to lead a team, and how managers identify the best individuals for specific positions--as well as the best methods for working with their groups.
book Duration 1h 25m book Authors By MIT Sloan Management Review


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Cross-Functional Collaboration
In this collection of articles from MIT Sloan Management Review, you'll learn how to improve your company's cross-functional collaboration and how you can leverage common goals and strategies to enhance it.
book Duration 26m book Authors By MIT Sloan Management Review


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Four Principles to Ensure Hybrid Work Is Productive Work
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review talks about how organizations have become more flexible about where and when employees work, but now must be more intentional about their choices and trade-offs.
book Duration 9m book Authors By Lynda Gratton


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on It's Time to Tackle Your Team's Undiscussables
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review talks about how subjects that are consciously or unwittingly deemed out of bounds come in four varieties and make it almost impossible for teams to function.
book Duration 16m book Authors By Ginka Toegel, Jean-Louis Barsoux


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Reimagining the Office for Immensely Human Interactions
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review talks about how companies have a unique opportunity to rebuild meaningful connections when employees return to in-person work.
book Duration 7m book Authors By Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, Maxim Sytch


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Can We Really Test People for Potential?
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review discusses the need for a more nuanced approach to predicting job performance.
book Duration 7m book Authors By Reb Rebele


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Older and Wiser? How Management Style Varies With Age
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review talks about how management styles differ with age.
book Duration 15m book Authors By Elena Tosca, Francesca Macchi, James Manktelow, Julian Birkinshaw , Vittorio D’Amato


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on How Office Seating Arrangements Can Boost the Bottom Line
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review reveals how one CEO believes where people sit is key to a company's success.
book Duration 3m book Authors By David Siegel


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Why Teams Still Need Leaders
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review provides an interview with Lindred (Lindy) Greer on team hierarchy.
book Duration 6m book Authors By Frieda Klotz, Lindred (Lindy) Greer


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Contextualizing the Office: How and Where Work Gets Done
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review discusses what the office will be like post Covid-19.
book Duration 4m book Authors By Martha Bird


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on New Ways to Gauge Talent and Potential
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review reveals how digital tools and methods can make the process of talent assessment easier and more precise.
book Duration 7m book Authors By Josh Bersin, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Creating Jobs and Workspaces That Energize People
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review reveals how exposure to the natural world can boost employees' cognitive, emotional, prosocial, and physical energy.
book Duration 8m book Authors By Anthony C. Klotz


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Get Things Done With Smaller Teams
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review reveals ten ways smaller, more agile teams can achieve greater productivity for the organization.
book Duration 6m book Authors By Chris DeBrusk


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Redesigning the Post-Pandemic Workplace
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review talks about how work as we know it is forever changed by COVID-19 and that now is the time for managers to envision the office that employees will return to.
book Duration 6m book Authors By Anh Phillips, Gerald C. Kane, Jonathan Copulsky, Rich Nanda


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Don't Let ‘Busy' Be Your Status
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review reveals that as counterintuitive as it may seem when work feels overwhelming and time feels scarce, the best thing to do is often to simply log off and get away.
book Duration 3m book Authors By Ally MacDonald


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on The New Economic Benefits of Older Workers
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review discusses how many countries with aging workers also have growing economic productivity and asks "What's behind this counterintuitive finding?"
book Duration 2m book Authors By Daron Acemoglu, Pascual Restrepo


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on 12 Essential Insights for Managing Teams
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review emphasis how good teams require good leaders who have vision and practiced skills. Leading effective teams today requires laying the groundwork for how team members and the wider organization will be successful.
book Duration 2m book Authors By Ally MacDonald


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on How to Increase Collaborative Productivity in a Pandemic
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review discusses how there is a major recession on the horizon and that executive focus will inevitably be on cutting costs and boosting productivity.
book Duration 4m book Authors By Lynda Gratton


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on How People Analytics Improves Employee Performance
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review analytics around human performance is increasingly of interest to organizations - here's how one company provides them.
book Duration 10m book Authors By Anh Nguyen Phillips, Ben Waber (Humanyze), interviewed by Gerald C. Kane


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on How to Lead Effective Cross-Functional Teams
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review focuses on three central tasks can help leaders foster better collaboration with cross-functional teams.
book Duration 3m book Authors By Chad Dyar


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Do Founder CEOs Tune Out Their Teams?
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review that founders need advice more than other managers do, but they are also more likely to ignore it.
book Duration 6m book Authors By Bradley Hendricks, Christopher Bingham, Travis Howell


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Fostering a Team-Oriented Culture at John Hancock
In this article from MIT Sloan Management Review, John Hancock's chief marketing officer describes how the legacy company is organizing for digital.
book Duration 7m book Authors By Barbara Goose


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Your People Need Care, Not a Battle Cry
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review reveals how we must change the language of war leaders are using to rally people in the fight against COVID-19.
book Duration 3m book Authors By Gianpiero Petriglieri


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Imaginary Time Travel as a Leadership Tool
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review a leader who used imaginary time travel was back in the 1990s, when a colleague and I did an 18-month ethnography research project at IDEO.
book Duration 4m book Authors By Robert Sutton


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on How to Lead a Self-Managing Team
In this article from MIT Sloan Management Review, you'll learn the role an external leader or supervisor plays in directing autonomous groups within an organization.
book Duration 16m book Authors By MIT Sloan Management Review


Misplaced Talent: A Guide to Making Better People Decisions
Deliberately challenging practitioners to do more, this insightful discussion takes a hard look at the cluttered field of Talent Management, and offers a clear guide to making better people decisions in any organization.
book Duration 3h 40m book Authors By Joe Ungemah


Committed Teams: Three Steps to Inspiring Passion and Performance
A practical book for building great teams, this concise guide identifies the common challenges that arise when people work together as a group and provides key guidance on breaking through the barriers to peak performance.
book Duration 3h 52m book Authors By Derek Newberry, Madeline Boyer, Mario Moussa


Strengths-Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow
Loaded with novel research, inspiring stories, and actionable ideas, this book identifies three keys to being an effective leader, and uses firsthand accounts from highly successful leaders to show how each person's unique talents can drive their success.
book Duration 2h 30m book Authors By Barry Conchie, Tom Rath


The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable
Using fiction, this book exemplifies the dysfunctional philosophies teams and team members grapple with, and how to avoid them.
book Duration 2h 20m book Authors By Patrick Lencioni


Extreme Teams: Why Pixar, Netflix, Airbnb, and Other Cutting-Edge Companies Succeed Where Most Fail
Times change, and so must teams. Designing and managing high-performance teams requires upgrading outdated beliefs and behaviors, and spurring a level of intensity and collaboration that lets them face down any challenge. This book will show you how.
book Duration 4h 50m book Authors By Robert Bruce Shaw


Choosing to Change: An Alternative Understanding of Change Management
Using narrative accounts of how people interact with change and how they respond to the challenges presented by it, this book tackles how our expectations of the future will determine the choices made and is a vital tool for managers, practitioners and advanced management students.
book Duration 3h 4m book Authors By David Bentley


Divide or Conquer: How Great Teams Turn Conflict Into Strength
In Divide or Conquer, author Diana McLain Smith offers a pragmatic outlook and the tools needed to help you get your relationships back on track when they go off course. In this Review, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
book Duration 5m book Authors By Diana McLain Smith


Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
Authored by two retired Navy SEALs, Extreme Ownership presents a master course in leadership, demonstrating that an effective leader must take ownership of everything the team does and everything that happens to the team. In this Review, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
book Duration 7m book Authors By Jocko Willink, Leif Babin


The Dichotomy of Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and Win
In The Dichotomy of Leadership, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin illustrate the central role a leader plays in determining the accomplishment of any team. In this Review, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
book Duration 7m book Authors By Jocko Willink, Leif Babin


The 5 Levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential
The 5 Levels of Leadership offers a unique perspective on the progressive nature of leadership, and offers advice on growing your influence as you climb up the leadership ladder. In this Review, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
book Duration 5m book Authors By John C. Maxwell


MIT Sloan Management Review Article on The Control Function of Management
This article from MIT Sloan Management Review explains about management control fucntions.
book Duration 22m book Authors By Kenneth A. Merchan


The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues a Leadership Fable
Organized around the fictional story of a leader desperate to save his company by cracking the code on the virtues that define a true team player, this book presents a powerful framework and easy-to-use tools for identifying, hiring, and developing ideal team players in any kind of organization.
book Duration 2h 27m book Authors By Patrick Lencioni


The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate The Three Essential Virtues
The Ideal Team Player introduces the essential reasons for being a team player and why in this global, fluid workplace environment we all face, it's more important than ever. In this Summary, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
book Duration 9m book Authors By Patrick Lencioni


Lead Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide Their Teams to Exceptional Results
Through simple frameworks brought to life with stories from the trenches, this book gives leaders a way to get the best out of their teams by focusing their energy where it will make the biggest difference.
book Duration 2h 51m book Authors By Mike Figliuolo, Victor Prince


The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork: Embrace Them and Empower Your Team
Containing laws that you can count on when it comes to getting people to work together, this book is illustrated with great stories of team leaders-and team breakers-from history, business, the church, and sports.
book Duration 3h 41m book Authors By John C. Maxwell


Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition
Presenting the tools you need to conquer life's most difficult and important conversations, this book will help you speak your mind safely and gently, yet powerfully and effectively, and achieve positive outcomes.
book Duration 3h 46m book Authors By Al Switzler, Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, Ron McMillan



Who's in the Room? How Great Leaders Structure and Manage the Teams Around Them
Who's in the Room provides a corrective view of the proper role of the SMT and a map of modern corporations' organizational changes and outcomes needed to compete in the 21st century marketplace. In this Review, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 11m 9s audiobook Authors By Bob Frisch


Strengths-Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow
Strengths-Based Leadership proposes a new way of looking at the relationship between leadership and individual strengths. In this Review, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 11m 53s audiobook Authors By Barry Conchie, Tom Rath


Lead Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide Their Teams to Exceptional Results
This audio edition gives leaders a way to get the best out of their teams by focusing their energy where it will make the biggest difference.
audiobook Duration 6h 6m 54s audiobook Authors By Mike Figliuolo, Victor Prince


Companies Don't Succeed, People Do: 50 Ways to Motivate Your Team
This audio edition will show you how to create a clear path to success with an efficient and collaborative team. Share your vision and engage with your team members to create an environment that promotes and promises success!
audiobook Duration 52m 31s audiobook Authors By Bob Nelson


Make the SHIFT: The Proven Five-Step Plan to Success for Corporate Teams
This audio edition presents a proven, five-step method that takes businesses where they need to go in these uncertain economic times.
audiobook Duration 3h 46m 46s audiobook Authors By Beverly D. Flaxington


Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
Authored by two retired Navy SEALs, Extreme Ownership presents a master course in leadership, demonstrating that an effective leader must take ownership of everything the team does and everything that happens to the team. In this Review, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 14m 48s audiobook Authors By Jocko Willink, Leif Babin


The Dichotomy of Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and Win
In The Dichotomy of Leadership, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin illustrate the central role a leader plays in determining the accomplishment of any team. In this Review, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 14m 40s audiobook Authors By Jocko Willink, Leif Babin


The 5 Levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential
The 5 Levels of Leadership offers a unique perspective on the progressive nature of leadership, and offers advice on growing your influence as you climb up the leadership ladder. In this Review, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 9m 19s audiobook Authors By John C. Maxwell


The Harvard Business Review Leader's Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
This audio edition provides concise explanations of proven leadership frameworks from Harvard Business Review contributors.
audiobook Duration 8h 55m 43s audiobook Authors By Brook Manville, Ron Ashkenas


The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate The Three Essential Virtues
The Ideal Team Player introduces the essential reasons for being a team player and why in this global, fluid workplace environment we all face, it's more important than ever. In this Summary, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 18m 16s audiobook Authors By Patrick Lencioni


Leading Your Team
Great teams don't come together by accident. Successful leaders know that putting together an efficient and effective team requires planning, forethought, honest assessment, and a little trial and error. And once you've put the team together, then comes the work of coaching, motivating, and managing them. In this Leading Your Team Unit benchmark, you'll have the opportunity to see where your team building, and team leading skills currently stand and learn where you can further develop and refine your abilities to lead your team to success. This benchmark evaluates your understanding of this topic. Being aware of potential knowledge gaps allows you to better understand your current competency and areas for improvement, so you can find suitable content and curate your own learning path. The courses recommended at the end of this benchmark can help you fill potential gaps in your knowledge.
6m    |   6 questions